Again, we are ambassadors to our local church, and more importantly,Jesus Christ......we represent Him. Now, if someone is out getting drunk, running from the law, getting put into prison, apparently living in sin, what local church would want them for an ambassador? I wouldn't. Look, convincing sinners to come to Christ for salvation is hard enough, w/o openly keeping "wolves" amongst our flocks.
Wherever I go, I am an ambassador for the Little Martha church. I am thankful that they looked past my many shortcomings, and took me in as a charter member, May 2, 2009. I don't want to do anything to bring reproach upon Little Martha, neither the name of Jesus Christ. If someone had an allegation against me....i.e. spreading lies, I would call for a special business meeting PRONTO(even if it was on a wednesday night), and tell them what was being said.
When someone has done what Brother Baker stated happened to that fellow, and was offered a chance to come before the church, explain himself, and ask for forgiveness, and he refused, then he put his head on the chopping block himself. He excluded himself, imo.
Wherever I go, I am an ambassador for the Little Martha church. I am thankful that they looked past my many shortcomings, and took me in as a charter member, May 2, 2009. I don't want to do anything to bring reproach upon Little Martha, neither the name of Jesus Christ. If someone had an allegation against me....i.e. spreading lies, I would call for a special business meeting PRONTO(even if it was on a wednesday night), and tell them what was being said.
When someone has done what Brother Baker stated happened to that fellow, and was offered a chance to come before the church, explain himself, and ask for forgiveness, and he refused, then he put his head on the chopping block himself. He excluded himself, imo.