CCM or Christian Rock --- music, ect - start a new thread -
Lets get back to the OP -
Church members who have not been attending
When visitors come, only a few in the congregation greet them. I think they'd feel encouraged to come back, more so, if more people greeted them. Not sure how I'd get that going, since the Pastor rarely asks for us to greet new people. But, remember, we only have 15 regulars attending, including members.
I'm the only Usher/Greeter. Try to always give out a packet of information to a visitor, including a pen to put down their phone number and email. Then the Pastor or Associate Pastor would contact them. It seems like they follow through only once.
Some Church members that have left, said they did not feel like they could serve here. They went to another Baptist Church, a Mega-Church, and found lots of opportunities to serve there.
This is very sad. The Pastor recently started some small groups that he and his wife teach. In the past, they could have done this by using the Church members that left: the husband went to the same Bible college as the Pastor, and preached on a few Sundays to give the Pastor a rest. He had wanted to do more. (This was before the Associate Pastor arrived.)
I realize that members leaving to perform more service, is not the typical reason why members leave. Some feel that the Mega-Churches have better speakers, and a greater variety of classes; but, for me, I prefer the intimacy of a small Church.