I would like to tell you something on KJV.
First of all, I am not King James Version Onlylist. I used KJV all the times, because, I consider KJV is more close to Greek and Hebrew translation than any Versions(Bibles), also, it is more classical grammar and words of (past,present, and future tenses) as KJV comes from 1611 Authorized Version. I do have 1611 A.V. with me.
When we notice in Mark 16:16 says, "believETH", it is a present tense word means, 'believing'. It does not say, 'believED' in KJV. If suppose, KJV of Mark 16:16 would say: 'believed', then it means past tense word, and it proves that, onced believed is an automatically already saved at once.
But, KJV does not saying, "believED", because it is not a one time event. It is just beginning of Christian life.
Now, let's notice in KJV Mark 16:16 says, "baptizED", it shows that, it is a past tense. It tells us that, baptized is a ONE time event in our Christian life. We don't have to baptized again.
Today, some religions like, Assembly of God, Church of Christ, and EVEN, some Baptist churches are doing re-baptize again. Re-baptizing is unbiblical.
Baptism is a one time event.
Throughout in the New Testament of KJV on 'believeth' always is a present tense. Nowhere in N.T. KJV saying of 'believed' as a one time event of once saved always saved doctrine. Even, in Romans 10:9-13, in this context passage does not show of past tense word, such as 'confess', 'shalt believe', 'believeth', these are present tense word.
Romans 10:9-13 speaking of the promise to us, IF anyone who will believe, confess with mouth and heart to call upon the Lord, WILL be saved. This does not mean that when ONCE we did believed, confessed, called upon the Lord, then we are already automatically already saved at once for good. No. This passage tells us in our currently lifetime, that we must endure professing toward people that we are not ashamed tell them that we do literally believe that God already rasied Christ from the dead with our mouth and heart while we are still alive same time. Also, in other word, while we are still alive, we should continue with our prayer commuciate with the Lord with our confession keep in believing on Christ all the times till we died.
Also, there is another passage with the example of Romans 10:9-10 on "confess", it refers with Matt. 10:32-33.
in Matt. 10:32-33, Jesus said, "Whosoever therefore shall CONFESS me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven."
This passage was written apply to us as Christians, not unsaved. This passage deals with facing persecution before people. If suppose, you are in a reality faced with people who is perscuting you at same time, they would say to you, "Are you a Christian?" What IF you feel fear inside your feeling and sensitive, and do not want to admit tell the honest while faced them at same time, do not want to face death. Instead, telling the lie to them, "No, I am not Christian." Then, they will stop persecute and will elave you alive. BUT, you DENY Jesus.
In 2 Timothy 2:12 says: "IF we suffer, we shall also reign with him: (or) IF we deny him, he also will DENY us." This verse tells us of conditional life that we are facing the reality. When facing persecution, have to endure it with suffer all the way till our death, then we shall reign with Christ. "Reign" does not mean that we will reign with Christ for 1,000 years on earth-millennial kingdom. "Reign" is a picture of have ETERNAL LIFE with Christ as overcomer.
OR, what if we facing persecution same time, do not want to be suffer, as we would saying to them, "No, I am not a Christian". Then, Christ will DENY(reject) us! That means, He would not own us at the end.
Look to Rev. 3:5 as Christ said: "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot his name out of the book of life, but I will CONFESS his name before my Father, and before his angels."
I better stop this post, it already long. I am continue discuss in the next post.
In Christ
Rev. 22:20 -Amen!