New Member
I was almost same samilar in your shoe of my testimony of salvation.
I was a Lutheran. Also, I was baptism as infant baby at Lutheran church. No one witness me how to be saved while myself was a Lutheran as grew up. I did know Jesus, when I looked at the picture of Jesus hang on wall at Lutheran church when I was age 3. I learned that Jesus rose on Easter when I was age around 7 or 8. I did believe in Jesus with my heart since I was age 7 or 8. I attended Confirmation class at Lutheran School for the Deaf in Detroit, when I was age 12. I learned in confirmation class so FAST. I was a top student in the confirmation class. I got so many A's on tests. I understood them so well. During in the confirmation class, pastor did taught us about baptism. He said that baptism now do saves us as he quoted 1 Peter 3:21. I thought pastor was correct on 1 Peter 3:21 that baptism saved us. Years later when I attended baptist church in Rochester, NY. They told me of 1 Peter 3:21 is a 'symbol' or 'type'. Therefore, I agreed with them on 1 Peter 3:21. Anyway, Pastor did mentioned us of water baptism with the picture of bowl with water on wood puplit uses for infant baptism. I learned from his teaching. Rarely when, he seems did mentioned on Romans 10:9-10. But, not much at all. He did mentioned on John 3:16 so well. I thought Lutheran teaching infant baptism is a truth. But, later, I found that I strong disagree with Lutheran on infant baptism, because it is unbiblical.
In 1984, I graduated Confirmation class. Then I attended Model Secondary School for the deaf in Washington D.C. Suddenly, I drafted away from the Lord so quickly. As I became forget God. Truly, during in my teen years, I did stopped believing in God for a SHORT time in year 1987.
While in high school, I love to draw picture of future things like skycrapers, houses, spaceships. Because, "Star Wars" was my favorite movie. That why I love futurisic things. I was goal to become architect during in high school.
One day, during in the very early spring of 1988. I started to wondering what will happen to the earth, America, and USSR(Russia) during in the 'Cold War' era in the future, and what will happen at the end of the world. One day, my mind appeared, I remembered of my old confirmation notebook, want to look at list of books in Bible, which book tells the future. It told me that book named Revelation, which tell the details of future things. Then, I put confirmation notebook away. And I started to read Revelation in "Good News Bible"(Today's English Version). Guess what? I never forget in late of April 1988, on one night, I read throughout WHOLE Revelation for 4 hours!!! But I was overwhlemed it, I do not understand them. It was too hard for me to read and understand. But I do not give up.
The next day, I went to vocational school, in drafting class. I did talked with an intepreter, she is a Christian and baptist. She uses KJV in the class. I asked her, lot of questions on Revelation. She taught me alot on end times. I learned from her on 'rapture', 'tribulation period', 'Israel', 'Russia', Ezekiel 38 and 39, 666, antichrist, wrath, Second coming, millennial, great white throne, earth will be burned, new earth and New jerusalem, etc.... Also, she did mentioned me of Hal Lindsey and Jack Van Impe too. I did read many Hal Lindsey book. I did purchased Hal Lindsey's book- "The Rapture". But, honest, it was overwhelmed me, I do not understand it. Hal Lindsey, himself is pretrib.
But, I was not give up on Revelation of Bible. I have been reading throughout Revelation again and again many times. I started to understand them by little bit to bit.
This post is already long. I better stop. I will continue in next post.
In Christ
Rev. 22:20 -Amen!
I was almost same samilar in your shoe of my testimony of salvation.
I was a Lutheran. Also, I was baptism as infant baby at Lutheran church. No one witness me how to be saved while myself was a Lutheran as grew up. I did know Jesus, when I looked at the picture of Jesus hang on wall at Lutheran church when I was age 3. I learned that Jesus rose on Easter when I was age around 7 or 8. I did believe in Jesus with my heart since I was age 7 or 8. I attended Confirmation class at Lutheran School for the Deaf in Detroit, when I was age 12. I learned in confirmation class so FAST. I was a top student in the confirmation class. I got so many A's on tests. I understood them so well. During in the confirmation class, pastor did taught us about baptism. He said that baptism now do saves us as he quoted 1 Peter 3:21. I thought pastor was correct on 1 Peter 3:21 that baptism saved us. Years later when I attended baptist church in Rochester, NY. They told me of 1 Peter 3:21 is a 'symbol' or 'type'. Therefore, I agreed with them on 1 Peter 3:21. Anyway, Pastor did mentioned us of water baptism with the picture of bowl with water on wood puplit uses for infant baptism. I learned from his teaching. Rarely when, he seems did mentioned on Romans 10:9-10. But, not much at all. He did mentioned on John 3:16 so well. I thought Lutheran teaching infant baptism is a truth. But, later, I found that I strong disagree with Lutheran on infant baptism, because it is unbiblical.
In 1984, I graduated Confirmation class. Then I attended Model Secondary School for the deaf in Washington D.C. Suddenly, I drafted away from the Lord so quickly. As I became forget God. Truly, during in my teen years, I did stopped believing in God for a SHORT time in year 1987.
While in high school, I love to draw picture of future things like skycrapers, houses, spaceships. Because, "Star Wars" was my favorite movie. That why I love futurisic things. I was goal to become architect during in high school.
One day, during in the very early spring of 1988. I started to wondering what will happen to the earth, America, and USSR(Russia) during in the 'Cold War' era in the future, and what will happen at the end of the world. One day, my mind appeared, I remembered of my old confirmation notebook, want to look at list of books in Bible, which book tells the future. It told me that book named Revelation, which tell the details of future things. Then, I put confirmation notebook away. And I started to read Revelation in "Good News Bible"(Today's English Version). Guess what? I never forget in late of April 1988, on one night, I read throughout WHOLE Revelation for 4 hours!!! But I was overwhlemed it, I do not understand them. It was too hard for me to read and understand. But I do not give up.
The next day, I went to vocational school, in drafting class. I did talked with an intepreter, she is a Christian and baptist. She uses KJV in the class. I asked her, lot of questions on Revelation. She taught me alot on end times. I learned from her on 'rapture', 'tribulation period', 'Israel', 'Russia', Ezekiel 38 and 39, 666, antichrist, wrath, Second coming, millennial, great white throne, earth will be burned, new earth and New jerusalem, etc.... Also, she did mentioned me of Hal Lindsey and Jack Van Impe too. I did read many Hal Lindsey book. I did purchased Hal Lindsey's book- "The Rapture". But, honest, it was overwhelmed me, I do not understand it. Hal Lindsey, himself is pretrib.
But, I was not give up on Revelation of Bible. I have been reading throughout Revelation again and again many times. I started to understand them by little bit to bit.
This post is already long. I better stop. I will continue in next post.
In Christ
Rev. 22:20 -Amen!