Well-Known Member
I don't believe I have said that Darby is the father of the "parenthesis" Church I have said:The Holy Spirit lead me to the Truth I have read very little of what Darby taught so I am not sure what he wrote. You claim he taught a Parenthesis church and I said post what he wrote and where he said it you haven't.
Darby is the father of pre-trib-dispensationalism whether you like it or not. And pre-trib-dispensationalism is the mother of the "parenthesis" Church whether you like it or not! Check out my thread "Out of Whose Womb"!
Just because you don't believe it that way doesn't mean it is in error, yours may in be in error. I know that all my sins were confessed and I was filled with the Spirit as I studied and He not you lead or any other Pastor brought me to this truth.
I know my Dad after fervent prayer to be lead to greater truths was lead to the Pre-Trib vies. So you tell me when a Christian ask the Holy Spirit in Fervent prayer to guide him to the truth would the Spirit lead to error?
No the Holy Spirit would not lead one into error but all who have introduced error into the Church claim the leading of the Holy Spirit. I have also said God did not leave his Church ignorant of the concept of the pre-trib-"snatching away" of the Church for 1800 years.