According to God's very words, there will be a thousand years when Christ will rule from the throne of His father David.
Jesus proved this when He had John write Revelation.
Please see Revelation 20:3-7.
That's why it's called "Revelation" Dave, because the Lord Jesus Christ had revealed many end-time truths to His servants via His apostles John.
This is my last reply to you on this subject on this forum, sir.
If you choose to reject the words on the page, I'm sorry.
But I still stand on the words as being literal, not figurative.
I also stand on the prophecies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel as foretelling a time when the Lord Jesus shall rule the nations with a rod of iron, until all of His enemies be made His footstool.
If that is a "fairy tale" to you, then I reason that you probably won't believe many of the other "fairy tales" of God's word, either.
But I truly hope that you do, because the words on the page are
worth believing.
Even though to us as men, they describe some very hard-to-believe things like God becoming a man and being born of a woman who had never "known" a man, I still believe them.
I also believe that there will one day come a man ( very soon now ) who will look like Christ to all that are undiscerning, and he will rule for 3.5 years until Christ comes in the clouds to take His rightful throne at Jerusalem...splitting the Mount of Olives in half, making a valley out of its peak.
It's all in the Bible, Dave...
Where do you think I read it?
I wish you well, sir, and I truly hope you take all of His words to heart.