I have been saved 18 years. I got saved in and through the IFB church . I was at the church I got saved in for years, then hopped to a more contemporary ifb church, then back to the conservative one. Then I tried the " new life" non denominational church once or twice , didn't take me long to rule that one out. After that I was in the Armenian Apostolic church for 5 years without wavering. Then two years ago I tried going back to the contemporary IFB church but realized it was too much like a rock concert for me, loud, wild, and just weird. I attended a grace church( not reformed) and I like that one a lot, then went back to the conservative Baptist church in Sept of 2012. Every now and then I just get tired of it and go to a service at the grace church,right near my house, or I will go to a Christian fellowship . Can you see where I am going with this? I am happy for a short time and then I want to leave. Today the thought came to mind that perhaps, since I am single (divorced 8 years) that I just DONT LIKE GOING TO CHURCH ALONE. I like to go with my daughter and her family. They go to a fellowship church. I just don't know anymore and I am about to give up on all churches and just read my bible and live for Christ without going to a church building. It makes no sense for me to go, I only end up leaving it anyway