Uh no its not. It is about being forced to go against their sincerely held religious beliefs.
JW's do not believe in blood transfusions and that is their sincere religious belief. Yet they are forced to give them to their children if needed.They are using the Lord! No one is called to marry people. Some real Christians do not believe in medial held. Prayer only yet they can be forced to have medical treatment by the government.
These two people are trying to justify their lawlessness in the name of Christ and they are in sin. Their sincerity means nothing when it is sincerely wrong and they are wrong. As a business we do not have the right to refuse service to people based on this lifestyle as long as their lifestyle is legal. They are not called to marry people so this is not a ministry or part of their calling. This is a business and they have to serve everyone like it or not. If they do not like it get out of that business.
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