Logos1560,Can you demonstrate that your stated belief is the truth?
Does a consistent application of your claim suggest that the actual textual criticism that lies behind the making of the KJV would steal the words of God?
Do you ignore the fact that the makers of the KJV used multiple, textually-varying sources in their textual-criticism decisions, Bible-revision decisions, and translation decisions?
I address that in the post. I invite you to read it with an open mind not answering a matter before you've heard it.
The "textual criticism" of the 1600's was not like the exalted empiricism taking place in the mid to late 1800's after Darwinism infected scholarship. Our modern bibles are the result of empiricism applied to preservation; where the King James Version predated this unequal yoking. The Authorized Version sought to revise and diligently compare the former translations in other languages to produce a more exact translation in English. They did not create a new text based upon analyzing probable scribal habits and dating Greek manuscript ages. There was no classification of text types during this time (Byzantine, Alexandrian, Caesarian, Western). The dedication of the Authorized Version states- “that out of the Original Sacred Tongues, together with comparing of the labours, both in our own, and other foreign Languages, of many worthy men who went before us” they would produce “one more exact Translation of the holy Scriptures into the English tongue”. The new bibles are translating texts newly assembled from the latest advances in scribal habit analysis.
Modern "textual criticism" starts with science (falsely so called), presupposing a non-Christian view of science, and concluding with varying texts. In other words instead of the fear of the LORD being the beginning of knowledge- knowledge leads to a fear of the LORD. It reverses what the bible actually states. The new bibles are all founded upon this contradiction.