Have you watched the video I posted? Thoughts?
I did. There are things I really like about the video (especially union and reconciliation).
I agree with the video that there are truths in all views, and if I understood him correctly that no one view really encompass the totality of Christ's work.
But there is still an issue. In a way he is taking a position similar to Warren on the other thread. No one there is completely right, but he provides no real solution except a type of compromise.
My issue with him is that he is not really discussing the theories. He is doing what many often do (and what I often did). Each theory does point out biblical truths, even Penal Substitution Theory. BUT when you go outside of the Classic view they actually contradict one another.
Here is what I mean - within the Classic view each theory focuses on some point but not at the exclusion of another view. Recapitulation, for example, presents Christ as in effect walking through Adam's life doing right what he failed. The Moral Influence and Random theories can sit side by side. Augustine's atonement view was Recapitulation and Ransom Theory. The Orthodox Church holds Moral Influence and Recapitulation.
BUT all of the theories under the Classic View oppose the theories under the Latin View.
Under the Latin View each theory (Satisfaction Theory, Substitution Theory, Ontological Substitution, and Penal Substitution Theory) directly opposed each other. Either they are all wrong and we try to pick out what we agree with or only one of them is correct.