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Common Ground Coffee House #101

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Aug 19, 2006.

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  1. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Hey! May I join you all in a cuppa - although my cuppa is a cup of Tetlea British Tea. :D It's after dinner here and I'm just relaxing for a few minutes while my teen girls clean the kitchen (praise the Lord, I have to say!!) and then I'm settling in to watch some TV to veg - I'm really tired for some reason! I saw the eye doctor today because last week I came down with a callous on my eye and it could be pretty serious but the steroid drops have worked and I'm 90% better. I'm so glad but it can come back - it's possibly one of those chronic things. NOT fun - I'm so squeemish when it comes to my eyes. LOL!!

  2. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Truck ridin dogs huh??? Sounds like southern hounds to me. When Sam happens to get out of her pen & don't want to be obediant that works for me too. Just open the door & say the word ride...she's in & ready to go!!
    Just to let yuns know, BH ain't doing too good. Lost a bunch of weight, though she's gained a bit back. Been having seizures too. I've been tryin diffrent things diet wise but not much improvement yet. She still plays most of the time but she looks pitiful rite now.
    Agee's been sick too, with a cough she can't seem to shake. If it wasn't for her asthma I wouldn't worry too much but that just makes it worse.
    Me???aw, I'm ok, cept for a bad wrist. Had to start wearin one of those support bandages when I'm doing much liftin. Figure I'm just gettin OLD!!
  3. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Preacher - what's up with the wrist? I have carpal tunnel and I have something that works wonders for it but I'm not sure if that's what's wrong with you.
  4. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    That may be part of it but I tend to think more about arthritis. I'm not on the puter near as much as I used to be, but too it may aggrivate it. My left hand seems to be fine though so like I said...may just be my years catchin up with me!!
  5. Oasis

    Oasis New Member

    Sep 16, 2006
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    Good morning all!

    Hey preacher, is that a Mississippi squirrel on your post?

    I hear Mississippi squirrels are good at putting churches back on the straight and narrow!:laugh:
  6. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning Everyone!

    Coffee's fresh, water is hot and there are sausage bisquits in the oven keeping warm.

    Welcome to the Coffee house Annsni and Oasis!

    Preacher, sounds like ya'll are doing a sick round at your house. I'll be praying.

    We're going to be doin the doctor thing here today (and again tomorrow, but for something different). Kids are 2 and 3 days into this migraine so it's time for a shot to hopefully break them up. The only question is whether or not I feel bad enough to get one for my back. It's too early for me to decide cause I haven't moved around enough yet.

    Gotta go get T put together and pour some coffee. He's got a 7:30 meeting this morning so he's gotta be gettin!
  7. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Welcome to the CH Annsni and Oasis!

    Good morning all!

    Seems like the 'sicklys' are making the rounds. I have a consulatation with a dermotolgist surgeon tomorrow and will have to undergo local surgery (and possibly some reconstruction) October 3rd, to remove a melanoma on my nose, that came back after being removed the first time.

    I wish we had more specialists in our town. I really dislike driving out of town to have 'procedures' done! Especially since my dizziness is still with me (much better though).

    It is in the low 40's here this morning. Today is the first day of Fall so I guess we should expect it, but I'm not ready. Shawna was 'freezing' last evening, so I broke down and turned the furnace on for her. I sure hate to start paying a high utility bill this early...

    Thanks for the sausage busquits, Cindi! I believe I'll have one right now...

    HAGD all!
  8. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Nah....BH is a Carolina squirrel all the way, though she is Baptist,....how do i know? I baptized HER!!! Sides with the appitite she usually has she couldn't be anything else. I have thought about taking her to church but.....well...she can be kinda not friendly to strangers at times so I leave her here.
    Gotta go get some papers!! Have a Blessed day!!! Thanks MK!!
  9. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Thanks for the welcome!

    Today is relatively quiet here. DD3 is at preschool at our church (she loves it there), DD14 and DD16 are at the high school and DS5 is doing his school work at the kitchen table (I homeschool him - and I homeschooled the girls through 8th grade). After lunch and I pick up the preschooler, we have the little one's dentist appointment and then I just have to do some cleaning around here and try to finish up my IHIP for the school district (tell them what my plan of education is for this year). I have a migraine too (yuck) so I'm going to just try to lay a little low today. I MAY, if I feel up to it, take DS5 to our new Wednesday night program at church called KidStuf - I know he'll love it but my migraine might not.

    Preacher, is that squirrel a pet of yours? If so, that's so cool! I love animals, although we're just down to one little bunny now.

  10. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Good morning from Canada! Picked the lone pear from my new pear tree yesterday. Now we have the fight at our house. Wife gets half, daughter gets the other half, and I get to pick it....Sure hope the tree yields more next year.

    Careful trying new sites. I tried one recently and it went well until the insults toward Canada started. I just don't know what drives some people, especially on Christian sites. At least most here are not so critical.

    Preacher, did you ever get that book I mentioned about caring for squirrels? I thought it would help with your home veterinary care.

    It is almost jumper weather here these days. At least the short trousers have been shelved until next year........Can summer be long away?

    Cheers everyone, and keep looking up...ain't nothing but dirt below.

  11. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    LOL Jim! I have carpet below me. :D I'd be really down if I could see the dirt! :laugh:

    Two kids, two shots, one's alseep, the other's better enough to do school work. Medicine can be a wonderful thing!

    And, I slipped down the candy isle so there is a bag of Heath bars and some candy corn on the counter. Jim, there is a bag of sugar free Reese's cups too. I had an ache in my sweet tooth!

    Gotta go through together some sloppy joes for supper and get ready for church. Jenna's group is singing in 'big' church tonight.

    Annsni, your schedule sounds awfully familiar, except I only have 3 kids. (8, 11, 14) I don't know how you do it with a migraine though. I get whiney and refuse to do anything just because my back hurts! ;)

    Ya'll have a good evening!
  12. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    It's so long between posts I had to go back and see what I said.........

    Don't get carpet burns then.....:smilewinkgrin:


  13. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Annsni...BH is more family than a pet, though I tend to think I'm her pet at times! I've had her bout two & a half years & shes the best critter I.ve ever had the privilige of raising.
    Jim, I looked at that book, just didn't have the money to order it, we've been doing good to just keep the regular bills paid. Not complainin, at all. The Lord still provides what we need, & thats just fine with us. I'm trying to fix up a 87 Cavalier to use on the route, whole lot better on gas than the Ranger. That will help once I get it roadworthy.
    I found a website that is just for squirrel people, they even have rehabbers as members that will try to help with medical stuff. They tend to think it's missing vitamins, or minerals or such with her having the seizures so I keep trying different stuff. Her energy level has improved, she's still just skinny. I found some moss (can't remember the type name) that me & daddy used to collect when I was a kid to sell to a medical outfit that made some kind of medicine out of it. It seems to have helped some, & I put her a peice of oak in her cage & shes bout eat all the bark off of it.
    Well gotta run do some stuff fore it's time to get papers. Cheack back when I get some time!!! Have a Blessed Day Ya'll!!
  14. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    It is another cool Autumn day with rain called for the next couple of days.

    I have to drive to Springfield today for my consultation with the dermatologist surgeon before I have the actual surgery done October 3rd.

    I really hate that "C" word! It brings so much pain and sorrow to so many people - affecting all those around them!

    Brent had his first Spanish lesson yesterday and we're practicing together. I didn't realize that they said the color first (as opposed to last) when describing something. We say "grey elephant", they say "elepante grees". "Our" first assignment is learning our colors and animals (and of course please and thank you).

    Time for coffee.

  15. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Morning Everybody,

    Sue- You are in my prayers for your upcoming surgery. I agree I hate the "C" word too, but always remember that God is the Great Physician, and you are his precious child.

    I brought in some Cranberry and Sausage Quiche to go with your coffee, and made some hot banana bread for those who don't care for quiche.

    Cool this morning here, but supposed to warm up to mid-60s today. No doubt about it Fall is on the way.

    It's going to be a lazy day around here today. Grandkids are in school, and I've got to get the housework, and laundry done.
  16. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Good afternoon all - I just can't get here in the mornings. It's just too busy to get on the computer and get way-layed.

    This morning, we had a birthday party to go to for a friend's 2 year old. It was at the park and it's a beautiful sunny day so it was so nice. The only fly in the ointment, so to speak, is the migraine I've had for days now. I finally called my favorite doctor (honestly - I'm not kidding) - my OB/Gyn and he called in a prescription for Imitrex for me. I called him because I think this is cycle related (sorry guys) and I've been able to manage my migraines with just ibuprophen for the last 25 years but now it just won't touch these (it still works for any other migraine, though). I knew that he wouldn't require me to come in today - he's fine to just call in something like that (I DO see him regularly, though, so this is not an irresponsible thing to do). So, I'll run out in a bit and pick it up - and enjoy the fruits of building a relationship with a doctor! ;)

    I'm supposed to go horseback riding after the teens get home from school but I'm just not up for it - I have to call my friend who owns Whirl and let her know. I'll try to make it up on Saturday morning, maybe, if I can get my house cleaned before then. We have our cell group coming for dinner Saturday night and this place has slowly been going downhill since the migraine hit so........

    Preacher - that's so cool about you having that squirrel. I think they are so adorable and I love to watch them at my bird feeder (no, I don't chase them away) and I'll also buy special food for them just so we can watch them. We've had as many as 18 on our patio at one time - it's so fun to watch them chase each other around! LOL! I've taken care of other wildlife but never squirrels - but I'd do it in a heartbeat if given the opportunity.

  17. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Evening Everyone!

    What a day! Got up to only one kid with a migraine. :) Unfortunately the one kid with a migraine was Cass and she had an appointment with her arthritis doc in B'ham this afternoon. We got good news there, though. If she stays stable another 6 months and doesn't have any major flare ups, we won't have to go anymore! Yea!!!! He thinks our primary care doc can deal with her from there on out. (Need Sue's dancing banana here)

    Been a very good day. Now if we could just get the migraines under control, life would be close to normal again. :D You know life can't be completely normal when you live in a cave with a menagerie! :laugh:

    See ya around!
  18. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Last time I checked, I think I saw Sue peeling that banana.:godisgood:

    Keep looking up and all will be well.


  19. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Ack!!! Poor banana! :( :smilewinkgrin:
  20. Oasis

    Oasis New Member

    Sep 16, 2006
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    Posted by Preacher
    Hi Preacher:wavey:

    I read your post to my wife and she fired 82 questions at me. Ready?

    What does BH stand for?

    Male or female(the squirrel)?

    How did you get BH?

    What's wrong with BH?

    Did you immerse or sprinkle?:laugh:

    What kind of Baptist squirrel is BH?

    She will probably think up more questions for me to ask.:type:

    I haven't been through North Carolina since I was a kid. I do remember it was a beautiful state.

    Have a great day!:godisgood:
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