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Common Ground Coffee House #105

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jan 3, 2007.

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  1. Melanie

    Melanie Active Member
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    Nov 21, 2002
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    Urk eating cold hotdogs.....almost as nauseous as eating donuts:tonofbricks:
  2. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Donuts??? They are one of the staples here at the Coffee House. :laugh:

    Good morning all,

    I cheated. I slept in my bed last night - couldn't take the couch any longer. Actually, if I counted hours instead of days, I did 'keep' my 7 days...

    I slept SO good with NO dizziness! PTL!!! :godisgood:

    I am usually up before 4:00. Brent gets up for school at 6:00 and I cook his breakfast. He got up at 6:00 as usual but I didn't get up at 4:00.

    He bumped into something and it woke me up at 6:15. Unheard of for ME to sleep in! Half of the day is gone! :BangHead:

    Anyway, he was eating cereal for breakfast. He said I deserved a good sleep so he didn't want to wake me. :love2:

    Time for hot chocolate,
  3. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Morning Everybody,

    Great News Sue!!

    My Wife is going to Houston, and Lufkin TX the end of next month to visit her Uncle and Cousins. Her Uncle is Pastor of a Baptist church east of Lufkin,TX. She'll be gone for a week, so it'll just be the G-kids and me. I don't travel well, so I'm pretty much a homebody.

    I brought in Eggs, Hashbrowns, Bacon, and Homemade Bread for Toast. Enjoy.

    Today is a Doctor's appt, and bill paying. Those pesky bills pop up like toadstools after a shower.

    Time to get the chores done.

  4. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning Everyone!

    Yay for Sue!

    Bills?? It's to early to pay bills! Bill paying day is next Thursday. When you only get paid once a month, you only pay bills once a month. (sigh) I'm not ready to think about it yet.

    Today is sick kids, sewing and karate. In that order too! Should keep me busy until this afternoon so, if I don't make it back in......

    Have a good day! :flower:
  5. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    This was a contested bill. We finally settled on an amount [to avoid litigation against the biller.]

    The day that we transferred my Mom from a Nursing Home back home they handed me a bill for almost $65,000 as we were taking her out the door, claiming that her medicaid had stopped months before. I asked them why the didn't contact either my Dad or myself their reply was "we don't have to."

    To make a long story short it turns out that the Nursing Home forged my Mom's signature on a form saying, that she was "mentally incompetent" and was appointing the Nursing Home and their Attorney as he representative, and that she agreed to be billed for the balance that Medicare no longer paid. It wasn't even a good forgery. You should have seen the look on their face when I provided documented evidence that her signature was forged.,and that Medicare had not run out. Not pretty.

    They said they would "allow" me extra time to pay off the account because of the circumstances. I handed them a subpoena from U.S. District Court and told them I would "allow" them to answer some questions regarding insurance fraud,and if they were lucky I wouldn't walk out of the courtroom with their next 10yrs. profits in my checking account, Medicare went after them too.

    The settlement was a little less than $5,000. The payment is due today, and I am going to pay the bill personally, and get a written receipt. I can guarantee they won't be happy to see me walk in with that check.

    We've fought over this for five years, and the settlement was the reduced amount and they pay any Attorney fees incurred by me in defending their claim. They didn't admit guilt in the matter, they claim it was a "billing error."

    I'm a pretty easy-going guy, but try to mess with me, and I lose that attitude real quick.
    #265 Friend of God, Jan 23, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2007
  6. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Rob - that's just inexcusable!!! it makes me sick when people decide to take advantage of others like that! i'm glad you went after them!!

    on the docket for me today is barn chores, run the girls so lauren can take the regents exam (state test) in English and then i need to try to do some laundry. not sure i can fold anything but i'm finding that i can use my fingers on my right hand a bit without major pain. i do want to be a little careful today because Whirl walked into me yesterday when i was leading him and i just instinctively pushed him away - with my bad hand. it hurt a bit last night after that and got very swollen, so i need to be a bit more careful with him today.

    hey who sent that little bit of snow last night? we got a coating and it so lifted my spirits!! thanks to whoever sent it!! :)
  7. Gwen

    Gwen Active Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Good Morning, and Congratulations, Sue!! Isn't a good night's sleep a blessing?

    I didn't sleep so well last night. My 20 year old son brought a little dog home that wandered away from home. It has a collar, but no tag. So, she slept in the garage, and I worried about her all night. I could hear her whining in the garage. We have to find her owner, as she obviously belongs to someone. She is soooo cute! Looks like a mini fox.

    I tried to post a picture, but all I got was a box with a red X. Computer whiz that I am!!
  8. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Good morning!

    Sue, great! I hope you are able to sleep many nights and continue many days without further problems!

    FoG -- good for you for fighting that nonsense!

    Gwen -- or, you can do what we seem to do more often than not....keep her!

    Annsni -- yeah, I remember doing things like that after surgery, too. You just can't keep remembering! It was actually a long time before I was able to brush the horses with the hand that had surgery -- that movement was painful and I was awfully clumsy with my left hand....just ask them! But it all did heal in time. Take care.

    MK -- hang in there. Spring is coming! Sick kids DO get well. You might try cranberries in one form or another for Jenna to stave off further UTI's.

    Foggy here this morning, but it will clear. The afternoons have been approaching fifty, which is weird for January. The nights are still a little below freezing, though. I've gotten thirty rose bushes done and only fourteen to go. Whew! Some of them fought back!

    Chris sees his doctor this morning for pre-op clearance. About once every couple of years he goes under anasthesia for complete dental x-rays and work. Always need a physical pre-op first. The rest of the time a very lovely dentist comes to the house and cleans Chris' teeth here. He's never had a cavity, but the tartar is atrocious, no matter how much we try to keep his teeth brushed. He has an open bite and so can't really chew his food and also drools a lot. So stuff just sort of hangs around in there, I guess.

    Then we are going with the pastor's wife to look at the parsonage which they are going to eventually move into. Problem is, the church had 'rented' it out to the kids of some of the people who went to church there before and the young people have trashed it. So we are going to go take a look and see what needs to be done and see what we can do ourselves, etc.

    Then this afternoon Gina's girls will be here as Gina has her own medical tests and dr. app't.

    So it's one of those days. God bless you all.
  9. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Humph! The things nursing homes won't try! Good for you for fighting it! Not sure after all that, that I'd have agreed to pay them anything! :mad:

    We were lucky that we didn't have to go the nursing home route with Papa. That kind of thing is exactly what we were afraid of. Laws in AL are stacked in the nursing homes' favor and lots of old folks have lost everything when one spouse had to go into a nursing home. They finally changed things here so that the "well" spouse won't lose their home when the sick one has to go in for nursing home care.

    Nursing home care is so expensive for the quality of care given, that there is now a thriving home health care industry and folks with family now have the option of staying in their homes.

    Sewing is mostly done so I'm off to karate!
  10. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    I don't want to give the impression that I have a chip on my shoulder, and just go around looking for somebody to try and knock it off.

    I'm not confrontational by nature, but nobody is going to spit on my hat and tell me it's raining either.

    I felt the nursing home was wrong and with subsequent investigation proved I was right. The punishment they received [loss of $60,000 of their "bill", and over $40,000 in my legal fees + their own legal fees] was sufficient in my mind. I could have fought the $5000.00 but it wasn't worth it.

    Needless to say they wern't overjoyed when I showed up. They started to complain about the check and I told them it was certified and if they refused it they were negating the settlement and would get nothing. I then pulled a small tape recorder out of pocket and asked them if they had any other comments. They declined.

    I apologize if I offended anyone here by by actions, but they were casting aspersions on my Mother's mental state, and I wasn't going to take that.

    I did turn the other cheek...but when they decided they wanted a "pound of flesh" too - that was enough.
  11. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    good for you Rob - i probably would have been very rude to them. :BangHead:
  12. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    It is 23º right now and we received another inch of snow overnight. Grrrrrrrr! Now Brent will have to shovel the walks again before he goes to school as I have some errands to run this morning.

    I never did get my chili made, so I am making it for supper tonight. I will make a couple of gallons and freeze one gallon for some night when I don't have the time to cook...

    Rob: We have something in common besides cooking - I don't travel well either and would just as soon stay at home.

    It's amazing how a simple thing like getting to sleep in my own bed has changed my outlook on life. :laugh:

    I had to set the alarm for this morning and I haven't had to do that for years. I was all snuggled up in those nice warm blankets (we turn the thermostat way down at night) and I did not want to get up!

    Time to make breakfast,
    §ue :wavey:
  13. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Morning Everybody,

    The snow that Sue had yesterday, we have today.

    I guess Sue and I are like fine wine as far as not travelling well. :thumbs: Please notice I said fine not vintage.

    Today I brought in Sausage-Apple Quiche, Oven Breakfast Hash, and Fruit-Filled Petal Rolls.

    Time to do my chores.
  14. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning Everyone!

    I'm grumpy myself. I have to take Chris in for a shot for his migraine. That'll will make for 3 trips to the doc in a week. $20 a pop and Bush wants to do what with the deduction for insurance costs?

    That's not what has me really grumpy though, cause I doubt Bush's proposal will ever see the light of day. What really has me grumpy is that I talked to someone this morning who is about to lose her house and she said, "Well every year I say we're not going to take a trip to Disney and we're going to save the money, but I never follow through...." This woman has 5 kids and I know how much Disney costs. It would have paid her house payment for at least 6 months!(payment is less than $400 a month) How on earth do people do this to themselves? I didn't have much patience this morning to start with, but I lost what little I had when I heard that! :mad:

    I gotta go get dressed and see if I can calm down my red hair. (and get Chris an appointment, sigh)
  15. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    MK, it's hard to watch people make horrid decisions and then have to deal with the consequences, right? But you can't parent the whole world...

    Foggy, cold, and I'm already behind. Yesterday was jammed and today I blocked out the calendar with three things: Bible study (tonight, here, 7:30), shopping, cleaning. Of course, the fact that I haven't been out to the barn to do the animals yet....and I'm not dressed yet....and it's almost nine in the morning....


    But last night I found myself drowsy and, for the first time in awhile, TOTALLY relaxed and at peace with the world. I don't want to lose that, so I am refusing to get uptight about being late to start the day.

    Thus, I will just sort of amble out of here....and blessings to you all....
  16. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Romans 8:28 -- I hung around inside unwilling to face the cold and lo and behold the phone rang. I was able to handle an important call without Barry having to wake up to get it.

    God even uses laziness! I'm out of here now!
  17. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    oh SO with you on that one!! one family was always complaining and saying thing like "you're so lucky to have a house" when they lived in the basement of his parent's house. umm, yeah, but my dh works his butt off to earn money and has been working since he was 16. another family is in the same situation but they do disney AND cruises every year. hmm - we've never been to disney and don't plan to - we can't afford it!! don't complain to me that you have no money when you spent $1000 on your 2 kids for Christmas!! GRRR!!

    ok - with that done - lol - nicole and i went and did the barn chores (well, nicole did barn chores - i snuggled with whirl), then did the mom's taxi thing. we have to run back to the barn to bring in the big boys then tonight is church. i don't think we're getting a meal tonight, which is good - we need to finish up some leftovers.
  18. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Well, I went back to shopping with coupons today and saved about fifty dollars. Really happy with that!

    People due here in two hours for Bible study. Barry has prepared it and, as always, has found some really interesting stuff in his research. We're in Genesis and the Horites were actually cave people whom the Edomites wiped out (Deut. 2:22). Are these the same cave people mentioned in Job? I love Wednesday nights! We have a pastor there and some other very well studied men as well as the wives and the discussions are usually extremely informative and fun.

    Time to get stuff ready -- we have a sort of dessert with each Bible study and tonight it's my turn to provide, so it's crackers and cheese, cookies, and grapes. That should please everyone's tastes!
  19. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    It is 13º here but it's supposed to be sunny and 40º tomorrow. Hopefully, some of this snow will disappear!

    I don't want to raise any alarms and I'm in denial about it myself - but - I woke up this morning - dizzy. :tear:

    It's not like the inner ear thing. It's different. I can move my head anyway I want and I'm fine, but when I walk, it's like I'm 'listing' to the right. It's almost surreal... I have no idea what it is, but I have a follow-up appointment with the 'vertigo' specialist Monday. Please pray this is just a passing thing. Maybe I jumped out of bed too fast or something...

    Brent is already at school and I think I'll have some cinnamon toast. I can't take one of my meds without food.

    We joined in prayer for dcorbett this morning. Debbie is a BB member and is having a mastectomy this morning. She has been on my mind constantly for a week - since she found out.

    Please join me in prayer for her.​

  20. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Morning Everybody,

    It is 15 degrees here right now...going for a high of 20.

    Sue: Hopefully you're right - you just stood up too quickly.

    I brought in South-of-the-Border Quiche Squares, Sausage Oatmeal Cups, and Peach and Sausage Waffles. Coffee, Hot Chocolate,and Hot Water for Tea are on the counter. Enjoy.

    I am trying to come up with a unique Valentine's Day Gift for my Wife, and not having much luck so far.

    Today after chores I have to take the car in for an oil change, yes - I change the oil with a credit card.

    Prayer Meeting was very good last night. Satan never seems to take a rest, and enjoys his work as well.

    MK: Hi Cuz!!! Haven't seen you at the reunions lately [maybe because we haven't had one in 25 yrs]. ***bump*** to you too. :laugh:

    Time to get to work.
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