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Common Ground Coffee House #105

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jan 3, 2007.

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  1. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    dr. said that i could drive as soon as i felt it was safe and since i've been driving one-handed for months (it hurt too much to use), i figure i'm good. :)

    went down to the barn to go over the horses' new feeding program w/my friend (they're going away for 5 days and we're caring for them) then i went to have my hair washed & blow dried. now my hair will look good for church tomorrow. if i don't blow it out, it gets frizzy, so now it's nice and smooth! I feel almost human. now i need to figure out what to wear. i think i'm going to have to wear my yoga pants (black exercise pants) because I still can't do buttons. Atleast i'll be in the sound booth so i won't be as obvious.

    well, dr.just delivered dinner - pot roast, veggies,gravy, crusty bread and cookies. I also got to ask him about the incision and why i'm feeling stinging on my wrist - turns out he went under the skin into my wrist a bit to make sure the nerve was fully released. makes sense now! :)

    Have a great night all! It's cold here at 26 degrees with wind gusts to 50 mph. after dinner, we'll relax with the tv and a nice fire in the fireplace.
  2. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Ann: I'm happy to hear that you're getting along so well!

    Good morning all,

    I woke up to a white 'winter wonderland' this morning. It 25º and I'm not sure how many inches of snow we have, but it is supposed to continue snowing until around noon.

    I'm not feeling real well this morning. Sleeping on the couch is for the birds. It is a hide-a-bed and therefore, it is really hard. Not too good for sleeping unless it's unfolded. It will be nice to get back into my bed Tuesday night!

    Have a blessed Lord's Day all!
  3. Karen

    Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    All good hints, Helen, thanks.

    I don't think a chicken would last 3 days around here, LOL.

    I think it is having to do it all over and over and over again that is difficult.
    I don't mind the actual cooking as much as all the planning and shopping.
  4. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    I totally understand, Karen. The chicken lasted because it HAD to! I supplemented the first night with lots of potatoes and veggies...

    The hardest part of cooking for me is that I am a morning person and the main meal is an end of the day thing! Not fair! My grandmother was the head dietician of one of the dorms at Kansas U. in Lawrence, Kansas for many years and that woman could cook! Since my mother specialized in tuna casserole and spaghetti, it was good to have my grandmother as a role model. Everything she did was from scratch and learning about that was incredibly helpful to me in later years (the Lord knew it would be), when raising six children on my own (actually five, since the oldest had just graduated from high school and was leaving for college) after my ex walked out and now with Barry's medical condition and my diabetes. I'm very grateful for the knowledge she passed on.

    I still don't LOVE to cook, but I can enjoy it for special meals and I have learned to 'whip up' healthy meals fairly quickly most evenings. Watching Rachel Ray on television helped, too. We watched her for a couple of months and I got some good ideas to help save time and energy.

    Frosty morning here. It's my turn to stay home from church and watch Chris, so housecleaning is in order. Got twelve of the rose bushes done yesterday, cleaned a closet and reorganized one of the kitchen cupboards to fit the way things are used better. Laundry's caught up; ironing isn't. It was one of those days when I get sidetracked by things. That's kind of fun, actually.

    So today I'll finish up and get ready for some close friends coming over this evening. God bless you all.

    Sue -- Tuesday WILL come....
  5. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    I think I will make roast beef sandwiches for Mary's lunch tomorrow.


  6. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Make me one too, Jim. Thanks!

    Good morning all,

    It's 28º and we still have snow on the ground. Brent shoveled the front walks yesterday. I have to get out for a bit today and I sure didn't want to wade through snow. The car is snowed under, so I'm praying it doesn't get stuck!

    Chili sounds good for supper. Brent has basketball practice from 3-5:30, then he will come home and do homework and eat supper, then go to Boy Scouts from 7-8:30, then it's time for a shower and bed. His week nights are pretty much taken up. This is a good thing - no time for mischief. :thumbs:

    Time for biscuits and gravy,
    §ue :flower:
  7. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Morning Everybody,

    It is 23 degrees here with ice on snow. In Michigan, I still think they should teach Drivers Ed only in the winter. Anybody can drive when it sunny and the roads are dry, but it you don't know what you're doing on snow and ice then you've got a big problem.

    Miss Sue: would you mind if I have a little sausage gravy and biscuits? That sounds good this morning.

    Church was really good yesterday. They said the crowd was a little down because of the weather, but the message was great, and the potluck was well attended.
    I didn't hear any complaints, nobody got sick, nobody sued, and my dishes were empty when I picked them up.

    We're going to attend this church for 30 days just so we see a full spectrum of everything. After that...We'll see.
    This is an important decision[ for me ], and if I'm going to support something 110% then I want to be sure. Guess I'm just gun-shy, I still feel stupid about what happened last time.

    After having some of Sue's Sausage Gravy and Biscuits my cooking seems like dog food in a bowl. Oh well, if it's dog food let's make it good dog food. How about some Alpo [Sausage Scramble], Purina [ Homemade Corned-Beef Hash], 'Ol Roy [Hash Browns], and Kibbles 'n Bits [Mini-Pecan Rolls]?

    The G-kids got their progress reports Friday, so we're going to Chuckie Cheese's in Lansing tonight, but if I don't get my chores done nobody's going anywhere.

  8. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Tomorrow's TUESDAY, Sue!

    Late morning here. Absolutely could not get to sleep last night. Ended up reading "Out of the Silent Planet" out loud to Barry at midnight as we were both awake. We're about half way through. That usually makes my eyes tired enough to sleep but last night was just one of those....

    Foggy, misty, cold. Will be in the forties by afternoon, though, and clear and sunny. The fog is already showing light blue behind it.

    God bless you all. Gotta get going.
  9. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Good afternoon, or morning, depending on coastal geography.:smilewinkgrin:

    We had our high temp of 69 for today at about 10 am. Now it's 63 and raining. It's the slow, light rain that soaks into the ground. My preference is for this type, how about you?

    Yes, tomorrow is Tuesday. Sue gets to sleep in her bed again, and I get to go see the vampires . . .err . . .I mean the ladies in the Lab. Time to check the tumor-marker again. Please pray with me that it is getting lower.:praying:
  10. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Yes, praying, Gayla, and God bless you as you go through this.

    And yes, I also prefer the light rains rather than the gully-washers.

    Sun's out now and temperature is rising. I snacking on herring in sour cream on crackers. Please don't gag -- I know it's not everyone's favorite! Five minute break and protein thing.
  11. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Herring in sour cream? Never heard of that. Do you make this concoction yourself, or does it come in one of those little cans?
    I'd try it. If I like it, cool. If I don't, that's cool too.
  12. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    hey all! not much going on in my neck of the woods. robby is doing his phonics work, dh is on his computer, joanna is playing in her room and the teens are at school. we'll run to the barn as soon as the girls get home to bring in the horses and feed them - we're caring for them this week. Nicole will do the heavy work - i'll just doll out the food. i have another dinner coming tonight and then it's our homeschool talent night. robby will show his k'nex creations (a sailboat w/a sail that can be raised, a paddleboat where the paddle also turns a radar, and a building w/an elevator).

    have a great rest of the day everyone!
  13. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    My dad used to eat Limburger Cheese on crackers, and my grandchildren think nothing of popping a cold hot dog in their mouth.

    Talk about gagging a maggot.
  14. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Yippee! [​IMG]

    I get to lay down on my left side tomorrow and if I don't get dizzy, I can sleep in my bed and be done with the specialist.

    If I still get dizzy, then I have to go to Springfield for an Epley Maneuver - the whole nine yards. The one I received in Lincoln was a Modified Epley Maneuver.

    I think I'm gonna be fine!!! I've already cheated and tilted my head way back with no dizziness. I'll probably cheat today and lay on my left side just to see...

    DON'T tell the vertigo police! [​IMG]
  15. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    * BANG - BANG - BANG *

    Put down the wastebasket and walk toward us,
    OH NO!!, on second thought don't put down the wastebasket.

    Miss Sue: aka Wyatt Urrpppp
  16. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Gayla, herring in sour cream is in our meat section, or fish section of the market and sold refrigerated in jars. I don't know why I like it, and I don't like a whole lot of it at one time, but I do like it enough for about three crackers' worth as a snack. It's got onions in it, too, and I do like onions.

    FoG, hot dogs are already cooked, actually, and only need to be heated up. Kids like them hot or cold -- I learned that years ago!

    Limburger cheese is a bit much for me, but I do like Baby Gouda. And those little squares of Laughing Cow are good, too...

    Ever try dog food? When I was growing up, there was a brand called Kal Kan and I thought it was really good!
  17. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    As a matter of fact we had it this morning in this very coffeehouse[ see post # 247 ].

    Now that got everybody's tails [ and tongues ] wagging. :laugh:

    I take it you have overcome your Kal-Kan addiction??
    #257 Friend of God, Jan 22, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2007
  18. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    I thought there was already a food thread?????

    Peanut butter is good!


    Jim:confused: :tonofbricks: I giive up! This used to be a chat thread..................
  19. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    We ARE chatting, Jim. This morning, we're just chatting about food. :laugh:

    And I like peanut butter too! :wavey:

    Do NOT - I repeat Do NOT get between me and my vertigo! You are liable to end up nothing more than a grease spot if I fall on you! :tonofbricks:
    #259 I Am Blessed 24, Jan 22, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2007
  20. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Howdy folks!

    Had to do the doctor thing again today, this time with Jenna. The verdict? She's gonna live! :laugh: She just has a little urinary tract infection. A round of antibiotics and she'll be good as new.

    Chris tried school this morning and got pounded by a migraine and ended up back at home. I think we're going to have to change painkillers. The one he's been taking made him itch today and gave him a few hives. :eek: At least he's 12 now so hopefully we'll have some more options.

    My kids used to love cold hotdogs. You have to watch what brand you buy though as not all of them are fully cooked! The packages on some tell you to fully cook before eating. I use Oscar Meyar here for just that reason.

    The skies here just can't decide if it wants to rain or not. The clouds get dark and then they get light again. The weather man says that Thursday will be our best chance so far this year for snow. I hope he remembers how I ordered it! :laugh:
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