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Common Ground Coffee House #105

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jan 3, 2007.

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  1. Karen

    Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    :laugh: Pretty funny, FOG. Last night we had Sue Bee canned chicken and dumplings, leftover Jiffy cornbread, and spinach leaves and baby carrots from the bag.
  2. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Good morning, all!

    Jim, good to 'see' you and God bless. You are definitely in the middle of a chill there -- a little nippy out, eh? Please do try to stay warm!

    FoG, when my kids (all six plus a few in the neighborhood...) were growing up, I established a rule: they were each allowed to refuse one particular food, but had to eat all others. I would not ever ask them to eat their one 'hate' food. My oldest son is 33 now and he still doesn't like raw tomatoes! Number three son hates shrimp. And so it goes. So I planned my menus with that in mind, so that there would always be something else if I cooked, for instance, shrimp and rice.

    MK, I learned a trick to stretch the milk. When it's getting low, mix up some instant milk and mix it half and half with the regular. The kids rarely know the difference!

    Annsni -- that is totally incredible! I was in so much pain afterwards! I'm so happy for you. God bless you.

    Karen -- if the kids eat it, that makes it good!

    We got about two inches of snow yesterday. On top of the ice from the last week that made driving pretty dangerous and there were people in ditches all over the place. Gina got stuck at college with no way out, so Barry and our neighbor went and rescued her in our neighbor's 4-wheel jeep! The school principal drove the girls home later, as we do not have a snow-safe vehicle (have a Toyota Sienna minivan which is perfect for most other things).

    In the meantime, Barry and I built his first snowman (Australia isn't famous for snow...). Carrot for a nose and then we dug out the candied fruit from the pantry and the fellow got green cherry eyes, red cherries for the mouth, and since we didn't have a top hat, candied pineapple pieces for a crew cut!

    Then we shoveled the walks and, when that was finished, got into a snowball fight. He caught on REALLY fast and I got one smack in the face! It's been fun "Americanizing" him!

    The sun is out today and diamonds are dropping off the trees as the snow melts. The horses were delighted with the sun and those old ladies (and the old gentleman) were running around and kicking up. It was fun to see.

    Slush is coming, but for this minute, right now, it's gorgeous. School is out today so the girls are home making snowmen and snow creams. I've requested a maple one....
  3. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Quote: I would not ever ask them to eat their one 'hate' food.
    Funny you should mention this. I could not and would not eat peas when I was a youngster. Several times I sat at table for over an hour and the peas would sit on the plate. When asked why I wouldn't eat them........."They squash in my mouth!"

    They still squash in my mouth and I still avoid them. I have eaten them when served out, but I try mixing them in with mashed potato. Funny the habits we develop in youth.


  4. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    LOL Jim! Green peas were one of the few things I would eat when I was a kid precisely because they would squash in my mouth!

    My one hate food as a child: food! I hated nearly everything. I'd have driven ya'll crazy and nearly did drive my folks nuts. Eventually they gave up and let me eat what I would, but they didn't cook special for me! That was only after all measures to force me into eating failed(I became rather good at finding devious ways to make them think I had eaten when really I hadn't touched it). Bread, potatos, green peas, corn, fruit and rice were about all I would put in my mouth and it didn't bother me to go hungry! No, no, I wasn't anorexic. The term for it today is sensory defensive disorder. We didn't have exotic diagnosis like that back when I was a kid. :laugh:

    My chores are done except for getting myself dressed into something decent that I can also wear to church tonight and buying milk. It's nice to have a clean house once again. Tommorrow I can sew!
  5. Karen

    Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    :eek: :eek: It is SNOWING!!!

    We are pleased to have power. Many places in OK may not for a couple more weeks. They are saying some places may not for a month.

    When my youngest was out getting the mail, he walked across the yard and barely made an imprint on the ice.
  6. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    I don't see anything wrong with this meal. If you cooked it Karen then it was certainly very edible, and I'm sure there were no leftovers either. I would have no problem serving and eating this dinner.

    Fancy names don't make edible or popular dinners.

    Have you ever had Long Pig? It is cannibal stew.

    I stand by my statement. The meals made and served by the Ladies are just as good, and just as delicious as any meal in a 5-Star Restaurant.

    Unfortunately my cooking isn't as good as McDonald's.
  7. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    No one's cooking is as good as McDonald's when you are under 12. Over 12 but under 18, you know home cooking is best but you are to embarrassed to admit Mom or Dad might be good at something. 18 to 22, you are to busy to eat at home. It's only when you get out of college that you realize how good home cooking really is! :D That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

    Hmmm, I'm dressed, got milk, went to the post office for a package I almost forgot (T would not have been pleased), picked up kids and now I have 2 hours before church starts. Should I find something productive to do or read a magazine?
  8. Gwen

    Gwen Active Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Well, I had a nice post typed out earlier today to wish Ann well with her recovery. I tried twice to post it, but it disappeared. Anyway, speedy recovery, Ann!

    Sleet and freezing rain are predicted for tonight and tomorrow. All the forecasters are saying something different, so I guess we'll see what happens. LOL They change it every hour.

    I'm having a girl's night out tonight! I'm so excited--we are going out to dinner, and then shopping, and hanging out at my house. Wooo-hooo!! I just hope no one gets stranded because of the ice.

    See ya'll later!
  9. leenies

    leenies New Member

    Dec 21, 2006
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    WOW! This sounds like a 3 course dinner compared to my can or soup! :laugh: :laugh: I bet it was great. Oh and by the way, so was my soup!

    leenies :flower:
  10. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Evening all,

    Rob: The reason there were no 'technicals' called on me at the game last night is because the JV game was canceled and I stayed home. :smilewinkgrin:

    I got my neck brace off at noon today and hit the couch and promptly fell asleep for two hours! I managed to get the laundry done this morning.

    I fixed pork loin, boiled cabbage, and macaroni and cheese for supper. Brent ate two plates full. He has lost all his baby fat and is TOO skinny. His voice is changing also.

    The size 16 pants I bought a month ago are falling off of him. I ordered some 16 slim today. Hope they stay up! He is going to be tall and thin. My little boy is growing up. <sigh>

    Time to get the dishes washed.

    Have a good evening!
  11. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Morning Everybody,

    I can't believe it, it's 24 here. Must be Spring has arrived. Forecasters are still talking snow, but thankfully no ice. The G-kids went back to school today, so it's pretty quiet around here.

    So Sue's calcium crystals were displaced within her ear, and that caused her vertigo. I would never have guessed a diagnosis like that. Guess the look on my face would be similar to Adam's on Mother's Day.

    I brought in Sausage-Oatmeal Cups, Egg and Sausage Breakfast Strudel, and Sausage and Cheese Potato Casserole. Coffee, Hot Chocolate, and Hot Water for tea are on the counter. Enjoy.

    Quote of the Day: "A man with two wives doesn't have any opinions...he just nods a lot." [from the television show Barney Miller, when a jailed bigamist complains his wives don't listen to him or ask his opinion.]

    Today I have to try and get some of the ice off the bushes and trees, before it damages them, and hopefully it doesn't damage me.

    A phone solicitor called this morning and was trying to show me the advantages of paying off my credit cards by putting their balances on his company's credit card.
    ?????? I was born at night, but it wasn't last night.

    I hate using four-letter words in front of women, but it's time to get some w - - k done, since nobody has jumped up to do it for me.
    #211 Friend of God, Jan 18, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2007
  12. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Well, that sounds nicer than, "My 'bubble' is off center". :laugh:

    Good morning all,

    I slept better on the couch than I did in the recliner, but it was still a very restless sleep. My muscles are sore! Our bodies take over and try to make up for whatever part isn't moving and I must have been really tense in that neck brace!

    Daughter is here.......have to go.......will be back later.
    §ue :wavey:
  13. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    I would NEVER say that to you Sue.

    BTW did your doc check your pilot light when he looked in your ear? :saint: :flower:
  14. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Feels funny saying good morning now, but we're out here in the wild west while you folks in the east are nearly ready for afternoon!

    But good morning anyway!

    Most the snow melted yesterday, and while it was beautiful, I was grateful. That gave the ice underneath a chance to melt off the roads. So I got my shopping done. Wood products are going up in price I was told at the Grange, so I bought twice what I usually buy of something called Dry Den -- it's pelleted wood we use in the stalls. It has something in it which stops to stall odors completely and it breaks down quickly into a powdery bedding which is soft for my old ladies. And it's easy to clean.

    Also got a full box of oranges at a decent price before the prices go up. They are in the garage now. Got a bunch of ruby red grapefruits, too, which we like.

    Just finished my cuppa tea (basic blood transfusion in the mornings!) and some almonds with the diabetic and arthritis medicine as well as some vitamin D to help the winter immune system. The vitamin D seems to be doing its job -- I was pretty sick with that cold for only two days and that's pretty good for fighting off a cold, I think. The remnants are still hanging around but only just noticeable.

    Anyway, the guinea pig and parakeets and wood stove are taken care of. Time to wash and dry my hair, get changed, and get out to the barn and get them taken care of. Barry and Chris will sleep for another hour and a half, so this is my quiet time to start the day. Time for chatting, praying, organizing the day. For me, this is ideal. I love quiet time alone and I'm a morning person.

    God bless you all. Sue, hang in there. The worst should be over now. Special blessings for you.
  15. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Helen, Is Oregon three hours off Eastern Time?



    Oh, it is after noon here, so I shall say, Good day! Now that covers it all, doesn't it. I guess the Aussie's weren't so far off, were they?

    Cheers The English greeting, and not the tip of the glass,
  16. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    good afternoon all! i felt kind of icky today so laid around on the couch for a few hours after takinf some imitrex and now i'm feeling a bit better. i have to get some more schooling done, and clean up the kitchen.

    Sue - i'm glad you're doing better - i pray it continues. :)

  17. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Hey folks!

    It's been one of thoooosse days at the menagerie today. I thought Chris was a bit better last night and took him on to church. Bad move. I knew when he got into the car after and immediately went to sleep even though we were taking one of his buddies home. So I got up this morning and made him a doctor's appointment.

    Meantime, Cassie got up at her usual 4 o'clock primping time with a migraine. She took some meds that we break in half but she must have gotten the big half because by the time I got up at 5:15, she was nearly back to sleep. Half ready for school but a walking zombie. So I sent her back to bed.

    I got Jenna to school and ran around doing the essentials that keep the house from being a wreck and accidently woke Cassie back up. It was about 9:30 and she told me how bad she still felt so I told her to get something to eat and go back to bed. The chores being done, I stepped up to the neighbors house for a cup of coffee. When I got back she was up in her room, singing, happy as can be and ready for school. I need to step out for coffee more often! :laugh:

    Took her to school on the way to Chris' appointment and then spent the next 3 hours finding out that he has a sinus infection. 2 shots and 2 perscriptions later I have just enough time to pick up some lunch, take Chris home, stuff my own face and then it was back out to get the girls from school and pick up the perscriptions.

    We're home now, but Jenna is supposed to have basketball practice in 20 minutes. She's asleep. They went swimming today and evidently stayed in the water for over an hour, so she came home tired and hungry. Cass came home with her migraine back, so she took more medicine and she's asleep. Chris is on the couch, fully medicated and as comfortable as he can get. It's quiet in here. Did I say we had somewhere to be? We'll see!
  18. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Brent's alarm will be going off at 5:30 this morning. The teens are going on a field trip to the St. Louis Arch and a couple of museums today. He is all excited about that! The bus leaves at 6:30 and they will be back around 3:30 this afternoon.

    Tonight is movie night since there is no basketball and tomorrow is WORK DAY! This is the first time since Christmas Eve that I have felt good enough to do any work and Brent will be home all day. I will finally get the Christmas decorations put away and get the house back to normal (or whatever...).

    Time to fix Brent a hot breakfast and both of us some hot chocolate!
    §ue :flower:
  19. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Morning Everybody,

    It is 25 degrees here and snowing. The forecasters say we'll get "snow showers" today. I just hope we don't get 2"-3" of "snow showers."

    Sue: It is so good to see you healthy and happy again. I'll guarantee that bear won't be able to keep up with you. Be careful "bouncing off the walls."

    How about... Eggs AuGratin, fresh-squeezed Orange Juice, Broiled Georgia Ham, Hashed Brown Potatoes, and Hot Blueberry Muffins for breakfast this morning? The coffee, hot water for tea, and hot chocolate are on the counter. Enjoy.

    Not much going on today, just the chores, and some grocery shopping.

  20. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Thanks, Rob! I'm hoping my days of 'bouncing off the walls' are over now that my dizziness is gone! (At least I'm praying it's gone. I can't really test it until Tuesday.) :praying:

    Brent and I had Cream of Wheat, wheat toast, apple juice, and hot chocolate for breakfast. That should hold him until they eat lunch in St. Louis. :laugh:
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