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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jun 1, 2005.

  1. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Cindi, starting Monday, Ty will come again at 5:45. His mom works 4 days a week so with Monday as a holiday, she worked 4 shorter days this week. We go back to Mon. - Thurs. next week.

    Well I've got all the kids already. The younger ones, minus the sleeping baby, are watching 'The Iron Giant'. I sure wish it would dry up so they could play outside! This red clay is horrible.
  2. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Diane, I used to have red clay all over my pants and shirt every day when it rained and we were cleaning houses. Thank God we did it in two stages on the interior....one swift clean before the carpets were installed and then a final clean afterwards...I did the windows inside and out (up to 3 stories high) even in the rain and muddy clay) and would touch them up on the "touch up" done the day of the closing. Worked out pretty well. Sure don't miss that clay, though.

    I had to go back to bed this morning. With the barometric pressure playing yo yo, I didn't hve much choice. My left ear popped and then started humming terribly, and my right one is so active at times nearly every move makes me nauseated. Can anyone say like my doctor "grin and bear it"? :rolleyes: No wonder Vincent Van Gogh committed suicide. :eek:

    Vivian's check wasn't "good" this pay period. It was correct, but wasn't as much as we needed to pay the mortgage. I have already sent the check. We have enough in reserve to pay it and then some. It's just the fact we've had to dip into reserve so many times this year. But, it's only money, and we know the Lord is the supplier of ALL our needs. [​IMG]

    Not much else going on here today. I won't be doing much until I become more physically stable.

    Debby, hope all goes well for you. [​IMG]

  3. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Well it's almost 2:30 and I'm still at the house. (BREAK TIME!!!!)

    I've done so much but haven't made it to the church or Walmart yet. Sigh.....

    Seems like folks are busy here too. Have a good pm. [​IMG]
  4. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    We got the final word from the insurance company. The other driver did not have insurance.

    She bought the car, lied to the police, and used the insurance card that was in the glove compartment - it was not hers and it was not for that car...

    Our insurance will look at the truck soon and see what they're gonna do and then they will sue the other driver to recoup what they had to pay us.

    Too bad the police didn't check that out at the site of the accident. I thought they did, but obviously not...

    Any idea where I can find the "Blue Book" prices?
  5. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I'm pretty sure they are online. Do a google search.

    Off to the church.


    (now clean but 2 1/2 hours behind schedule)
  6. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest


    Try that, Sue.

    Wow Tony. Sorry you feel so bad! I hate vertigo!

    Cindi, sounds like you've been so busy that time just away from you.

    I finished my paper tissue flowers. Whew...... Glad that's done. I'm thinking of calling my co-teacher to see if she can meet me at church tomorrow for some decorating. [​IMG]

    Still have all the kids but the baby and 3 three year olds are all asleep. [​IMG]
  7. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I found the Blue Book price and it wasn't encouraging. :(
  8. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Wish I was still up there, Sue, and had the body shops...I would fix it for you from salvaged parts. We did that a lot for Averyville Baptist in E. Peoria back in the early 1980's. It might be less costly to just get another truck.
  9. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    You're right Tony. This truck would take way too much money to fix.

    It would need a new hood, new driver's door, new bumper, and everything UNDER the hood, and behind the frame, was pushed back and to the left - fan is hitting the shroud.

    Not sure what else is wrong with it because Dale hasn't felt like messing with it. His rib is still hurting, but it IS better than it was.
  10. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Dale won't feel like doing much for a couple of months! Poor guy and then the truck problem on top of it all. :(

    We just finished our supper! I cooked for some of the kids earlier. I had so many dirty dishes from today that it's taking two dishwasher loads. I'd made Tacos for lunch plus breakfast, glasses and supper for 3 extras.

    Well this was NOT a boring day but a hard and VERY long day. I'm so glad I won't have all the kids at the same time often and not for many weeks. We had a number of nice toys broken today. It's a good thing I'm a patient woman. One dad worked overtime until 7:00 and the baby was so upset by time he got here. Way past bedtime. [​IMG] One of the kids is on meds for hyperactivity and mom forgot the pill today. :eek:

    I'm ready for bed already!
  11. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Well, I can't complain today. Spent a relaxing morning painting with friends. Then I went through the clothes that the kids brought to take to Florida. Grandson's are okay and I have his stuff packed and the clothes ready to wear on the plane. He will not be here until a day before we leave.

    I'm not sure what Granddaughter (8 year) was thinking when she packed. Most of hers are jeans and winter type clothes. It has been cool here and she doesn't have any idea what Florida is like.

    Or, does she know that Grandma will buy her new clothes? [​IMG]

    She will be going to Bible School next week.

    Diane, when I was teaching 8 year olds art, I had a very, very hyper little girl. Her grandmother was a friend of mine and warned me about her. She said never give her any sweets, etc. And do you know that the girl's mother would drop her off for class with this huge regular Dr. Pepper? Some parents! This child became uncontrollable. She was very sweet and a gifted artist, but when she had any sugar. Watch out!

    I think I am ready for bed also, but there is a good movie on. I'll try to stay awake to watch it.
  12. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Well I finished my day on time! How about that?

    T finished his early, but I told him that just cause he was early didn't mean I was. He had to wait for me to cook supper. Poor thing!

    Bitsy and her company are still going strong. I'm about to go put an end to their fun. They have to go to bed so I can. My jammies are comfortable, but would be even better if I were in bed.

    Even though we only had an hour to decorate this afternoon, we got a lot done! I now have a campsite, complete with shade trees, picnic table and campfire, the Washington Monument and most of an RV decorating my walls. So much for simply putting up a few maps. [​IMG]

    Tomorrow we need to finish the RV, make a gust of wind(to represent the Windy City), decide whether I want a barn or a cornfield to represent Lebanon Kansas, make a watch out for bears sign complete with bear to represent Yellowstone, and attempt a rollercoster(why couldn't the writers have just sent us to the beach?). Still trying to decide whether or not a "highway" will survive the week.

    Gotta go print some more stuff to go with the above. Ya'll have a good night!
  13. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Evening all:

    Dale mowed the lawn while I was gone today! I tried to tell him that any trauma to that rib could push it through his lung. Will he listen? Oh, noooooooo. :rolleyes:

    He is going back to work tomorrow on light duty. I don't think he should, but...

    I am having surgery on my toe early tomorrow morning. Dale can't lift and I won't be able to walk. [​IMG]

    Brent is going to church camp in Iowa early Monday morning so I did the laundry today and got his things packed just in case I'm incapacitated for a couple of days.

    I also volunteered to bake and decorate 60 cupcakes for the bus route on Sunday (forgetting I wouldn't be able to walk much). I guess I will sit at the kitchen table and give instructions to Brent on how to make them on Saturday.

    Pleasant dreams all!

    §ue [​IMG]
  14. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Blessed evening to all. Day did not go as planned (ever have one of those where things just don't "flow" as you thought?) but the evening is relaxing.

    Gotta quit this, though, and get back to work. Love the quiet of the late night to do serious study.
  15. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Just a short note. I need to take my shower and be at the podiatrist's office in an hour for my toe surgery.

    I will post when I get home.

    Looks like another warm day - but rain is forecast for the next few days.

  16. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well I'm still in my jammies and haven't even had a cup of tea or made my bed. I'm still so tired from yesterday.

    Thankful, the girls told me they drink iced sweet tea with their breakfast. Between the sugar and the caffeine... Even the baby is given sweet tea in his 'sippy cup' instead of juice. Jim said he saw a mother pouring Mountain Dew in a bottle for a tiny infant! Good Grief!!

    Well I'm going to take the kids up to the church and do just a little today. I've got a BIG room and need to move some things and get my thoughts straight on what I want and where. LOL. Better have 2 cups of tea!

  17. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I am back. I have to keep my foot elevated all day today and tomorrow to keep it from bleeding as much.

    I wanted to stop by the Pharmacy to buy some gauze and Neosporin, but it was bleeding too badly.

    It has already soaked (and I mean soaked) through the dressing the doctor put on.

    I will call the Pharmacy and have them send some supplies out. I am heading for the recliner. Once the bleeding slows down, I may be able to sit and the computer. I have a little 3-legged stool under my desk and can prop my foot up on that.

    I am kind of dreading the numbness wearing off. :eek:

    §ue (a survivor [​IMG] )
  18. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Oh man Sue, do I ever feel bad for you! It's bad enough to not be able to walk, but not to be able to sit at the computer is terrible. [​IMG] Get to feeling better soon.

    Diane, I'm off to the church myself this morning, but am already late(again)! I've printed a bunch of stuff though which hopefully will keep me from having to make things.

    Ya'll have a good day!
  19. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Goodness, Goodness! I just got the mail and Blue Cross had denied the anesthesiologist for my cataract surgery! $980! I called Blue Cross tho and a lovely woman said since I used an 'inservice' surgi-center and an 'inservice' provider that there must be a code or something to fix this.

    Well hubby requested I suggest a friend who is looking for children to keep to the mother of the brothers. My friend currently has no children other than her own and I'm overwhelmed and too worn out for such unbridled behavior. My friend agreed to accept the boys at the same price and not charge for the vacation week so I'm guessing they'll work it out for Monday. She has a 2 year old and then 2 young teens and REALLY needed income.

    Poor Nick. More of his really nice toys have been broken today. One is a $50. Power Ranger train/ zoid thingy. I know he's upset but he did offer to let them play with him and is blaming himself. :(

    My VBS co-teacher can meet me any day next week to decorate. Her daughter, son in law and 4 year old grandson had been living with them for a few years and moved into their own new home last week. Rachel is doing some major clean up this week and enjoying some quiet time. [​IMG]

    Sue, take care of that toe! I think it should probably be higher than the stool??? Hope you don't have any bad pain!

  20. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Well, I have my room mostly decorated(which is more than I can say for the rooms surrounding me). I still have to make some banners and a welcome poster and print off some pictures of Washington DC, but that seem to be it. YEA!!!

    I've also been told that I have adult help coming Monday! That will be wonderful seeing as we have to do crafts in the rooms this year. :( No idea what kind of crafts, but whatever they be, we're doing them. I've been told that they'll be left in the room each morning.

    Ya'll have a good evening, we're headed over to B'ham to eat supper out and go to the library.

    Sue, hope your foot isn't bothering you.

    Diane, sounds like Jim has a good idea.

    See ya later.