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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jun 1, 2005.

  1. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Hey everyone!

    Cindi's drive thru daycare and alteration center is open for business today! We already have our first customer today. Son's best friend came complete with his baseball outfit that is to big and must be fixed by 4 pm.

    Second installment of children comes about 1 o'clock. Precious' friend is coming for a visit.

    Poor Bitsy is odd man out until her best friend up the street wakes up. They just came home from Atlanta about 11 last night. She may not be awake for a while!

    Sue, every time I think I have the laundry finished I turn around and there is more! I have to do at least a couple more loads today. There is already one in both the washer and the dryer. My dryer can't keep up with the washer.

    CH=china hutch?

    Hehe, Diane must really be sleeping in this morning! Best of luck to her. T poked me in the side early this morning muttering about coffee. I tried going back to sleep but by the time I had him ready to go to work, the first kid was here....sigh.
  2. Wife of One

    Wife of One New Member

    May 10, 2005
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    Good Morning Boardmates [​IMG]

    It's 69 Degrees here right now with the high going up to 90:eek:. They are talking heat index's about 105 by the end of the week.

    I myself this morning am on my way to the doctors, to find out what is next for me. I hope they can give me some solid answers about what I should and shouldn't do. I am not a big fan of limbo.

    Talk to you later

    *puts a fresh pot of coffe on before heading out*

    Wendy Lea
  3. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Cindi: CH = Coffee House [​IMG]

    A new one is started when the old one is on page 20. ;)

    Dishes are done, one load of laundry is on the line and the other is in the washer.

    Brent and I are off to the backyard to paint (if we can stop sniffling from allergies long enough). :rolleyes:
  4. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Well, it's already headed upwards to 85 degrees. I can't believe how warm it's been these past few days. We're supposed to be back into the 90's by the end of the week.

    The people called earlier to confirm my MRI tomorrow and to give me instructions. Then I get to go back to the doctor on Wednesday evening. Fun, oh fun! :rolleyes: This is probably when they'll tell me about the pain clinic in Antioch.

    I've got to try and get some things done in the garage today and to try get the office back in order. It looks like a cyclone went through it!

    Well, for me, it's about lunch time. I've been up since 1am. I'm hoping to get to bed by 8pm tonight. I need the sleep, believe me. I've had to try and sleep sitting up in a plastic chair. I don't have a recliner yet. I certainly need one, though.

    Wow, bologna or popcorn...what a choice for lunch! I'm leaning towards the popcorn.
  5. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    [​IMG] Well duh! It never crossed my mind that we were already on page 19 again. [​IMG]

    Hmmm, Diane is really enjoying her morning! Good thing Wendy Lea put on a fresh pot of coffee, Diane is going to need it!
  6. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    She could have a cuppa, Wendy! I've been thinking of having a nice cuppa! [​IMG] Green Tea this time, though...none of that Earl Gray stuff.
  7. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well maybe I can bump this to page 20 with my morning report.

    I slept really well and got up about 9:15. Ty had gone back to sleep at 5:45 and it took me a few minutes to get back to sleep because Jim was up and getting ready for work. If I can, I'm taking a short nap again today. I really need to make up for those 2 weeks with the other boys (couldn't go back to bed after 5:45 since kids were coming every 15- 20 mins.) and VBS.

    My cold is better but still hanging on. It's just in my head tho. [​IMG] Took my vitamins and generic Estroven with my tea. [​IMG] One piece of dry toast helped keep them from making me feel yukky.

    Not much to do today. I did my sheets and major cleaning on Saturday. I'd like to plan a yard sale for Friday, Sat. and Sunday (afternoon). Just have to watch the weather! I tend to chose bad weekends. [​IMG]

    I only have Ty until Wed. and then the other three kids will be short days Wed. - Friday. No Ty on Friday.
  8. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Whoops, also need to report..... Nick got 2 mosquito bites on his neck in his hairline and one on his elbow. All three are smaller than a dime ..... bigger than a pencil eraser, but no swelling or any concerns at all! YEAH! The big one on his leg lasted 2 days and the only swelling was a 'lump' feeling right under the quarter sized pink lump. It's faded and is gone after only a few days. Praise The Lord!
  9. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Mmmm, I love Earl Gray. Too bad I don't have time for a cup.

    Today's agenda is:

    altering baseball uniforms

    Maybe cutting out matching outfits for Bitsy and her friend, complete with clothes for their dolls as well.

    Watering plants and replanting those that Hammer has dug out looking for a cool place to lay. For some reason his new cool spot is the bed where I took out the juniper. All he has really dug out are a few marigolds that I put in to take up space until the other plants grew enough to fill in. I guess I'm growing old dogs instead of flowers. [​IMG]

    Getting the push mower to work(I hope) and mowing the edges and places that should be weedeatered. My back won't stand for me to weed eat so I push what I can and pull or roundup the rest.

    Oh, and I have to be on call for my sister from 1 to 5, while she goes to B'ham for an eye appointment. Her MIL will watch the shop but they are expecting some bridesmaids in to try on dresses that have to be altered and MIL isn't able to get up and down to pin up the hems.

    I'm eating my breakfast at the moment. Then break time is over an I gotta get to work.
  10. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Cindi, I bought a gorgeous denim dress at a yard sale that I thought would fit me. Well.... the hips are WAY too tight and the top was low (V) cut but with big silver buttons. I've cut off the skirt and am making the top into a vest to wear over some plaid type shirts. Sounds cute, eh? All for $1.00. I still want to lose that 10 pounds before getting other clothes. My tummy and upper arms are just not happy being squeezed into the sizes I prefer. I've got a whole pile of summer dresses that gap at the waist! I eat VERY little. It's the Pepsi, I think, and lack of real physical activity. Can't really take all the kids for walks in the subdivision. It's quite hilly/ steep in sections and the 3 year olds and a baby in a stroller just doesn't 'jive'! Our church has an aerobics class but it's $80. AND I'd anger people if I went. Most of the women are very, very large (much younger too) and would be offended if I showed up trying to lose weight.
  11. Debby in Philly

    Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Hey there, Diane! My BIL lost 10 pounds just by switching his Pepsi habit to Diet Pepsi. I think it tastes better anyway.

    But don't you live in Coca-Cola country?
  12. Karen

    Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    It really does make a difference, Diane. I have lost 18 pounds in a year by switching from Coke to Diet Coke. I can starve, drink regular Coke in small amounts, and still gain weight.

    Also, eat regularly. A liquid diet that was popular 20 years ago caused havoc. It was so low-calorie that when people went up to 1000 or 1500 calories after they had been on it a while, they could gain weight!

    Go to the aerobics class at church! You don't have to explain why you are there. How about fun, exercise, and fellowship?

  13. Dan Todd

    Dan Todd Active Member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Number 80 about to come to a close.

    That's a lot of talking!

    Dan - been kind of silent lately!
  14. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Hi Dan!

    We have once again outgrown our space.

    Please join us at COMMON GROUND COFFEE HOUSE #81.

    §ue [​IMG]