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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jun 1, 2005.

  1. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Another nice day is forecast for here. Well, today is my baby girl's birthday. Shawna turned 34 years old at 4:29 this morning. I'm too young to have kids this old (and my oldest is 43!!!) :confused:

    Here is a birthday greeting for Shawna if anyone would like to sign it.

  2. Wife of One

    Wife of One New Member

    May 10, 2005
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    Good Morning Boardmates! [​IMG]

    Well after a few weeks of overtime, being sick and finally a migraine i'm back I think. [​IMG]

    I hope that you all have enjoyed your week and are looking foreward to the weekend.
  3. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Wow, where is everybody today?

    I've been looking for my house all day today. I finally found it and then went shopping for T's father's day gift.

    Now I'm resting a minute and having a cuppa before going to the sewing machine. I have a backpack to make and monogram before 4 o'clock tomorrow.

    So what's everyone else been up to today?
  4. padredurand

    padredurand Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Thinking about cracklins...but that's another thread.

    I've been simmering a HUGE pot of chili all day, studied for Sunday's message while the Mrs. traveled to Buffalo to look at music at the Christian bookstore.

    Diane, how could you spit out a perfectly good venison spaghetti sauce. Don't ya know there's starving kids in West Virginia? (I know there's starving kids all over the world. Momma always said they were all in WV coal country.) Next time, just slip it into some Tupperware and UPS it this-a-way.
  5. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I'd go without meat before I'd eat venison. YUK! Well all the kids are gone and I am not supposed to have the Youth minister's kids this coming week. He's out of state with his youth group and since mommie works 3- 3 and 11 til 11, Grandma and Grandpa, who live a block from the hospital have invited them to stay there. I can sure use the rest!

    The kids played on my computer all afternoon and the screen is covered with fingerprints. I can barely see it! Oh well, they had fun and it was educational games.

    The newest kids down the block have decided Nick is odd man out. They had sleep overs which we didn't allow him to 'attend' and answered rudely when we invited the kids to church a couple of times. The father told Nick to go home and not come back and when he was going to another child's house this afternoon, they threw rocks at him. His feelings are hurt. First, we've never had children ON the street and now there's two 'sets' right down from us and another couple that stay days with the grandparents while mom and dad work. He was so happy to have all these kids to play with but each family has a brother and older sister..... with the girls being 1 year older than Nick and the brothers all being ages 6-8. Poor kids out riding his bike all alone while they holler down the street. Not very nice. :( He's such a sweet child too. He went down and knocked on the door and asked if he'd done anything to make them mad because he wanted to apologize if he had. He'd yelled out 'girls have cooties' while playing tag and that's his sin. 'I will NOT forgive you' says the 'female leader of the pack'.

    Jim's working late ..... always pray people buy pest control when they have him coming out at 7 to inspect and then he has the hour ride home....

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend. We're having gorgeous weather! Supposed to be in the 50°'s tonight. I didn't even close the front windows today. [​IMG] Mid 70°'s and nice strong breeze (so those who worry about us being too hot can relax).
  6. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Change of plans.... I'll probably have the three children a few hours Wed., Thurs., and Fri. while grandma works. Still gives me Mon. and Tues. to go back to bed and catch up on sleep and get over this cold.

    Jim only got in about 20 mins. ago. He has to work tomorrow too but won't have to leave until about 9:00. Hope HE can sleep late.

    Night all.
  7. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Poor Nick, kids can be sooo mean! Doesn't help when they are encouraged by their parents.

    My kids, with the exception of Bitsy, rarely play with the neighborhood kids either. And some of them are kids they go to church with!

    When they ask me why those kids act that way, I simply tell them that we have different priorities in life. Then I explain what some of those differences are and how they affect our outward attitudes. Then I ask the kids do they really think kids with those attitudes are happy or are they just fooling themselves. One thing I have been sure to teach my kids is that you can't depend on someone else to make you happy. Then we go on to discuss the Source of our happyness. My kids know that just going to church doesn't make a Christian and that sometimes even Christians aren't perfect.

    Bitsy is the only one of the kids that has a good friend in the neighborhood. Even that friendship is beginning to cool a little as the girls discover that they have different interests and life circumstances. Bitsy's friend is an only child and her parents suffer badly from "only child syndrome". She gets to do a LOT of things that we can't afford because we have three.

    Raising kids can be tough!

    You think you have a cold, Diane, or are you allergic to whatever is blooming today? I've been sneezing all evening and even went so far as to have a slight nosebleed. Can't remember the last time I had a nosebleed. It's all allergies. Since the cure is usually worse than the cause, I've decided to suffer.

    I'm headed to bed as well. I'll have to finish the backpack tomorrow. I finished the monogram, but the book I was reading was more interesting than putting the bag together. :D :eek: It shouldn't take though.

    Padre, chili sounds pretty good. I've been hungry this evening even though I cooked and ate chicken fried steak, bisquits and gravy. Send a bowl this way and I'll have a midnight snack........
  8. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    It is 52º right now with an expected high of 82º. Seems like we're having Spring now instead of summer - but I'm not complaining!. :confused:

    Brent spent the night with his cousins, Levi, Seth and Noah. They live in a small town about 20 minutes from here. They always have a good time together. He will be home sometime this morning.

    Chili is usually reserved for winter around here, but it sounds good. I may just have to make me a big pot...

    §ue [​IMG]
  9. Wife of One

    Wife of One New Member

    May 10, 2005
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    Good Morning board mates! [​IMG]

    How are you all this morning? Looking at the posts since yesterday you guys are quite busy. LOL!

    I'm not sure what's for dinner tonight. We had homemade burriots last night. I don't think i'll be able to cook this evening :( . My blood work came back yesterday and I have an infection SOMEPLACE. They are not sure where -sighs-. Looks like no work for me this weekend. Am, starting to to care much I would just like the headaches to go away.

    Talk to you all later and enjoy your summer/spring day !!!

  10. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Morning all. Cindi, this is surely a cold. Brooke was pretty sick with one in Sunday School last week and was coughing all over everyone. Monday I felt awful. The rest of the week has been just a bad head cold and some aches but I think the aches are from all the physical activity and running up and down stairs to different classes at church. I just am really hoping this doesn't end up in my left ear. I almost always get an ear infection after any congestion.

    It's beautiful here today! Not supposed to be too hot here until Friday afternoon and nice and cool at night. [​IMG]
  11. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Good Morning, everyone! Finally a day of relaxation between trips.

    The Florida trip was wonderful! After dropping off the kids at my son's house, we stayed in a lovely inn on the beach. Everyone came over and swam in the pool and played on the beach. We had several outings and had at least one meal with everyone present. Church was great. I really like their pastor, but it was strange seeing my son wear shorts to church on Sunday morning. The dress is very casual, but the fellowship and worship were wonderful!

    Now, I must prepare for our next trip. Ed's family reunion. Then after that the grandchildren and two of their cousins will be returning. A busy, busy summer, but it is so much fun.

    Hope everyone has a great week-end. I'm off to feed the humming birds. Oh yes, the Purple Finch have raised their second family and now have eggs for their third brood in the wreath on the front porch again.
  12. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Welcome Home, Thankful. I'm glad you had such a nice trip! Seems like you almost always have someone visiting. I know you enjoy seeing them all.

    It's still in the high 70°'s here with a supposed chance of showers this afternoon. I watch for Cindi's 'report' and then know what's coming our way. [​IMG] BEAUTIFUL sleep weather at night with lows in the 50°'s. I hope it's a nice summer.

    Jim's still out working and Nick's playing in his room. I've got laundry almost finished but still a bit to fold or iron. I'm so sleepy this afternoon!

  13. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Uh Oh! I'm late with the weather report! [​IMG]

    It is beautiful here and the temps are quite mild and only in the mid 80's. No rain chances here, I'll have to water the plants.

    T took the kids to see the new Batman movie, so they're tired now and watching TV. Bitsy is at the party she was supposed to go to last week.

    I have towels to monogram and maybe we will work on pressure cleaning the deck later this evening. Then again, life won't end if it doesn't get cleaned today.

    Right now I'm having a cup of tea and a rest. I've been sewing all afternoon.

    Thankful, we're casual enough that the boys wear shorts to church too. Makes it much easier on Mom! It's kind of funny to see the boys in shorts and the girls all in their cute little dresses. Such a contrast!
  14. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Thanks for that weather report, Cindi! It's the same here with such a nice breeze!

    Maybe it's a 'deep south' thing but we'll have people in shorts and sandals tomorrow. Most of the little girls will be in skorts or sundresses but even adults will be in shorts. I'll wear casual slacks once in a while but usually a sundress or denim dress. I'm wearing some tan slacks and a dressy top tomorrow with brown sandals so I can quickly change when I get home to a casual shirt. [​IMG]

    Only one room left to vacuum but Jim's in there listening to music so it can wait. The sheets are changed for the week and I've got the shirts and pants here to iron. The bathrooms are cleaned too. Jon did the yard work two days ago so it looks SO nice. He leaves our grass longer where the neighbors on both sides scalp their lawns. Ours is SO green compared to theirs.

    Where oh where has my energy gone? I think getting up so early for the daycare kids has just worn me down. I've not recovered since the two weeks where I kept the two brothers. That's been two weeks now but this past week, with VBS and daycare.... YAWN. I can go back to bed on Monday and Tuesday this week at least. Maybe I can sneak a nap each afternoon too!
  15. computerjunkie

    computerjunkie New Member

    Jul 5, 2003
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    So far, no one at my church seems to wear shorts on Sunday mornings. Thank goodness! I would be awfully over-dressed if they did!

    Very lazy day around here today. Lots of stuff I should have done, but didn't. Took a nap instead! I'm taking off the Friday before 4th of July, so maybe I can get some things done then.

    Going to watch "Fielder's Choice" tonight...new movie on Hallmark Channel. I love Hallmark movies!
  16. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    No you woundn't CJ. At our church we run the gamut from formal to casual, with everything in between.

    I wear what I feel like wearing and have no clue what I'm wearing tomorrow. I'll figure it out in the morning!

    We're going to grill some shrimp and scallops for supper tonight and pretty much just take it easy. I still have those towels to monogram.

    Wife of One, I meant to tell you that infection is a big trigger of Son's migraines. His first few always happened immediately before he had some kind of infectious illness. By that I mean, the first one was immediately followed by the flu and the second was immediately followed by a tooth abscess. Viral illnesses have followed his migraines too. Only a couple of times has the migraine followed the illness, usually a stomach virus.
  17. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Boy that sounds good, Cindi. If we start driving now..... YUM

    Those Hallmark Movies are so family oriented because most are made, written and or produced by Mormons. I had a link to a website that listed all the Hallmark/ Mormon miniseries but deleted it.

    Lance C. Williams:
    Birth of the Vampire (2003; 1b; s)
    Veronica Voo (2002)
    Jack Weyland's Charly (2002)
    Con Express (2002; V)
    The Creator's Game (1999; V)
    Fielder's Choice (1998)
    Summer of the Eagle (1997; V)
    Rockwell (1994)
    Troll 2 (1992)
    The Dream Machine (1990)
    Encyclopedia Brown (1988)
    The Deliberate Stranger (1986; TV)
    Return of the Jedi (1982)
    Hamlet (1981)
    WHIFFS (1975)
    The Padres (1974)
    Famous Mormons
  18. computerjunkie

    computerjunkie New Member

    Jul 5, 2003
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    I guess we would be surprised to find out how many movies and/or TV miniseries have mormon influence. As long as they don't openly read from the BoM or insist women must be married to get to heaven or in any other way openly endorse mormonism, I'll continue to enjoy them!
  19. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Wonder which is worse: hollywood produced by Mormons or hollywood produced by Christian Scientists?

    I rarely watch Hallmark or Lifetime because I don't like watching situations that are overly emotional(things that are sad or frustrating). I also don't like the attitude that the herorine is a poor innocent that isn't responsible for the decisions that she made that led to the situation that is the subject of the program. Most things on those channels contain one or the other. My poor nerves can't stand it and then I find my thoughts dwell on it or worse that I dream about it. (Dreaming is worse because I can control my thoughts to a certain extent, but can't control what I dream about).

    Gotta go check supper and the monogramming.
  20. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Oh well... I ran out of my generic Estroven (natural supplements to help with menopause) and have had HORRID nightmares for about a week. Went and got some today! I can't handle all the upsetting dreams! Ruins my sleep.

    Well I've had a very busy day and finished all my chores. I do need to scrub the kitchen floor but there's always tomorrow. ;)

    Jim and Nick are watching 'The Incredible Hulk' and I think I'll go watch something else. This is SO slow!
