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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jul 9, 2005.

  1. Coov

    Coov New Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    That is a great way to approach it. Our faults as husbands as wives really stand out when put in comparison to Christ. You can almost say that it is an unfair comparison because anything we do, matched up to our Savior, will just look so filthy.

    What comes to mind with the comparison of our love for our spouses, and Christ's love for the Church is that fantastic "oneness" that is experienced. I love getting that my wife and I are ONE. It compares to our relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit (not to the magnification of our relationship with Christ, mind you). Just as that Joy you can receive in Christ, you are imbedded into that same love or connection with your spouse to a degree. On the flip side, I have noticed that the down side of your walk and being chastened and convicted for doing something stupid.... and when you and your spouse are not getting along. Great stuff.
  2. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Good Afternoon, everyone. Hope everyone is having a great day. Our 17 year old grandson is here. He is another computer whiz. I have told him, "Don't change anything on my computer!" [​IMG]
  3. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Cindi, I always joke and say I weigh in the morning right after cutting my nails, shaving my legs, plucking eyebrows, etc.. and unclothed, LOL. I was 144.5 today but I'd had a big mug of tea before getting on the scales so up 1/2 pound but not worried.

    Sue, sure hope the newer guy is MUCH less. I'm glad about Dale! Maybe today is THE day.

    So, Patches is 'going under the knife'! I made an appointment for her to be declawed (front) this coming Tuesday. $132.~~~ YIKES! It was $70. 12 years ago when I had it done for Dubbs. LOL Well, Patches is ruining our (cheap builder) carpet. She gets in the corners and digs until she's got it thread bare, and by 2 doors. If we lock her out of the bedroom..... or accidentally IN the closet...

    It looks like I'm going to be home schooling Kelsey this year. Her parents talked to me today. They've really wanted to home school her but mom has to work 3 days a week and Dad is a Youth Minister with a full time job. I explained it all to them and we figured I could do 3 days and Mom and Dad do 2 days with her. Mom is an RN and Kelsey is entering 2nd grade. The school system forced them to put her on a class 1 narcotic for ADD because she wasn't paying attention. I'm already doing Pre-K with MacKenzie and Ty. [​IMG] Nick is thrilled! He's enjoyed having someone closer to his age around. [​IMG]

    LOTS to do today! I only have Ty. Jim has late appts. again but he's had 2 $3,700 in sales, days this week and today looks to be pretty good too. He called on a guy who played for the Steelers but the guy has to show the contract to his wife. :eek: LOLOL

    Hey! New Guys! Indiana and Coov! Fry those crawfish! YUM! There's a place in the next town that cajun fries them and they are SO good. Too expensive for me tho. Now, Indiana, get in your car and head over to Sue's house and install that fence and put on her new brakes! You can't be THAT far away! My hubby's from right outside Chicago but we're probably SO much older than you dudes! ;)

  4. IAD

    IAD New Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    Guess that depends on how you define "SO much older." I'm 36. Coov's still got his learner's permit, as he's only 31. *takes hit of Geritol*

    If I could get to her, I'd do Sue's brakes in a heartbeat. It's been ten years since I've done something like that, but I'm sure I could do it just the same. As for the fence....well, I know I could do that too, except for the fact that my wife's list of to-do items is so long that I'd have a lot of explaining to do about why I'm doing a fence for someone else instead of working our list. LOL Besides, given what I've read about her neighbor problems, I have other solutions that are rattling around in my mind. My friend Guido is for hire, and he always has his violin case handy, if ya know what I mean.

    [NYC accent] "Ay! I know a guy! Fuhgeddaboudit!" [/NYC accent]


    Looking at the map, she IS pretty far from me. But Coov and I have a mutual friend near there...
  5. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Lunchtime! Yeah, I know I'm late but I went back to bed this morning and by the time I got up and started and talked the kids out of spraypainting Bitsy's bike and got started on today's list, lunchtime had past.

    Himph! Today's list included a few things I hadn't planned on. I found ants coming into my kitchen and into Bitsy's bedroom. Haven't had ants in ages. The stupid things in the kitchen were coming in the top of the window crawling down the length of the counter on the wall above it, then coming across to the front of the cabinet and going back down the counter in the other direction(think big U shape) to get to the blueberries I was going to put up today.

    I've worked quite hard today doing things I didn't want to do and so deserve the three minute, chocolate peanut butter fudge I'm about to consume. (I'll just have to gain another pound or two)

    Anyone want a piece?
  6. IAD

    IAD New Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    Man, I could eat a LOT of chocolate peanut butter fudge in three minutes.

    *loosens belt*
  7. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Yum... fudge! Can't have any!

    So I've only gotten SOME chores done. Jon brought up his laundry to do and I'd planned on doing mine while Ty slept. I did vacuum the t.v. room tho and did a load of dishes.

    I'm going to have my hands full tomorrow! Brayden and Kelsey will be coming extra early, 7:15- 5:30, because MacKenzie is having her tubes removed and ears patched. She'll come about 2:00. The emergency childcare girl will be here from 9:30 til 5:00. Ty still will come at 5:45- 5:15 so I won't be able to go back to bed inbetween all the kids coming. That's extra long hours for the baby and Kelsey! Since the backyard is still so muddy, I can't send them out to play. It's slippery and our backyard slopes up.
  8. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

  9. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Ack! I see some rain on the radar over this way too! Pray it stays north of us. My backyard is just begining to dry out, in spite ot the showers we had early this morning.

    Silly IAD, you can't have fudge unless you deserve it! What've you accomplished today?

    (btw, women will always deserve fudge, just because we are women. :D )
  10. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Well ug! It started pouring here about and hour ago and hasn't let up yet. So agravating!

    I have a new job! Well sort of job. The place where the kids take karate was looking for someone to do their monogramming. Guess who got the job. It's not much but it'll help out with testing fees and equipment for three kids.

    In spite of the extra sleep this morning I'm still very tired. And I'm in pain tonight from both the disks in my neck and back, but also that stupid ankle that I've irritated the tendon in. I've taken something for it but I let it get to bad before I did. So, I think I'm headed for my bed as soon as I get supper cooked and eaten. I hope there is something on TV tonight.
  11. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Jim called and wanted lasagna for supper so we hopped in Jon's new car and met him at Cavallo's. Unfortunately, they only serve lasagna on Friday nights now so we had pizza. I ate 2 pieces and had had some tuna fish salad earlier today. I'll be chunky tomorrow!

    Well the rain has stopped for now but that band of rain torturing you, Cindi, is heading straight down I-20 for us. Will it NEVER stop? Jon got half the front yard cut before the major rain!

  12. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Send some of the rain our way. It rained all around us last night.
  13. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I'm getting out the big fans Thankful! You can have it!

    All I can say about my grass is that it's a good thing I mowed Saturday before Dennis blew in. Way, way to wet to mow now.

    (headed for her bed)
  14. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well the radar shows we should be getting major rain right now but nothing but crickets singing so far.

    I've got laundry finishing up and we're watching a movie. I'll probably keep myself awake because I dread tomorrow with all the kids SO many hours!

    I'm trying to think of some fun things for the two 7 year old girls to do. One is a real tom boy and the other is baby dolls all the way. I told Nick we could bring out his G.I. Joe's .... play the dating game. LOLOL

    Ty ran and ran and ran today INSIDE. I don't allow running in the house! When I told him he HAD to stop running he said, 'I cannot!'. 'Why Ty?' 'I have on running pants!' So I told him either he stopped running or he'd be put in his p.j. bottoms. That stopped him.
  15. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Well, it rained here almost all night! The power went out several times and scared the bajeepers out of Viv and I once!

    I had my appointment with the neuro-surgeon and he said there was nothing he could do for my back, that it was pretty well too far gone. It will continue to degenerate and I will eventually be in a wheel chair. I guess I can live with that. He advised me to get the paperwork started for a "little rascal" type thingy so that I can do what I need to do as far as shopping at Wally World, etc. There are more discs involved than we first thought, five in a row and then a series of other problems. But, still, I thank the Lord for these things. It's still giving me a chance to be a witness and I know it's happening for some reason.

    Sue, I am still praying for Dale! I hope he continues to recover well. Also praying for your car.

    Praying for all other things mentioned here, too. It's great to have others we can turn to in times of need, stress, disappointment, joy and praise! [​IMG] God is good...ALL THE TIME!

    Have a WONDERFUL DAY! [​IMG]

  16. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Tony, so sorry to hear about your back. You are still in our prayers (and Viv too).

    I had a restless night last night. The humidity was, and still is, terribly high. We have a chance of rain today. I know it rained last night because the 'buckets', that I sat out under the new leaks on the sunporch, have water in them. :rolleyes:

    My car has to be at the garage by 7:30 this morning for new brake pads. It is supposed to take an hour, but I've been there before, and with all the interruptions they have, I'll be lucky to get it back by noon.

    The photographer from the local paper will be here at 10:30 to take a few pictures to go along with the article on FreeCycle.

    Then we have to deliver the papers and (hopefully) head for the hospital. We have a meeting at the Courier, at 6:00 tonight, to renew our contract and find out what changes are being made.

    I will call Dale this morning and see how HIS night went. He was doing much better yesterday, although still not eating.

    §ue (tired already and just got up!) :eek:
  17. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Morning Tony and Sue and all who sneak in later!

    Tony, I'm sorry to hear there's nothing that can be done for your back. It does seem like you have more than your share of ailments. I know the Lord can use you in a mighty way, tho! Viv is a saint and this must prove to you daily just how much she truly loves you!

    Sue, I DO hope they can get those brake pads on for a really LOW price and get you home in time for your 'photo shoot'. It should be a lot of fun. [​IMG] Praying that Dale is much better today and can begin to eat soon. He's so young for so many problems. :(

    Well I have Nick and 3 others eating breakfast. Monica (the 3 day emergency babysitting job) will be her around 9:30. She's tiny and so cute and 7 years old. She'll be the only one I have tomorrow. MacKenzie will be here when she comes out of her ear surgery.
  18. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning Diane:

    I am getting ready to take the car down now.

    I just talked to Dale on the phone and he gets to drink some milk and eat a small amount of oatmeal today! He is THRILLED! [​IMG]
  19. IAD

    IAD New Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    Silly IAD, you can't have fudge unless you deserve it! What've you accomplished today?

    (btw, women will always deserve fudge, just because we are women. )

    Ahem.....I refer you to your earlier post:

    Anyone want a piece?

    Unless you are insinuating that because of my manliness I don't fit into the group known as "anyone," then I'd suggest you fork over the fudge, sister. That's it....back away slowly....no sudden moves. Nobody has to get hurt here.

    *wipes drool from chin*
  20. IAD

    IAD New Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    I just talked to Dale on the phone and he gets to drink some milk and eat a small amount of oatmeal today! He is THRILLED!

    Suh-WEET! That's awesome. God is good - ALL the time.


    OK, now I have the Gaithers in my head...