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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jul 9, 2005.

  1. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Sue - Glad to hear Dale is home!!!

    Diane - When did a child stuff poor little Patches in a box?! :eek:

    Menagerie - Once when we were visiting my Aunt in Southern Alabama, we found a trail of ants that went to the room my parents were staying in. They had gotten in my mother's suitcase and eaten tiny holes in a couple shirts!

    It's been raining alot with loud rumbles of thunder just about all day, so I haven't gotten to pick the blueberries yet. Maybe tomorrow . ..

  2. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Oh Gayla, I was SO upset! A friend recommended me for emergency care for a 7 year old girl. Yesterday she and the other 7 year old girl were 'quietly watching a movie' while the smaller children slept and Nick played in his room. He went downstairs to find Patches stuffed into a shoebox sized container! They'd trapped her with a pillow case and stuffed her, put the lid on and left her! I cannot TELL you how upset I was! One child couldn't play at Burger King for punishment and the other child got spanked and has to spend every day in her room for one week with her sleep over at her friends for tonight cancelled. Both girls say it was the other girls doing....

    Patches is still terrified!
  3. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    "Patches is still terrified!"
    I bet she is!!!

    You probably have a good idea who the 'instigator' was?
  4. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I vote for the Burger King child as instigator. If one of my kids tried something like that......well the second parent thinks more along the lines I do. Poor, poor Patches.

    Around here though it is HairWolf(cat) that has to be watched so she doesn't get where she's not supposed to be. Walmart sacks are one of her favorite playthings! Also drawers and cabinets make good hiding places for her.

    That reminds me, do ya'll have any magically opening kitchen cabinet doors? Mine always seem to be open, but no one claims responsibility for it. :eek: I must have a ghost.
  5. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    No but chairs slide out from under the table! Must be ghosts! LOL

    It's so nice and cool here right outside Atlanta. I feel SO blessed! It only got to 82° today but such a LOVELY breeze 16 mph. We had bought the window unit for this room which does hit 94° when the rest of the house was 84° but Jim fixed our central AC by kicking it~ LOLOL and now we don't need any of it. Ceiling fans are keeping us quite cool. Of course, it'll be great having that if it DOES get hot to supplement the A/C.

    I think it's the Burger King kid too but the other girl had scratches on her arm from trying to shove the cat in the container so they're both quite guilty. Oh well, school starts in 2 weeks and that BK girl was 3 days only. Her mom mentioned 'next week' but Jim said NO WAY.
  6. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    It's so humid here! It's been hot too, but it is the humidity that's bothering me. It's stuffy in the house even though it's not hot. How's that happen? I've got the air and all the ceiling fans on. The breeze from the fan makes it easier to breathe. Tomorrow I'll have to give it up and get my Allegra filled. Nice $35 co-pay for that one.

    T has a nasty, nasty summer cold! He is sooo congested and nothing I've tried has helped him out any. He's even had nyquil and it hasn't budged it a bit.

    Your schools are starting even earlier than ours! We start back on Aug. 11th.
  7. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Our public school will be starting August 6! Teachers report on August 1!! What a bummer!!!

    Since we homeschool our two kids----we will begin on August 15.
  8. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I've been starting school Aug. 1 - July 31st since I began home schooling Nick, I've always filled out the papers (Intent to Home School, which I mailed back this afternoon) for a full year just in case we ever wanted to take off for a while.

    The plan, as of today, is for me to also homeschool Ty and MacKenzie for Pre-K and Kelsey 2nd grade. Nick thinks it'll be fun. I tried with Ty last year and his attention span was about 3 mins. MacKenzie is 4 but a VERY young four year old.

    Cindi, wonder why it's so much hotter there? We got rain several times again today and it was overcast but what a breeze! It's 69° here now and Jim prefers no A/C unless we have to because he's out in the sun and heat all day so this is what his body is used to.

    We have a birthday party tomorrow afternoon and my friend from high school married Eddie Middleton who was with NewSong. He's doing a concert at church Sunday night and speaking and singing Sunday morning. I'm not sure if his wife is coming. I didn't email to ask because I didn't want her to miss her church if she didn't want to just to travel here with him.

    Well hubby is still on the road home and has appointments tomorrow starting at 9:00 over an hour from here so........


    Compulsory School Age
    "between 6th and 16th birthdays"; a child under 7 who has attended public school for more than 20 days is also subject to the compulsory attendance law

    Georgia Legal Home Schooling Options: 1

    Option: 1

    Legal Option:
    Establish and conduct a home study program

    180 days per year, 4 1/2 hours per day

    Reading, language arts, math, social studies, and science

    High school diploma or GED for a teaching parent; high school diploma or GED for any private tutor used

    File a declaration of intent with the local superintendent within 30 days of commencing the home study program and by September 1 annually thereafter

    Maintain attendance records and submit monthly to the superintendent; write and retain an annual progress report

    Administer and retain the results of a standardized test every 3 years beginning at the end of the 3rd grade


    [ July 15, 2005, 10:48 PM: Message edited by: dianetavegia ]
  9. Wife of One

    Wife of One New Member

    May 10, 2005
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    Goodness Diane, my heart goes out to you and your cat. It sounds like both girls are guilty. I'm glad the parents are getting invovled in this. Most parents now a days would sit back and say, your kidding right?

    Sue i'm so very glad that Dale is home. I'm sure it's a weight off your mind.

    Homeschooling has been an idea thrown at me for my four girls. I just don't know. It's something i've been asked to consider thourally. *makes a face* Seems like a lot more work . And, I'm not sure if i'm smart enough to do it. Sure i've had college but , these are my girls who deserve the best.
  10. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    I have been up since 6:00, but it's been hectic around here!

    Pamela spent the night and she was up early packing this morning. Her ride (Bobby's fiancee) back to Kansas picked her up a few minutes ago.

    I had a man here giving me an estimate to finish installing the fence and another man climbing on the roof, to give me an estimate to repair where it's leaking.

    Dale is still very sore and tender. They removed the outside staples before he came home yesterday.

    He mostly just sits in the recliner or lays on the couch and dozes off and on. He DOES get up and walk around the outside of the house every couple of hours though (which he is supposed to be doing).

    I'm surprised he isn't on a special diet, but he's not and he's hungry ALL the time. I sure hope he is able to gain the weight back that he lost. He needs it!

    Brent got the sling off of his arm yesterday, but has to be very careful with it.

    I have an infection in my toe and the doctor will prescribe antibiotics when the culture comes back.

    She told me I was doing entirely too much walking and driving (like I had a choice!), so we gave up the paper route.

    Hopefully, in a few weeks, we'll all be healed up, and have a fence, and have a roof that doesn't leak! :D
  11. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Wendy, in Georgia, the school system is failing so badly that I've never worried I'm not smart enough. Nick is quite advanced compared to the other 4th graders. He was doing Algebra and Geometry in 4th grade.

    Actually, I should have been more clear. The children come 3 days a week. I'd only school them the days they're here and mom and dad will do the other days. The parents are still 'thinking it over' with the older girl but really want to take her off meds. Ty and MacKenzie will be more 'unschooling type schooling'. They're both quite immature for their age and have never been in any daycare or school situation. We're going to have to slowly work into regular schooling with them!

    Sue! I'm sorry to hear about the paper route. Possibly you can restart it when the weather has cooled down and you're all healed up. I know when our children had their routes, there were always routes coming available. Certainly your DM had to understand all the problems with your foot, Brent's arm and Dale's serious illness! (Oct. or Nov. so you get the Christmas money :eek: )
  12. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Sue, glad to hear Dale is recovering well, and Brent is doing better. Hope your toe starts to do better. Sorry to hear about the paper route, too. Know how it is to lose a source of income. Will be praying for ya'll.
  13. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    I worked my way through college on a paper route. The Ruston Daily Leader---I had a combination route of city and rural---on wide open spots between houses you'd be surprised how fast a '74 Volkswagon SuperBeetle can scoot----deathly cold in the Winter with the windows down----wet when it rained, too!!!

    -the second happiest day of my life was when the Circulation Manager hired me----the happiest day is when I quit!!! I worked my way up from a contract carrier to assistant to the CM----had a good time working with him and the others----am grateful for the job, the money, the friendships, and last of all for seeing the building in my rearview mirror for the last time!!!!!!
  14. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    I was in sixth and seventh grades when I had my paper route. I loved carrying the Peoria Journal Star. But, it got to be a real pain in the winter when the delivery was late and I had to be in school and my parents had to deliver it. Still, overall it was a good learning experience. I took my route from 25 customers to over 125 in just a few months and had some good money for a kid.
  15. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    No paper route here! Girls didn't work those kind of jobs! :eek: We had to stick with babysitting or some such.

    It's quite warm today. It has also rained a bit, but hopefully not enough to soak my finally drying out back yard.

    Walmart rant: The new federal regulations on sudafed took affect sometime this past month. Not a problem except we use several different formulations of cold medicine, depending on which one of us is using it. Walmart in there superior marketing theory, failed to put up a warning that you could only buy three boxes(or bottles) of medication containing sudafed. Even that would have been okay, but then they tried to tell me that Claritin was included in the regulations.(It's not). We allowed them to keep all of it, since they couldn't get their act together to tell us what the actual problem was(we had four formulations containing sudafed). Their cashier had been well trained enough to know that if the register wouldn't check it out, not to override it. She hadn't been well trained enough to know how to continue the order and kept us waiting for at least 10 minutes before someone came to fix it(the real rant). It would have been so simple to say, choose 3 and give me the other(we had four not counting the claritin) and then let me get on with checking out. Even the woman who came to help her out thought that it was ANY cold meds, not just the ones with sudafed.

    The moral of the story is: Never have a family wide summer cold and be low on cold meds!

    Sue, it's good to hear that Dale is doing so much better! Feed the man! (I'd still keep it fairly bland if it were me though)
  16. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I bought Sudaphed generic at Dollar General today. It's $1.00 a box and you can buy only 3 to a customer. Figure 24 pills, 2 at a dose, every 4 hours makes 2 days worth if you're really sick. I went right there this morning because I woke at 5:45 with a KILLER sinus headache. I got 2 boxes. I can't take Sudaphed PE. Makes me CRAZY feeling! Dr. said not to take the Sudaphed with Benadryl in it if you have ear problems. It causes ear infections by making the fluids thick.

    Our daughter got a BIG promotion at work. She's now an Asst. Manager at Best Buys and has only been working there a couple of months. She'll make just under $1,000 a WEEK! Wow! Wow! She got the news today. Called to tell us before hubby. LOL Also, they're doing well as a couple now. He's being the SAH Daddy and she's got her career. With just a high school diploma!!

    [ July 16, 2005, 05:58 PM: Message edited by: dianetavegia ]
  17. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Hooray for your daughter! I know she is very excited.

    You know, I really don't mind limits on the amount people buy, within reason. The real problem here was the girl just didn't know how to cancel the sale of one box and then made us stand there for 10 minutes before she located the correct person to figure it out. I knew what the problem was when I rang up the fourth box. The register told me that it was a restricted item. It was a new restriction to me as always before it was 6 items, so I called her over to ask what the problem was, if I could check it out with cashier approval or not. She was just not well trained nor had Walmart bother to post signs spelling out what the new restrictions were and for what products. It would have been so simple for her to just tell us about the new federal guidelines.

    I had no problem getting CVS to explain things to me and they didn't try to tell me that claritin was on the list of restricted item.

    New fact of the day: Did you know that the meth labs are able to use things like nyquil, that are a mixture of sudafed and other things, for their illegal drug making? The pharmacy told me today that it is possible for them to distill out the other medications leaving only the sudafed.

    I've had a lot of headaches here lately too, Diane. That's why I wanted the Claritin. I'm breathing much better since I took one and the headache is better even if it's not gone. I still believe at least part of mine are due to my bad disc.
  18. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    We were on the three box limit of sudaphed for a while (3 years or so), but we have been under new state law for about two years now. Only Pharmacies can sell anything with sudaphed in it. It must be behind the counter and to buy it, one must sign and give recorded information listing driver's license. The state officials do check these records and have arrested people for misuse.

    Other states seem to be following our plan as it has cut down on the number of meth labs in the State.
  19. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I read this week that dry baby forumla is a key component in meth and some use Comet! I say let 'em fry their brains and let me have my sinus medicine. ;) Honestly, drug users are stupid!

    Thankful, the generic at Dollar General only has 24 pills. I used to buy the BIG box of generic at Walmart so a box would last a long time. I'm about to take my second dose for the day. I'm guessing all this rain .... and grass being the main thing that affects me....

    Well, I took a late nap after 6:30. Nick had fallen alseep too. All our running around buying a present and searching for our friends house about 30 miles out in the woods, LOL, wore us OUT! I DO need to go to bed tho. It's later here than it is 13 miles down the road. Hey, I should drive 13 mins. and it'll only be 10:00~

  20. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    We had another busy day yesterday and we were all in bed by 8:30!

    We had two granddaughters here from Wisconsin (Michelle and Cassie) after Pamela left and then Dale's daughter (Kathi) and granddaughter (Courtney) surprised him. They came up from Kentucky to check on him.

    He is doing much better, but very sore and tender. He holds his stomach when he walks like it is going to fall out...

    I'm off to sit in my swing, out front, and have a cup of decaf before everyone gets up. It sure was nice not to have to deliver papers early this morning!!!
