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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jul 9, 2005.

  1. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Oh Diane, be prepared for puppy to start chewing on anything and everything in about 2 months. It's a lab trait(maybe he inherited more of the boxer traits). There are these things called "kongs" that you can fill with dry dog food mixed with peanut butter that will satisfy his urge to chew and keep him busy for hours. I suggest you get one soon, if you don't want teeth marks on all your furniture. Takes two years for them to grow out of it.

    (one who speaks from experience with a lab mix who chewed lawn furniture, the deck and even put a hole in the canvas pool cover, but still has huskies who chew almost as much)
  2. Debby in Philly

    Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    A puppy, Diane? I thought you watched enough kids! LOL If I HAD to have a dog, a lab would be nice. Or a collie.

    Heavy thunderstorms last night - cats were frightened. Still in the 90's with high humidity. Philly feels like a rainforest.

    Well, VBS is over and I'm back to work. Which is a physical rest, if not a mental one. And I'm in AC which is great, since all last week there was none. We had 60 kids, age 3 - 5th grade, on Safari. This was the best time in a number of years! The VBS music was great. Can you believe the most requested song by the end of the week was that good old Baptist hymn, "To God Be the Glory?" This version contained the entire first verse and chorus, but with a good beat, and the chance to yell "Check it out now - TO - GOD - BE - THE GLOR - RAY!" Think of all the beautiful truth in that song getting stuck in their heads! About 40 or so came up to give their heart stickers to Jesus on Thursday (a posterboard cross at the front of the sanctuary) - perhaps some gave their real hearts as well. As soon as my daughter uploads her pictures, I'll let you all know where they are.
  3. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Diane, sounds like a load of fun with the puppy! [​IMG] Viv and I are talking about getting one soon...one that WE CHOOSE, not one that wanders up on the porch and decides to stay! I hope you enjoy having a pooch as much as you like having that other critter which shall not be named.... :rolleyes: C-A-T!

    I'm gonna try to go out in a bit and get some stuff out of the garage and cleaned up to bring in and put away in the house. Viv says "NO"! I say "YES"! I'm not dead yet, and I can't just sit around the house all day. I know she's worried I'll fall again, and if I do, I do. I know she's even more worried about it since her mother was found like that. I really need to try and get my mom to come and stay with us, but, I think that would bore her to tears. She doesn't know anyone here, and she's always on the go in Illinois, and we live way out in the boonies. But, with my mom's own health deteriorating and her not being able to work, she's not going to be able to work much longer herself, and we've got the extra room now that we have the house. She'd love our church, and they'd love her and could really use her in the ministry there. Plus, she said she's afraid that she might fall like Viv's mom did and not be found for several days since she doesn't see or talk to my brother or her friends every day.

    It's extremely hot here, and very humid. It's already 92, heat index of 98. It's clouding up and we've got a 60% chance of rain/thunderstorms...scattered, as usual here in Dixieland.

    MK, sounds like you've been been busy already! Wow! Wish I had your energy these days! I could sure use it!
  4. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    87° with a heat index of 91° and humid.

    Well I found a certificate for a free neutering for Scooter. I've filled it out and have it ready for the mailbox. It takes a few weeks to arrive and is good for 4 months so we should be right at 6 months by then. Need to find a low cost rabies clinic by time he's 8 weeks??? He's doing really well with not going in the house. He whines when he needs to potty. He likes it outside but the mosquitoes are awful! Don't want him to get heartworms.

    KONG? Do they come in tiny sizes? His mouth is itty bitty so far. We got some chews (something with other food inside) for small dogs and he can't really grab hold of it.

    Hey... the children have ruined my carpet and one sofa so I figured if we were ever going to train a dog, might as well be now.

    Yep.... busy, busy today! Monday is always tough. The kids are overly tired from church and no naps or staying up too late over the weekend.

    School starts 2 weeks from today. Should be interesting. I think Kelsey will distract Nick.
  5. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I found KONG and puppy sized, Cindi. Jim goes past PETsMART on his way home. The puppy size is under $4.00. THANKS!
  6. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well I had asked on www.freecycle.org if anyone knew of any place to get animals neutered and shots for low income families and got numerous replies! Not only will Scooter be neutered for free but I've got 2 places where he can get his rabies shot for $5.00 or $10. and both places sell the 'All in One' shot by weight for all the other doggie diseases! You administer it yourself but that's no problem with my phlebotomy background. Feed stores sell the shots! NOW I need to find a way to get the heart worm prevention pills without having to 'see a vet'. I'm thinking I can ask the vet who is doing Patches claws tomorrow for them. [​IMG] They're only $15.00 on the internet for a 6 month supply but you have to have a prescription.

  7. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Our Freecycle has strict rules. They will not let us advertise or ask for free services. I notice that a lot of messges are edited. Is that what you have to do, Sue? Edit messages on freecycle.

    That reminds me, Muffin is due for his annual checkup and shots.

    When I first got Muffin, he was so expensive because of his allergies, I whined to the Vet (who is a friend of my son) and he gave me a substantial discount. When I told my son how nice he was, He said, MOTHER.....He has to make a living for his family. Well, he need not worry. Muffin is contributing to the support of his family. Muffin stays with him when we go out of town and yes, we pay him.
  8. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Yes, Thankful. I either deny, approve or edit posts, then write the poster and explain my actions.

    Our site does not allow advertising or asking for free services. It doesn't allow bartering either.

    I have had a splitting headache again today. I think it's my new glasses. I'm taking them back tomorrow.

    I have progressive lenses and I think the progressions are not aligned right or something. I only get a headache when I wear them.

    I did not have this problem with my old progressive lenses and frames. I wonder if the cataracts could be growing fast enough to cause this change in vision...
  9. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Oh I'm glad ours is run more like a 'family' then! I asked if anyone knew where I could get free or low cost neutering (we're allowed to give away pets too) and all the answers came by private emails. We have a side web page for prayer requests and one for 'odd jobs', either need someone or offering a service.

    Sure helped ME today! Our county gives certificates for neutering to low income families because of the THOUSANDS of animals they put down each year. I think the kitten number was over 4,000. It cost less to have a vet perform a service for the county that to keep, feed, care for and then destroy a litter of kittens or puppies.

    The Rabies Clinics are private vets who go to feed stores in the area as a service. Probably reach a lot of families who just wouldn't get their animals vaccinated.

    About www.freecycle.org tho, our group may have 100 messages a day! Between offered, PPU and Taken... [​IMG] I was offered a dog bed and S/Steel bowls from someone who saw mention of our new puppy. I'll pick them up Wednesday.
  10. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    The idea of FreeCycle is keeping things out of the landfill and keeping it free for posters. If it is low cost it is not free, therefore it is not allowed.

    If there is any money involved (even charging for services) it is not allowed.

    We do not allow double posting either - that is posting to more than one site.

    We do allow posts offering, or giving pets, but only if they are neutered.

    Every FreeCycle group has guidelines, but the rules are usually at the discretion of the individual who started the group, therefore they vary from site to site.

    Saving the earth - one gift at a time.
  11. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Uh, the person who directed me to the Feed Stores who offers this is a fellow freecycler who has 8 dogs and can't afford to pay $35. for a doctor's visit plus $14. for each shot! She shared info and didn't make anything from it.

    Like I said, I'm glad ours is more relaxed and family like.

  12. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Aren't you glad I directed you to that site?

    Like I said, I didn't make the rules. I am just a moderator like I am here. I follow the rules other people make.

    I do like the way ours is set up though and I don't think I would change anything.

    I'm curious. How does someone on a low income, who can't afford to pay to take care of their pets, feed 8 dogs? :confused:
  13. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Our Hispanic Minister's Wife had actually directed me there before you had ever mentioned it. I was pretty skeptical at first tho. Now I'm a member of 2 counties. A lady just called me. She has a 33 gallon garbage bag with boys shirts size 10 -14. Nick has grown SO fast...

    The lady takes in animals that have been abandoned. That's pretty common here near farms I guess and she and hubby are 50 and 54. That lady sent me to the feed store for low cost rabies shots and do your own shots. She doesn't qualify for the free neutering.

    I got emails from MANY ladies with different links. One woman IM'd me about 'Best Friends'. A group of people who are well off and animal lovers contract with a group of vets to do the neutering for free for people who qualify for things like PeachCare (insurance for children), and other state 'help'. We get PeachCare Insurance for Nick, PRAISE THE LORD, at only $10. a month!

    I suppose some of our wealthier members figure we shouldn't have pets if we aren't well to do enough to be able to afford weekly groomings, LOLOL. Hey, we cut our own hair. Looks pretty darned good for FREE. ;)
  14. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Evening everyone!

    Sorry I didn't get back to answer your kong question, Diane. I'm glad you found one one though! Start him now and maybe he'll never get the idea to chew your furniture. Watch out where he chew it though. One of my girls got the corner of my recliner because she was laying to close with her bone. I don't think she even realized that she had hold of something besides her bone.

    I'm just here for a bite to eat. I've embroidered karate uniforms all day today. Made a mistake on one and have to take it apart and do it over. Then there were 3 more waiting for me when I got there tonight. Can't complain though, these three will bring me above the amount I needed for the kids to test. The extra pays for the supplies.
  15. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Sue, I am glad that you directed me to the free cycle site. Ours will not let us give away or accept animals. Maybe because we have an organization here in town that does that.

    You know I was skeptical at first. I didn't want just anyone coming to my house. But I had them come when Ed was home and met a wonderful couple. I have only given stuff away. I'm trying to get rid of things.

    There have been some very sad situations. People needing fencing because a hit and run car knocked down their fence. It is good when people can help others.

    I had a call today from a lovely Christian woman who is starting her own business, a craft mall. She wondered if I would display some of my paintings. I'm thinking about it. I have enough and it really wouldn't be any trouble as her shop has peg board and she would give me an area on the wall so I could hang paintings.
  16. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Thanks, Thankful! I've met some really nice people and even become reunited with a woman that I hadn't seen in over 10 years through 'gifting'!

    I have received many blessings 'blessing' others with things I could have put on eBay and I have received many blessings from items that would have cost me a lot of money to buy new.

    Another hot, dry, day here with temps in the 90s. The fence and the roof, BOTH, are supposed to be finished by this week-end. The Lord worked that out nicely...

    Dale's lab work came back fine yesterday. He has a standing order at the hospital as he will be getting a 'Pro Time' test, at the lab every three days, for awhile due to the medication he is taking.

    He is also walking a bit farther each day. Brent goes walking with him (as I can't with my sore toe). He goes back to the surgeon for a check-up this Friday.

    §ue [​IMG]
  17. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Sue, you actually beat me to the punch this morning. I've been up since 1:45am, but I just had so much mail I couldn't sift through it all in time. Don't know how so many people got our email address. I may have to change it!

    I'm still checking out our "freecycle" thing here. I've heard good and bad about it in our particular area. Further North of here I've heard excellent things about it, and further South, too. But, in this particular area, it's just questionable. I've heard you've really got to be careful who you deal with because of all of the "convenience centers" and the people digging the stuff out of the garbage and the likes. Not sure if we want to try it or not. We might try the county to the North, though.

    It's hot and humid here already. 72 and 87 humidity. It's supposed to reach 97 this afternoon with a heat index of 108. YUK!

    Viv came home so tired last night. Poor woman. We still didn't get to bed until after nine and she was up at 1:45am. Her poor younger sister is having a nervous breakdown and Viv is really upset about that. I think the fact that their mom is gone is finally starting to sink in. Her sister was moved back to three days of work instead of six because of her nerves. She may have to take FMLA for a few months to regain some stability.

    Well, daylight is starting to show, so I need to go and turn out the light in the kitchen and try to lay back down for an hour or so. Tonight we're going to try and have some fried green tomatoes. It's been a long time! I hope they're good. They're from the garden! [​IMG]

    Ya'll have a wonderful day!

  18. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Goodness, Tony! Are you saying that people are digging stuff out of the garbage to give away on FreeCycle?

    You can always arrange to meet someone at a neutral place if you don't want them coming to your home. Every site is different and now, some 'rogue' sites are popping up...

    If Viv doesn't slow down and get some rest, she could be in bad shape too. No one can keep up the working pace she has (plus all the emotions she has been dealing with) without it affecting their health. I wish y'all could take a 'worry-free' vacation!
  19. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Sue, that's exactly what they've been doing here. It's disgusting and has given the program a bad name in some areas here. But, there are some people working on it now that are trying to clean it up. The email I got just a day or two ago said it was nearly taken care of.

    As far as a "worry free vacation", it's going to be at least another 90 days or so before we get that. Vivian has some time over Thanksgiving that has been approved, and we might be able to just stay home and work on some projects and enjoy ourselves. She's talked about buying a self contained camper or a pop up and going camping since I can't really set up a tent well with my back. I told her that regardless of what Dell tells her, this Sunday she's NOT working. She's got to get some sleep. She said she's starting to feel like Michael Keaton in Gung Ho where the Japanese are wanting their workers to work night and day and overtime and spend no time with family and care only about company. She may call in Saturday, too. I don't know.
  20. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Tony, go to www.freecycle.org If a site isn't listed there, it's a rogue site and I would stay away from it.

    FreeCycle gets rid of them as soon as they find out about them, but it's hard with so many popping up right now.

    I hope you and Viv can have a nice work-free week-end!