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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jul 9, 2005.

  1. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Diane, if you are worried about her go visit her! She is your cat and the vet make not exactly like it but they will allow it.(especially if you insist ;) ) Probably they just want to keep her another day to make sure she isn't "worrying" her paws. Or she may have reacted unusually to the anisthetic. Or this might just be their usual policy. I don't think they kept Hershey but overnight, but that was a long time ago.

    GE just doesn't seem to make appliances like they used to. We had a microwave that we bought when we married(before actually, cause I told him I wasn't setting up housekeeping without one :D ). That thing lasted 13 years! Since we had had such good luck with that one we replaced it with another GE. That one hardly lasted a year. :(

    Going to get dressed now....
  2. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Be sure you have plenty of shredded newspaper to put in the litter box (instead of litter) for a week or so. Otherwise Patches will get pieces of litter in her paws and get an infection...

    Also, OREO was at the Vets for two nights. The Vet said we could visit him, but we thought it might be harder for him to see us and then for us to leave, so we didn't go.

    Blackbird and Tony:

    The truck is a FORD. Does that change ya'll's opinion? [​IMG]

    The truck worked fine and was actually quite nice to drive, but we almost sweated to death. The A/C is broken and the driver's window won't roll down. We were both soaked by the time we got home...

    I am SO proud. All that driving between cities on roads I've never taken and I didn't get lost at ALL! [​IMG]

    Well, the fence 'installer' hasn't shown up at all today so far and that's WHY Brent and I went to pick up the rest of the posts and fencing TODAY so he would have them to work with!

    Well, I'm off to unload the truck so Dale doesn't try and do it.

    §ue [​IMG]
  3. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    THANKS for the heads up on the litter box! I just called to check on her and they told me we could either shred it ourselves or buy something called, "Yesterday's News' which is pellet like shredded paper. I had emptied, cleaned and sterilized her two litter boxes but had planned on putting regular litter right back in it.

    The tech said she's doing great. They've already removed her bandages and she's not bothering her feet. She's on antibiotics and pain killer so she's quite comfortable. Also, they said she's eating and drinking and talking to everyone. She's a VERY vocal cat. When you respond, she'll respond.... Sounds like she's saying 'mama'.

    We got the Korg and wormer today. Scooter took the meds with no trouble and ate quite well for lunch. He's sleeping next to my chair now. He's playing with the Korg and got some chicken and peanut butter out of the end but hasn't figured out that if he bites it, more will come out. It was $1.50 more in the store than online but no shipping charges.

    Now to find some newspaper! We don't take the newspaper! Ah! Jim's going to PETsMART to get some of the special litter. His office doesn't get newspapers either.


    [ July 20, 2005, 02:39 PM: Message edited by: dianetavegia ]
  4. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    I would like to say that the devil might officially feel at home in Tennessee! It is HOT here! And HUMID! And there are storms just a few miles away moving closer by the minute which will make it hotter and much more humid. We're supposed to be near 100 by the weekend! The heat index has already been at 107 here today! I was going to try and push mow, but it's just too hot to do it, and Viv would kill me if the heat didn't.

    I've got to run to Bell Buckle and pick up the mail. Viv said not to, but I've got to do it. I've got to see if the packet from Social Security came in and also the packet from her sister. Dell just told her she's got to work all weekend again. She's madder than a wet hen! She told them she's NOT working Sunday...PERIOD! She hasn't been to church in four weeks and she told them she's going this week, Dell will have to survive without her! LOL Gotta admire her spunk!

    Pray I don't have a wreck ya'll. I really shouldn't be driving, but we've got to have the mail.

  5. padredurand

    padredurand Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2004
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    First On Race Day!

    If you want to make that truck real special you need:</font>
    • a sliding rear window. (Better yet if you bust one of the pieces out with a chunk of fire wood and you cover the hole with cardboard and duct tape)</font>
    • AC that don't work. That's what the sliding rear window is for!</font>
    • Gun rack. Hang your bonnet or umbrella iffen you don't have a rifle. (That's pronounced raffle for most of you.) [​IMG]</font>
    • misc car and lawnmower parts padded with a 6 inch layer of tree bark in the box.</font>
    • a tailgate that drops every time you hit a bump.</font>
    • at least one body panel in primer.</font>
    • some reference to NASCAR even if you don't watch.</font>
    Call me, Sue, if you need any help putting the firewood through the back window. I know how, I've seen me do it.
  6. Gib

    Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    You've got a rear window?
  7. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Sue, I've was raised by a man who drove pretty much nothing but Ford pickups. I drove them and liked them. But, I like Chevy, too! I ain't prejudiced! I ain't gonna drive a Toyota, though! And I certainly ain't gonna drive a Dodge!

    That window that won't roll down should be pretty easy to jerry rig if you can find a shade tree mechanic or body man.

    I made it back from Bell Buckle just in time to get in the door before the storm hit! The clouds were really rotating good up there. Thought there was going to be a tornado for a few minutes. But, it's just pretty much rain, thunder and sharp lightening now.
  8. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    That's easy to fix Sue. Remove the door panel and put it back on track. We've had to do it on old cars before. Even slamming it hard or a child hanging on it when it's partially opened will cause it.
  9. padredurand

    padredurand Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Keeps the shotgun from getting wet. [​IMG]

    Diane, that ain't a cat bed you got that puppy in, is it? Real dogs sleep on [​IMG]
  10. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Not sure, Padre! I got it for free off www.freecycle.org but the family who gave it to me have 3 LARGE dogs and had bought this when their Pit Bull was only 6 weeks old. There's a tear on the back that I can fix. I did wash it really good. Scooter likes it.

    He's getting rid of his worms. EEK!!!

    I can pick up Patches anytime after 3:00 tomorrow. It's about 20 miles from here so I'll leave at 3:00. We got the 'Yesterday's News' cat litter. $11.00 a bag but a BIG bag.


    Click to enlarge! She's much bigger now tho.
  11. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Evening everyone!

    Made it back from B'ham and now I'm tired! Hot, hot, HOT today! Thank the Lord for AC! I've got to turn around tomorrow and do it all over again.

    It's going to be such a busy week's end. Doc again tomorrow for Precious, plus if we can possibly get back in time we have a pretesting workout at karate. Friday is testing for all 3 plus I have an aunt coming in to my parents that I haven't seen in a couple of years. Saturday, my dad wants us to visit with them out at the lake, I'm not sure about karate, and Saturday night Precious is supposed to spend the night at a friend's. Oh, and T is still sick and isn't going to want to do any of it!

    Eeww! I put flea stuff on Hairwolf and that stuff stinks!

    I started to cook supper and then was reminded that T is going to a sneak peek tonight. I'm just going to throw some chicken on the grill and make some french fries for me and the kids. That'll be easy and won't heat up the house to much.

    Diane, to bad Scooter won't stay that little and sweet. Patches is so fluffy. Hairwolf has her coloring but not her hair.

    Sue, my dad swears by Ford and won't drive anything else. T's family on the other hand is GM all the way. I just drive what's put in front of me! :D Glad to hear you made it without any trouble.

    Tony, read this well. NO PUSH MOWING THE GRASS! Even when it's cooler. (try a pawn shop for a cheap rider or find someone who repairs them for a living. Sometimes they will fix up old ones to running again and sell them for a good price. We have a fella 'round here that does that)
  12. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I'll take a new picture of Patches this weekend. She's SO fluffy! I've got flea stuff for her but never used it. I've not seen fleas on Scooter but he has scratched some. We've given him a bath every day. The red clay and rain, mud, grass taller than he is out back.... and he's So tiny, I can bathe him right in the kitchen sink. He seems to like it. He stands still or will lick at the dripping water. I may use the Frontline flea stuff on him. It's a once a month drop for small animals. His belly is still so bloated. Guess it'll be a while before he's worm free. We're to repeat the meds at 10 days and 30 days.

    I've got to iron tonight. Wonder if anything isn't reruns. At least it's only Ty tomorrow and I can go back to bed once he's here. Just have the 3 kids on Friday and they come at 10:15 so I can sleep in. Jim has to work all day Saturday.
  13. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Worms are nasty. It's time I wormed my three. I hesitate on worming Hammer because he has heartworm and I don't like to stress him to much, but I think it's time.

    I need to vacuum, do a load of laundy and take the patches off the kids uniforms and put them back on this time in the right places.

    Then again, the kids might just be lucky to get supper!
  14. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I need a way to get the heartworm meds for Scooter. I'm wondering if the vet who comes to the Feed Store will sell them to us since such a young puppy can be healed with just that med even if the mother passed them on. No need for blood tests.

    Proheart 6 1-25 pounds $14.00
    6 months of Heartworm protection in one dose!

    Just got an email from a freecycle member. The Tractor Supply will have the vet there on Aug. 6th and I can get the Rabies shot for $10. or all the shots for $34. plus they'll sell me the heart worm stuff for $14.
  15. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    It says Scooter cannot get his rabies shot until he's 4 months. He'll be days shy of 9 weeks.

    Do you just worm your animals youself, Cindi? These darned sites try to scare you and want expensive tests before 'deworming'.
  16. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I thought Proheart had been discontinued?

    Happy Jack! They have a nice dewormer, but you must follow the instruction carefully. The vet usually gives me a dewormer when we go in for the shots. We haven't been in for a while and Hammer is terrified of strangers and must be tranqued if he goes in.

    So yes, occasionally I deworm my own dogs. Mostly I think vaccinations other than rabies are a waste of time/money for animals. I'm all for giving animals good care, but not convinced that there is enough risk of serious desease to cover the risks of the vaccines. Not only that, but I also have the bad attitude that while I enjoy my pets, they are not an indespensible part of my life. Thanks to careless breeders there will be always be another one out there to love. (that's not to say, however, that it is okay to get rid of an animal just because you're tired of it) I'm not going to spend outragous amounts of money of vet bills for one animal, when there are so many out there that don't even have enough to eat. However, if there were a clear threat to the health of one of them, they would recieve the vaccinations.
    End mini rant.

    Hammer was dianosed with heartworm 6 years ago. Because he was so hard to handle the vet and I agreed not to treat him. He cautioned me about the symptoms that come toward the end of the infecion and when/if that day ever comes I'll have him put down. He's already 9 years old and still going strong.

    The girls got Proheart until they took it off the market (maybe just here?) sometime last winter(I think). Since we've been in a financial crisis since then they haven't been on anything. I'll have to have them retested. Be glad your puppy is small, I paid around $50 per shot for my two fifty pounders.
  17. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Look at this web site.


    I got some dewormer at PETsMART for Scooter and he's pooping out worms like CRAZY. Erliwormer I think it's called.

    The local ladies told me you can buy the 7 in one for $3.99 at the Feed Store and give it yourself. I've never had my cats have anything but the first rabies shot but they had already given Patches her shots when we got her except for Rabies, so I got that one. My pets are house pets and not exposed to other animals. I don't board them. I do want the heart worm preventative tho because of the horrible mosquitoes. We'd always used them only during the summer up north.

    The paperwork for neutering asked if he'd had shots and I put no but included a letter explaining he was only 6 weeks old when I filled out the paperwork. It could be the vet will do that through them too.

    Nick walked Scooter a few minutes ago and put on a long sleeved shirt. His neck was bit 3 times. :rolleyes: Mosquitoes sure do eat him up!

    Patches had tape worms and the vet just sold us a $7.00 pill. I saw some at PETsMART that say they're for Tape Worms too. All I've seen with Scooter is Round worms and they are almost a given with any puppy. The woman who gave him to us said her Black Lab was well cared for and no health problems but who knows.

    Well I ironed ONE shirt and had an ice cream. We gave Scooter another bath since he rolled in the red clay and he's asleep in our bathroom. We put up the baby gate and he'll sleep really well unless we turn off our t.v. Good thing we both don't mind the t.v. on all night! Hope I don't wake up to a bathroom filled with worms! LOLOL

    Sleep well all,
  18. padredurand

    padredurand Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2004
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    You know, it just came to me what a cozy little group of folks are hanging out at the old Common Ground Coffee House. Just think about how casually we discuss broken hearts and broken fences, old trucks and worms shooting out of the southbound end of a northbound puppy.

    Dorothy was right Toto
    ...there's no place like home...
    ...there's no place like home...
    ...there's no place like home...

    I think I'll skip the rice pilaf tonight, though. [​IMG]
  19. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    "Hope I don't wake up to a bathroom filled with worms! LOLOL"
