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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jul 9, 2005.

  1. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Here in this University town, stuff in the trash is sometimes good stuff. When the college kids leave in the spring, they leave good furniture out by the dumpsters.

    Good Morning, everyone!

    This is a painting day.
  2. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I've seen posts on our freecycle that'll say, 'I just drove past an almost new looking swing set on XYZ street, waiting for the trashman!' People have reported back that they've gone, knocked on the door and got things that way.

    I'd be VERY afraid to accept furniture from Freecycle from around here because this is a very poor area and one woman I gave things to said her house is infested with mice, fleas and if she gets up at night, she hears the roaches crunching under her slippers. UG!

    I'm going at 2:30 to pick up shirts for Nick. He's now 57" tall {barefoot} and 79.3 lbs. The boys is all arms and legs! His birth father was 6'3" when we knew him. He could have grown a little more since 1994. I'm meeting the shirt woman in a parking lot about 20 miles from here. Her ad said they were all washed and folded and in good enough condition for school clothes. I sure need some more pants for him. Since the consignment shops don't have any, I'm assuming that's a size that gets worn out.

    Well, we took Patches to the vet for her declawing at 7:00 a.m. It's a vet in another county. He was one of the less expensive but included pain meds, antibiotics and pain meds to bring home in his price. One doctor actually offered to do the procedure with no pain meds to save people money! No thanks! I'd thought I couldn't have her done but it's the animals adopted through the foster family plan in our county. I read and reread my adoption papers. There's a $1,000 fine if you don't have them spayed or rabies shots within a week but she'd been spayed and only needed a $14. shot. I can't pick her up until late Thursday afternoon. They'll remove her bandages tomorrow afternoon/ evening but I can call before close today to check on her. She was SO scared! I don't have a carrier so we did put her in a box with holes. Poor Kitty!

  3. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I pulled a two-decker aquarium stand out of the neighbor's trash once (after asking). I painted it with rustoleum and used it for years.

    But, to take something out of the trash just to offer it on FreeCycle? I don't think so. :eek:

    I find enough 'treasures' to give away in MY house. :rolleyes:

    I've still not made it to the basement to clean it out, but I posted an offer last week that contained 18 good items from the upstairs!

    We don't allow posts that say there is an item sitting on the curb because too many people waste gas just to go there and find out it has already been taken.

    Also last week, I gave away a large trash bag full of Brent's clothes (that I bought him for school last year) all washed and folded. Not a tear or stain on any of them - he just outgrew them!

    I could have taken them to the consigment shop because they were in such good shape, but I get too many blessings from giving them to someone that can't afford them.
  4. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I wish I had time to go through every drawer, closet and cabinet and had a clear weekend for a yard sale! I only have Ty today because the mom of the 3 children is sick with a severe migraine but we're going to be gone a few hours with our trek to pick up the shirts and a dog bed and bowls. A woman who replied to my questions about free neutering asked did I need a small bed and bowls. Her dog has outgrown these. [​IMG]

    I need to get Nick's school books on Ebay. I'd hoped to find someone who wanted them without having to pay listing fees, seller fees and paypal fees. I did buy most of Nick's 5th grade books for $48. with shipping. The work books and one hard cover I've been unable to find will cost another $71.00 through BJUPress. Last year we spent $285.
  5. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Hey everyone.

    I've been back at the sewing machine this morning working on the uniforms I picked up last night. I've just about got them finished.

    Had to run to Walmart and pick up some lunch fixing, and while I was there I picked up some hair color. Yesterday I discovered a blonde/gray spot right in the front of my otherwise red/brown hair. :eek: I've decided to go lighter this time. Ya'll pray I don't turn out pink! [​IMG]
    I've been lighter before, but I've never lightened myself.

    While the color sits I've got to clean the guinea pig's cages. Then it'll be time for karate again. As soon as the kids test(Friday), we're going to quit going every day and choose just a couple of times a week. Since we started so late in the testing period, I felt they needed the extra days till then.

    Called the pool man this morning. Hopefully within the next couple of days we'll get started on the pool.

    Well my lunch is over, time to get back at it!
  6. Debby in Philly

    Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    I know we've had the cat declawing discussion before, but I hope that Patches isn't being declawed because she scratched the girl who put her in the box?

    I once knew two retired men on disability whose "hobby" was getting to the trash early before the trash men did, selecting things that were good or fixable, and then spent their Saturday and Sunday mornings at flea markets selling the stuff. They did all right, and their wives loved it because it kept them busy.
  7. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    No Debby, Patches has destroyed my carpet! She has ripped it bare in odd spots. The vet had said to put down double sticky tape in the areas where she was doing it but she just will walk, stop and scratch and then walk off. When I close my bedroom door for the kids to sleep, she rips at it terribly and it's absolutely bare! She tore up the carpet in front of my closets and a corner (right in view) in the living room where it heads down into the hallway. Living room, hallway corner, bedroom, in front of 2 closets, started doing it right at the top of the stairs and on the top step.... She's also put small holes in 3 screens and scratches at the sofa in the t.v. room. I put a big throw on the back of my formal living room furniture to keep her from tearing up the tops.

    Nope... not for scratching! That was deserved!! I won't let that child touch our puppy.

  8. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Good evening, everyone. I'm tired. I have been framing paintings all day. I think I finally have enough for a suitable display. Every time I pick one, Ed will say, "On no, not that one. I like that one."

    Maybe when he isn't looking, some will just disappear. ;) Now he is worried that I can't paint them fast enough (I wish) He still doesn't know how many are in the closet and then there is the attic. I don't even know what is in the attic.

    Diane, Muffin got mad at me once and dug a hole in the carpet (old house). It was right in the hallway outside the bathroom. Couldn't hide it with furniture or anything. The first thing he did was chew one of my good shoes so I learned to put shoes out of his reach. In fact in the old house, he thought that anything on the floor was his. Now that he has his own room, he doesn't bother things as much. He really didn't chew things for very long. I sprayed the woodwork and wood furniture with something called bitter apple. That seemed to work.

    He is five years old now and a very good boy.
  9. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Thankful, the scratching was our cat doing the usual 'cat thing'. Part of it was she didn't like being closed out of rooms. We even filled spray bottles with water and sat them on those spots so she started NEW spots!

    The one thing I can say is, the daycare children really have already ruined this cheap 'builder grade' carpet in several rooms so .... I've had them throw up in the hall and two rooms. It actually removed the color to some degree no matter how well I thought I had cleaned it up! Then there's the track where they've worn it down walking back and forth so much. The red clay on the bottom step that I let dry and tried to get up, still shows. We'd actually pulled up the carpet in our entrances and put down linoleum so that's something I could mop 4 times or more a day. (Once a week tho, now)

    I told Jim this is a perfect time to housebreak a dog since the carpet is ruined anyhow. Scooter is REALLY good about that! He's just 5 1/2 weeks but whines when he needs to go so someone grabs him and runs outside. I did put down an old rug in the master bath and he went on that during the night ONCE. He's crashed by my feet right now. He's really black and the carpet in here is dark blue. I've almost stepped on him a few times because you can't see him! Jim bought him a black collar. I told him we needed a flashing light collar on this fella.
  10. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    BTW... I still have 3 children plus Nick and it's after 9 p.m. here. Their mom got sick with a migraine and spent the night at the hospital. She went back late this afternoon and Dad was to come get them but he's going to wait until they discharge her.

  11. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Poor Mom! she must be really bad to do the hospital twice in a day. Son has had a nasty migraine today and Precious' neck is messed up too. They couldn't either go to karate this evening.

    Hairwolf isn't scratching the carpet thank goodnesss. She's not bad for scratching anything except her post. She has learned to climb the downstairs hall wall paper. :rolleyes: Usually at the very end of chasing a shadow the entire length of the house.
  12. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Cindi, it sounds pretty bad. The kids left just about 20 mins. ago. The mother had an allergic reaction to the meds they gave her. She's swelling up and has severe spasms in her thighs. She cannot stand at all and the headache has gotten much worse.

    Her hubby didn't say what else they're going to be doing but a church family (he's a youth minister at another church) has offered to keep his kids a few days and he's going back to stay at the hospital. This is the same girl with the kidney stone problem.

  13. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Ooh, I wonder if they tried to give her a DHE treatment? DHE can cause a SEVERE allergic reaction. Unfortunately, it is the one thing we know will stop Son's migraine when they last for days on end.

    I read/watched a news program the other day about a new treatment for migraines. It seems that a majority of migraine sufferers have a small hole between two chambers of the heart(don't ask me which two). When the doctors fix the hole, the migraines stop. It is still a very experimental procedure, but they say it has worked on the vast majority of cases treated this way.

    I'll go see if I can find a link.
  14. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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  15. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Oh my! Christie's an RN so I'll tell her about it. I don't know what they gave her. I wanted to ask more but her husband is one of those guys who doesn't ask the doctor's anything. He lets her do all the asking since she's the medical person.

    Christie's in her late 20's and the kids are 7, 4 and 1.
  16. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Just popping in to say good night and let y'all know I won't be on early in the morning.

    I am getting up at 5:30 and leaving here at 6:00 to return a truck load of landscape timber to Forsyth (30 miles) then cut cross-country to pick up the rest of our fencing in Springfield (40 miles) then back home (35 miles). That's a lot of driving that early in the morning in a pick up truck I've never driven and not sure I trust. :eek:

    Pleasant dreams all!
    §ue [​IMG]
  17. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Sue----for the Rednecks of this sweet country---those words

    "not sure I trust"---in reference to your hubby's pick up truck---that quote---is 1) unthinkable and 2) considered blasphemy against the Redneck race!!!! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  18. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    blackbird, I'll have to agree with you there. Even if it was to "have a problem" it would still be RELIABLE...just as reliable as "man's best friend"...the DOG! (NOT NO KITTY KAT!!)
  19. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good morning everyone!

    I'm only here long enough to drink a quick cup of coffee. MIL and I have to go to B'ham today for mamograms. We use the same set of docs so it's very convient for us to go together.

    Son and Precious are still not feeling well this morning but I believe they are some better.

    Sue good luck with the truck!

    "Man's best friend" here isn't very reliable. One runs at the sight of a stranger and the other two would let him in the house wagging their tails.

    One with the day!
  20. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Cindi, I have to have a 'retake' on my mammogram in 6 months which is the end of August and I'm already very nervous about it. My sister in law has the exact tiny spots (microcalcifications: so transparent as if to be invisible) that they couldn't dx on the opposite side. They didn't use the same wording for her, just that they were too small to dx. We're praying for each other. Her name is Diana and until she married it was Diane and Diana Tavegia. [​IMG] Her nickname growing up was Dee and Jim calls me 'DeeDee' when he's in a silly mood. I'll pray that you both have only good results.

    My dishwasher was the upgrade to a GE Profile. The racks cracked, plastic coating broke away and now all those places are rusted and it falls onto the dishes. A woman off www.freecycle.org offered me the good racks off her motor burned out unit. We don't know if they'll fit but it's worth a try! She's in Lithia Springs so I'll be on a trek but not as long as Sue's!! We're also going to PETsMart because Scooter has worms. He's sleeping on top of my foot under the computer desk right now. I'll post a picture later. I didn't pay to join Village Photos so always have to delete something first.

    Patches can't be picked up until late Thursday. I'm so worried about her. I called yesterday and she was just waking up from the anesthesia. They'll feed her today and take the bandages off late this afternoon. They're also giving her antibiotics and pain killers.