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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Dec 9, 2005.

  1. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Awww Sue, do we haaaavvvvveeee to? :D [​IMG]

    Good morning everyone!

    So far it is quite a nice morning here. It's still soggy outside but the sky is clear and I believe we'll have some sun later today. It's only about 40 outside but Ava is standing in their water pool. Crazy dog!

    I guess today will be spent putting the house back together, especially the kitchen. Then the kids all have some green spendy stuff burning holes in thier pockets, so I guess we'll go shopping for a bit.

    Ya'll have a good day!
  2. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Shopping? Today? That's gonna be nuts!

    My one child went to bed last night with a stomachache, headache, and dizziness, and a little later it hit me too.
    We all woke up this morning with belly-aches, but it's not too bad. Just a little queasy all around. I ran out and got a case of 7-up, two had some oatmeal, and so far we all seem pretty ok, I think we're just gonna have to stick with chicken broth and soda today.
    I'm hoping it wasn't my fault...I had put raw chicken in a glass baking dish and changed my mind about using it, then instead of putting it in the dishwasher as I normally would if I had raw meat on something, I washed it by hand in the sink and was dumb enough to use a sponge for that whole dishload.
    I rewashed all those this morning and am using a different sponge! Bad Mamma...
  3. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I doubt if it was your fault, Gina. I don't have a dishwasher, so all of my dishes get washed in the sink, with a sponge. I DO rinse them with scalding hot water though.

    Well, I held together until after Christmas. Today, my body crashed. I have been sleeping most of the day and am ready to hit the couch again.

    I am still recovering from the Bronchitis, but I have been going full steam ahead for about a month now. Today, I am achy all over and have a headache and the Bronchitis on top of it. I feel like I've been run over by a truck. I just feel bruised everyplace.

    I got up at 4:00, went back to bed at 6:30 and slept until 9:30. Got up, ate, and hit the couch about 11:00 and slept until the phone woke me up at 1:30.

  4. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    I was not driving that truck!!!!

    Since Mary went off to Florida for CHristmas, I have been working day and night...when I feel like it...it is fun making noise at 3:AM and not hearing that voice...Got almost all my drywalling done and may get to paint it before Mary gets home..surprise, surprise!

    I actually feel very good, but then I am seldom ill, not even the sniffles. I would like it better if my legs didn't collapse under me though.

    We wash everything the armstrong way too, Sue...Dishwashers? Wot are they? Next thing you know women will be wanting washing machines too.


  5. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    BP probs keep me weak much of the time. Always sleepy.

    My BP is funny. For no reason, it will drop and if I don't sit down as soon as I get dizzy, I literally pass out. My wife, after 3 weeks of marriage saw this happen first-hand. She said I stiffened like a board, my eyes rolled back in my head and I fell backwards. She thought she was a widow.

    Doc's don't know what causes it. They have run multiple tests, but to no avail. On the table tilt test, I blacked out after only 8 seconds.
  6. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Hey ya'll!

    Gina, shopping actually wasn't too bad. It was almost noon before we got started. You could sure tell that lots of folks had been in the stores though. Walmart had cartfuls of returns sitting around everywhere. Had to run to the one in the next town this evening and it looked like a herd of elephants had come through.

    Only Bitsy actually spent any money. She bought a Clue game and the three of them are busy playing it. I think the puzzles are to easy, cause it is only taking them 20-30 minutes to figure out each case. :eek: It's not going to keep them busy enough!

    Standinfirm, welcome! And when you figure out what causes your BP to drop let me know. Mine usually doesn't take me all the way out, but if I stand in one place to long things are going to go black. Let me ask though, have they checked you for diabetes or hypoglycemia? I also have the second(hubby has the first), and my BP problems are much worse if my sugar is off.
  7. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Checked for both diabetes and for hypoglycemia. all clear.

    I can be thankful though. In 1996 I was put in a wheelchair because of the BP. I could not stand without getting weak and would pass out. Doc's had me on Atenolol, Flourinef, Paxil, increased salt. None helped. Doc's said I would never walk again because of the BP. After 4 months, I got tired of the chair and told the Lord one day that I was going to stand and I knew I could not stand on my own, so I was depending on Him to hold me up. And praise the Lord, I have not been in that chair since. Except to rest a couple times.

    Doc's today are astonished at the way I am able to stand when my bp is as low as 89/51. It gives me a chance to witness God's love and strength on which I rely.

    I have other wonderful testimonies which I will share in another post.

    God bless.

    [ December 26, 2005, 10:40 PM: Message edited by: standingfirminChrist ]
  8. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    89/51! Hey you have lower blood pressure than me! Mine is usually 90/60 on a good day. Course I am a woman, so that makes yours waaay low.

    And don't you just love the eat more salt routine? I eat enough salt for 5 people, it only makes me thirsty. Does absolutely nothing for my blood pressure. Paxil? I didn't know that could affect BP. I took that for depression a few years ago. My BP didn't change then either. :rolleyes:

    On real bad days, I cut out the coffee. Coffee is the only caffiene source in the house thanks to T(hubby) and Son. But I have found that it makes worse if I'm already having problems. If I really want to do myself up good, I eat something sweet with my coffee(two or three 12 oz cups). That is a gaurenteed round of shakes and nearfaint. No sugar in the coffee either.

    Oh and my sugar tests out fine when I test too, but the doc still says this is all caused by a combination of BP and sugar.

    I'm shaking tonight just sitting here drinking tea. It is sooo agravating. But I've had a pretty long day and it could just be that I need some sleep.

    Nope, no sleep for me. At least not till I've moved the two kids that have invaded my bed! :eek: [​IMG] [​IMG]
  9. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    The paxil was prescribed because the doc said most people who are put in a chair go through depression
  10. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Well, that would depress me!

    Well I'm going to go push the kids out of my bed.

    Hit the light switch when you're finished if no one else comes in. I've already made sure everything is put away and the coffee pot off. The squirel hiding out behind the canister of nuts is the night time security guy. She'll make sure no one makes a mess after we leave.

  11. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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  12. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    So this is where she is, I been lookin' all over for her!! At least she's learned to stay out of the tree! Now someone let me know if she get's into those nuts tonite. We cleaned out her cage today & found 23nuts she had "buried" in her nest box!!! She watches Agee like a hawk when she's messin' with her cage.
  13. Linda64

    Linda64 New Member

    Jul 31, 2004
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    Greetings to all in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!!

    I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas. I thought I would check this forum out since I Am Blessed 16 invited me. I hate debates---can't win the lost through debates. I just love the Lord Jesus Christ--He's been my Lord and Saviour for 31 years and He grows sweeter and sweeter as the days go by--as the song says.

    Thanks for the invite, I Am Blessed 16 and for the warm welcome to the BB.

    BTW, standingfirminChrist is my husband.

    God bless,
  14. padredurand

    padredurand Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Hey, Linda64 and standingfirminChrist. [​IMG] No time for small talk and chit-chat, Linda, what kinda cookies do you bake and where'd you put them? There's a squirrel running around here missing part of her tail so make sure you put the cover on the cookie jar.

    Now for the rest of you womenfolk.... What happened to the mistletoe? I've been looking for it for two weeks now... Just to think I bought a new Chapstick, too. [​IMG]
  15. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all and welcome, Ron and Linda.

    You'll find no fightin', fussin', or feudin' at the Coffee House. That is the only 'rule' we have here. This is where we come to relax and share our daily 'goings on'...

    I finally got a good night's sleep last night, and after I slept most of the day away too! My body was just shutting down. I needed the rest.

    Tomorrow is my last day of Biaxin. I will certainly be glad! Maybe I can get my taste buds back. I'm still sniffling, but the cough is almost gone. PTL! I am so thankful that it didn't turn into Pneumonia, like it did last year!

    Today is probably going to be 'picking up' day. We have Christmas wrapping to take outside and various gifts that need put away.

    I love everything about Christmas, so my outside lights and Nativity Scene, and my indoor Christmas tree will stay up all week!

    Padre: No mistletoe. BH ate it. :eek:

    §ue [​IMG]
  16. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    I have mistletoe, have enjoyed standing by it and coughing until the girls come out and give me hugs and kisses! I'm leaving it up. [​IMG]

    I simply can't sleep tonight, although I'm exhausted. My muscles are doing their own thing. Doesn't hurt, but they won't quit jumping and shaking and twitching. Maybe I should record it and call it a new dance, see who'll pay to have me teach it! [​IMG]

    Remind me I said this in a few months...I miss my classes! I love my kids, but adult conversation for more than one minute at a time is becoming a faint memory and my brain is melting!

    I do have a barrel of monkeys, but I think I've exhausted my interest in them for now, so I'll go raid the kids room and read a Nancy Drew mystery. I wish they'd get into the Hardy Boys series so I could have an excuse to read them, but they're way too girlish for BOY BOOKS! They have NO pink stuff on the covers you know!
  17. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Good morning all:

    It's 35 here this morning. It's supposed to reach nearly 60 today, and I think that will be nice.

    Vivian found out yesterday after going in at 4 am that she wasn't supposed to be there until nearly 7 am. Oh well. It shows her dedication to her job and makes her supervisors assessment of her look under-rated.

    I'm ready to go back to bed and to try and get some sleep. I think I might sleep better after January 1st.

    Well, ya'll be good, be kind, be careful.

    Bro. T
  18. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Well...at least BH left the nuts alone. She's been acting real lovin' towards me this morning, mabey that stuff works on the inside too!! She kept tryin' to pull my hand inside her nest for a visit!
    Supposed to be warm here today too. Got some work to do on my truck & Agee wants me to move a bunch of boxed material out of her sewing room to the building. She told Sam if she got into she'd sew her lips together!
    Found out what may be going wrong with our puter'. The H/D was made back in 97 & according to the Mfgr. it only had a life expectancy of 5 yrs. Not bad I guess for going on 9. Agee says it sounds like me....grumbles a lot!
  19. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Wow! Everyone is checking in early this morning!

    I'll be around until Brent wakes up, then it's breakfast and 'putting away' for the next few hours...

    Gina, you could call your new dance, "Twitch and Shout". :rolleyes:

    Preacher, sounds like it's time for a new puter. :eek: I sure hope I hear something about my 'dead' puter today. I miss not having my email addy's plus a few other things that I can't get back unless I get them off of the old one. [​IMG]

    Tony, Viv could have gotten some more sleep! I hope they're paying her what she's worth!

    I think I'll surprise Brent and fry up some potatoes with onions, and some bacon and eggs. Sounds good after all the sweets we've been wolfing down! [​IMG]
  20. chipsgirl

    chipsgirl New Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    Oh Sue. That sounds like the best breakfast in the whole world. Yummmmmm. Now I'll be craving it all day.