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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Mar 1, 2006.

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  1. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    The little lady has prepared for me the usual reserve of doughnuts, coffee, and hot water for tea or apple cider.

  2. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Here's a link with a bit of explanation.Migraine Headaches: Gluten Triggers Severe Headaches in Sensitive Individuals

    I took all the stuff about gluten and migraines into my doctor and we decided to give it a try. It has helped me tremendously.

    I thought mine were allergies this time too. YUCK.

    I'll share a doctor story with you to make you feel better. My oldest son always needed a lot of attention. Man, he was the original strong willed kid. Wore me out. When he was in the sixth grade, he told me he couldn't see the board. No one on either side of our family wore glasses (until they were old anyway), so I kind of ignored him. *sigh* All Right! I'm not Mother of the Year (then or now). Soooooo, it went on long enough that I finally took him in and boy did he need glasses. All the way home, he kept pointing things out that he hadn't been able to see before. Look mom! Did you know that was yellow? Look mom! Did you know . . . I went home and crawled under my mom rock to hide my miserable shame :eek:

    I'm so glad you listened to that little voice [​IMG]
  3. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Hehe, MC, you weren't the first to do that! My parents did that to me! They didn't have to wait until the glasses came in to feel guilty, the doc took 'em out in the hallway and pitched himself a little fit. Their excuse was that they thought I wanted them because one of my cousins had them.

    What's really funny is that I am extremely nearsighted and my girls are the opposite. Cass grew out of her problems, but poor Bitsy, she has one really bad eye and won't keep those glasses on for nothing. Doc says she just uses her good eye.

    I'm learning to listen to that little voice. There have been several times here lately that I didn't and then wished I had!
  4. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Evening folks,

    It's been another busy day and I'm tired. We are watching MONK and then it's off to bed.

    I'm just stopping by to say goodnight and...

    Pleasant dreams all!
  5. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Long day here, too. And finally (10 pm) getting to sit down and finish therapy on the feet. Pull out the trust lap top and work on my sermon.

    Er, hit a few spots here first and THEN work on sermon! ;)
  6. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    It is supposed to be 70º today with rain, thunderstorms, strong winds and hail.

    So much for getting the leaves raked out of my flower beds and the sweet gum balls raked up out of the front yard...

    I am hoping, by this afternoon it will taper off so Grandpa and Brent can both grab a rake and go to it! I have tulips and some other flowers coming up, but they are being covered by the leaves.

    I wish I could get out there and work. I love working in the yard, however, the swelling in my ankles and feet didn't go away during the night like it usually does, so I'm not sure what's going on.

    Time for coffee,
  7. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    There is a band of rain moving into the area just West of us. I can feel it in me bones!!!

    It's not really all that bad out. 66 right now...light breezes and dogs barking! :rolleyes:

    Viv's still sleeping. She had a rough night last night, as did I. We did get to bed by 10:30, and that's unusual for a weekend. We got our weekly shopping done, the trip to the dump made and then some light housework done. This morning, we've got to go into Bell Buckle for mail again.

    My mother is going to be traveling to Augusta, GA this coming Wednesday. Please, remember to keep her in prayer. I'm not really sure if she's going to just take a break from Pekin, or if she's going to look around and possibly move back. I almost hope it is the second option. I would love to see her move back to Augusta. It would make it easier for many of us kids to see her. She's lived in Pekin, Illinois, where I grew up, for the last three years, and we've not gone up there since she's lived there. I really have no desire to go there even though she and my brother and his family live there. I don't consider Pekin my home. I consider Augusta my home.

    We are going to start doing a layout for the garden and some landscaping today. We don't know how much we'll really get done, but, we're hoping that it will be a significant amount. [​IMG]

    We have the pastor of our former church here in the area (where I was interim a few months back) coming to visit today. Don't know how that will go. Please pray we stay within the proper boundaries in behaviour.

    God bless ya'll. Have a wonderful day!

  8. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Mornin' gang!

    May hit 80 here today. No rain in sight.

    My sweet Ron got up early (5 am) to take my mom to the airport to go see my sister in AK. She just called and her flight was delayed. She rescheduled for tomorrow. Poor Ron went back to get her without a complaint. He's such a sweetie.

    I've got to work on my project proposal today. And of course there is still a bit of Basketball going on :D

    Oh, it's Saturday. What a glorious day!
  9. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning everyone!

    It is beautiful here as well. And hot! It's going to stay this way for a couple of days before it gets back into the 60's. Usual weather for this time of year.

    We've been doing a bit here and there both inside and out, this morning. I discovered that my lilies have begun to grow! If I can find another pair of gloves around here I need to go weed around them. I'm torn though because there is as much in the house that needs doing as there is out!

    Oh well, sitting here at the computer isn't helping.

    See ya!
  10. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Fresh Doughnuts hot off the grease!!

    the usual 6 dozen!

    Coffee on table, napkins. Cups are on counter beside sink. Do be careful pouring that coffee. It is very hot.
  11. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Hello Gang
    Me & Agee slept in this mornin & wished we hadn't. Was a beautiful morning! We worked on mowers trying to get them ready for the yard marathon. Actually we don't have a huge yard here, but if I can ride & mow I'm gonna!! We had a push mower I picked up thru Freecycle that runs fine now. People get rid of stuff that's not that bad of shape. It cranks on a couple of pulls now, & is a self propell so mabey Agee can use it. She loves to work in the yard when her allergies will let her. Mine gave me a fit about lunch time & had to come in. Then at 2:00....thunderstorms! Still raining & thundering some. I raised the window in front of BH's cage & she is just fascinated with the rain!
    Agee's gone to work so I'm alone again till 7:30.She says I need this time to myself, I just tell her if I need time to myself I'd go fishin when she's here. Course I don't...I like to be around my wittle wife, even fishin!! It's been great having the house to ourselves. We act a lot goofier then!!
    Well gotta run do a little cleanin, or something...have to find my list!!
  12. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Preacher, I wish you'd come get my push mower workin again! And my weed eater too. Actually, if I could find the right size fuel line, I could fix the weed eater myself. Bought fuel line last fall for it that claimed on the package it was the right size, but it weren't.

    The lawm mower is probably a lost cause though. It gets stored under the deck in the winter. Last year I was getting it ready to mow with and the safety cable broke. So now I don't know if the problem is the safety being out of place or if it's just dead. Poor thing, it's at least 5 years old and I only paid about $90 dollars for it. I guess I got my money out of it considering all the abuse it took.

    Not going to make it to my flower beds today. Got the pool opened and cleaned up. I hadn't bothered with a cover for it since the leaves were long down before I closed it last fall(is December fall?). This warm weather was causing a bit of algae to grow. T and I checked out the filter this morning and then I've been cleaning and getting the chemicals right. Looks much better already. Even though we can't swim, I enjoy seeing it nice and clean.

    Course opening the pool means it's time to get the backyard back in shape. It's a mess. Going to take me two weeks to get it cleaned up and mowed. Kids and dogs sure can make a mess! Oh well, that's work for another day.

    Now for doing something for the INSIDE of the house.
  13. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Keeper, if you're talking about the feature with a cable to a handle you hold to keep it running/let go & it dies then that proably IS why it won't start.
  14. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Yep, that's the one. Know how get past that problem?
  15. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Trace the cable to the other end, on the engine. There should be a piece sticking out that the cable hooks to. Remove the end of the cable, move the little piece in the opposite direction till it stops.Take a piece of wire & find a place to wire it in that position & see if it will start. Be sure to use a longer piece of wire for doing this so you can just unwrap it to turn it off. Other wise you'll have to pull the plugwire & that can be a shocking experince!!
    Also if it's sat since last year (or longer) make sure the air filter is clean, might want to put a new plug in (a couple bucks) & make sure it's got fresh gas in it. Oh & fore you try to start it...check & add oil as needed!! Course you may know all this in which case...do it anyway!!
    If it still won't start PM me & we'll try some other things & not get the coffee house all dirty!!
  16. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Cold apple juice sounds delicious. What are the chances?
    I'd go out and get it but I've already had to go out twice, and I'm exhausted. Too late for a nap though.

    I got a number of letters in the mail today, some dated from December. Eight letters from a friend over the last few months, W2 forms that were originally mailed in January, a letter from the second week of February, etc..
    Now WHY they had them is something I'd like to know. They appear to have been unopened. Why keep them if you're not going to send them to me? Why didn't they just throw them away? That is very weird, but I guess no harm done. It would be nice to know what in the world they were thinking or doing though!
  17. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Evening folks,

    I'm going to unplug the computer.

    We have a tornado warning out and we are having heavy rain, strong winds and hail right now.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  18. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Praying for your safety, Sue

    Be Blessed.
  19. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    The tornado touched down about 15 miles from us. We sustained no damage except the lawn, where we raked all the sweet gum balls up yesterday, is now covered in them again!

    We are supposed to have more severe thunderstorms today. We really do need the rain, but I could do without all the wind...

    Coffee is on, tea is brewing and fresh donuts are on the counter.

  20. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Sorry I did not get in in time to deliver doughnuts this am. I had to make a call to some dear friends in Ireland.

    Only get to do that once a month.
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