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Common Ground Coffee House #99

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jul 1, 2006.

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  1. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Ok, who's painting? I got some work for you.

    I tried to weasel my way into getting my stones painting with what *I* thought was an equally cool idea...have everyone in the family paint their own think. Make it more personal, give it some meaning.
    I did that one year with ornaments I painted for Christmas...all my kids and all my friends painted one and signed it. It gave so much meaning to those ornaments! But so far, no takers.

    I think I'm just gonna stencil the rest. I was just copying stencils anyhow, pretty much.
  2. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    I went to Michaels today.

    I decided to take all the originals of our wedding pictures (now that they are all scanned) and make a scrap book -- soooooo there is paper and books and all those little thingies that make the books so incredibly special. I needed photo album boxes because I'd run out and some of the pictures were just getting thown into boxes.

    Then I noticed the sales items in the back, so I bought a vase and a couple bamboo buckets that I thought would make good trash cans. I got a little tile table too for half price. You can use those things anywhere. I saw some packs of four boxes -- two rounds and two squares. Sooooo cute. I could have bought more. They had flip-flips on sale for 1.49. I got brushes. Oh and for some of the purses I've been making, I got some packages of those fringy bead sets. Too cute.

    I've got the pictures all laid out on the pool table :praise:
  3. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    My Grandson Sean needs surgery

    We found out this afternoon that my Grandson Sean will have to have surgery next week to relieve fluid on his brain.

    They told us that they'll have to put in a shunt to relieve the fluid from his brain. Sean was born with Spinal-Bifida, and has undergone several surgeries on his paralyzed legs.

    I found a good friend of mine dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound last saturday, and I've been trying to help her sister to deal with that(She has no other family).

    And now we get this news. Satan has been having a real heyday with us lately.

    Your prayers would be appreciated. Thank you.

    #223 Friend of God, Jul 17, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2006
  4. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Hello All,
    Got in about 45 min. ago. They did turn the route over to me today. Didn't really get started till after 12, & even had to back track bout 15 or so stops. The directions weren't exactly the best. Still got done in about 6 & 1/2 hours!
    Welp...I'm one tired booger, so I guess I check back in later, or tomorrow.
    Ya all have a Blessed Evening!
  5. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Poor Sean! How old is he? I'll be praying.
  6. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Sean just turned 6 months old last week. He's been thru more in his 1st six months then most kids.
  7. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Rob: I'm so sorry to hear this and will keep little Sean lifted up in prayer as well as the grieving sister.

    It's so hard when your kids are ill and you can't 'fix' it. I went through that when my daughter was young and had cancer. I felt so helpless. But what I cannot do myself - I know my Jesus can! :praise:

    View attachment 52

    I'm going to bed, but instead of counting sheep, I'm going to talk to the Shepherd... :Fish:

    Pleasant dreams all!
    §ue :sleeping_2:
  8. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Hehehe... I'll just sneak in here early this morning. Come 'ere BH, I've got a bribe for you. Just a few pecans and hickory nuts off my trees. Can you carry that bag? All right, you go hide 'em someplace, I've got some michief to make in here, see'n as how no one else is up yet!


    I don't know where that security guard got off too. Hmmmmmm.....

    Well since she's outta here, I'll just put on some coffee and start the kettle for some tea. There's some fresh cinnamon rolls on the counter, along with a loaf of low sugar banana bread and a low sugar coffee cake.

    Fresh strawberries are in the fridge and there's bananas, ice cream, yogurt, fruit juice and ice should anyone want to make a smoothie for breakfast. Clean up the blender after yourselves!!!

    Ha! I believe I've done enough damage this morning. Won't Bitsy be surprised to see I'm up before her. :D I'd better hurry and get out of here before I get caught.

    BH, you got those nuts hidden yet? I wouldn't want Preacher to think I'm tryng to make you fat......All right, you keep your chattering to yourself now, ya' here?
  9. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Boy it smells good in here this morning!! Cinnamon ROlls....yeah, them & a DP hit the spot!

    BH, where you been, ....she did what?? Yeah well some security you make, if ya let a lady with a few loose nuts bribe ya. What...a bag of nuts!! Oh, OK, but can I put some up for later?
    Boy...still tired from yesterday. they said on the weahter last nite the heat index is supposed to be around 106 here today. Well, I have to go help BH clean up her rocker...seems it won't hold ALL the bounty she tried to bury in her cotton. Hey!! Quit growlin at me...you know I won't keep'em. You just clean up the shells ya left in the floor young lady!!
    Huh? oh , well I wouldn't get used to it. Geener may come in next time & ya may have to fight for some instead of someone just givin' them to ya!!

    You all have a Blessed Day......Preacher, and a waddling BH!!
  10. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    I just knew I'd be first today! MK -- it's 7 am here so that means you were up really early!

    Loved my smoothie! What a great idea.

    You guys have a wonderful day. I've got meetings and am taking my mom to another doc, so I won't be around much.

  11. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Morning Friends,
    We're watching Sean this morning, his mother has a dental appt. When he looks at me and gets his little smile I melt. Will be so glad when his surgery is over. Still haven't heard when it's scheduled for - just "sometime next week".
    We had a private viewing for Debi last night. Her graveside service is today. Judy is like a walking zombie. I'm really worried about how she'll do today. I've tried to help her as much as I can, as far as dealing with details, but today reality is going to be right in front of her, in the form of a closed casket. She's still in the "what if" nightmare and that might go on for some time.
    Maybe after tonight I'll sleep a bit better too. Too many dreams of what I found, and if I'm doing the right things to help Judy. Judy knows all about my depression and God forbid she finds out about my sleep problems. I've been running on Diet Mountain Dew & prayer(not in that order) since Saturday making sure the room got cleaned,ID made, releases done, etc. Don't get me wrong - I'm not the Lone Ranger I can't fix everything, but it's certainly better that I take the emotional body blows then Judy right now. My doc is going to take me up one wall & down another when he finds out what I've done since Saturday. What was I supposed to do - tell Judy "good luck" & walk away?
    I've got to get ready for the service. Will try to get back later.

    Live, Laugh, and Love. Life can change forever in just a second.

    #231 Friend of God, Jul 18, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2006
  12. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    One good thing bout this route....will give me lots of time to talk with the Lord. Don't worry FOG, after we've done what we can, the Lord is always there to continue! I tend to think when we're tryin to help others is when He helps us the most!
    Gotta go get some papers...have a Blessed Day!
  13. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Rob: All the activity over the week-end should have helped your depression, I would think. The doc should be happy you're up and moving about and thinking about someone outside yourself. Still praying.

    Good morning all,

    I have my days and nights mixed up! I stayed up until after 1:00 again last night and slept in until 9:00 this morning. I don't like this! It seems as if half the day is gone.

    Another hot and humid day, so there really isn't much I will be doing anyway - at least not outside. I do have laundry to take care of inside.

    I think I'll have a banana smoothie with my toast.

  14. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Good morning! God is good...all the time. The one certainty we can count on.

    Rob, you did the right thing, and God bless you for that. I know that those involved will blame themselves for everything. That is one of the problems associated with suicide. The hurt goes on. All we can do is put everything in the Lord's hand, let go, and let God. The hurdler in a great race sees only one hurdle at a time, jumps it and then looks to the next one. We must do the same in life; one hurdle at a time.

    It is much cooler here to-day and not so humid. I will be busy digging holes. Three more fruit trees to plant. The pear tree even has fruit on it already. This ground is like concrete once it dries out and the clay takes over,,then, of course, we are on the Canadian Shield,,,,rocks!

    Cheers, and God bless,

  15. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Bitsy, I was up at four because T had an early morning meeting (6:30). We drank coffee till 5 and then he went on to work. That coffee should have kept me awake but instead I went back to bed and I'm just now getting back up!

    I'm with Sue. Getting up this late makes it seem like half the day is gone.

    Rob, you have really had a hard few days. The first hill is almost over, try to get a little rest before you start climbing the second. It's very hard when our little ones are sick and it's hurry up and wait all the time. You continue to be in my prayers.

    Gina, you got those rocks painted yet? :D That's okay cause evidently my bathroom isn't in any hurry to paint itself either!

    Glad ya'll enjoyed the mess I made!
  16. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    I changed my mind about humidity and heat....I just finished digging a hole and planting a cherry tree...I am soaking wet....it is hot and humid!

    Painting rocks? I never heard of that. Do they have numbers so you can paint by number?

    Speaking of painting. I dislike cleaning the brushes after the fact. I also had a bright idea one day about cleaning brushes and rollers with my high pressure washer..........bad idea....I guess we bough cheap brushes cos when I was done there were no bristles left on the brushes........so much for cleaning brushes with a pressure washer.....


  17. Debby in Philly

    Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Hello, all!

    I haven't been by in a while, and thought I'd check in. Was busy at work, busy getting ready for VBS (which I direct), and busy with a short stay in the hospital that turned out to only be due to ulcers. Maybe all that "busy" was trying to tell me something? Anyway, my hospital stay was right in the middle of VBS last week, so my daughter and others had to step up and do things that I would have done if I were there - lead singing, handle administrative duties, etc. I must say that they all rose to the task, and all ended well for VBS in the end. We served about 80 kids every day. Perhaps that was the Lord's purpose in it. Not to mention I was in a cool hospital being waited on during all that heat last week!

    On the mend, and back at my "real" job. God is good!
  18. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good to see you back, Debby! You were missed. I think someone wants you to S L O W down...

    Well, I ventured out after all. We went for a short eight-mile drive out into the country to pick up a 'plant pole' (from a Freecycle member). I have some hanging plants that would do so much better if they were hanging outside.

    The pole was an suspension pole that is for the INSIDE of the house, so it is pretty much useless to me, but I didn't want to tell her that, so I took it anyway. I will either figure out a use for it or Freecycle it to someone else.

    Hmmmm. I COULD paint it and put it in the bathroom (if I have enough room in our tiny bathroom). Plants do really well in there with all the moisture.

    We had hot dogs, macaroni salad, cottage cheese, and potato chips for lunch. I think it's nap time...
  19. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    One hurdle down - one to go

    Afternoon Gang.
    Well, half of my hurdles are done with{as Jim so eloquently reminded me}

    Debi's service was at noon today. Judy made it through the service better then I thought she would. She's leaving to go back home tonight. Nothing or anybody to keep her here any longer. I've never had anybody sob as hard as she did. It was all I could do to keep her on her feet(she refused to take a seat at the service).

    As my one and only, very dear sister says: * Sigh *.

    We still don't know anything about Sean's surgery schedule, but the doctors are investigating the extent of his leg paralysis. They have detected some movement in Sean's legs, and have ordered more tests.

    Thank you Jesus. Even when my heart is breaking(my frquent crying symptoms have returned in force now also) you show me your love and grace with the news about Sean's legs.

    Thank you too my Brothers & Sisters. I have a tendency to second guess my actions & decisions. Thank you for affirming that what I tried to do was what needed to be done.

    I may not know all your faces, but you've shown me the size of your heart, and I'll never forget.

    #239 Friend of God, Jul 18, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2006
  20. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    FOG...just remember....some day...mabey sooner than we imagine....ALL tears shall be wiped away!!!! I wonder sometimes if that would include tears of JOY!!!...at finally seeing our Saviour!!
    I've never been through what you are going thourgh, so I can't pretend to understand....all I can do is to LIFT you up, & then trust in our Lord to Lift you up. I DO know that life is hard at times, but the hard times are part of this life. Just remember what OUR Lord went through, so that .......someday....we wouldn't have to!!!
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