Sure, this was unpacked in
THIS THREAD a while back, and I think you'll see that ArchAngel represents more of the Classical Calvinistic position of men like MacArthur, while some others represent more of the "extreme" view of men like Pink.
NOTE: When reading that OP keep in mind, "I'm not arguing that God did save Esau, we don't know. It never says anything about his being saved or not, which is really the point I'm attempting to make. Instead, the focus is on God's choice to use Jacob for noble be the nation that ushers in the Messiah and carries God's revelation to man. One is chosen for "noble purposes" while the other for "common use" as Paul explains later. Does this certainly mean that Esau didn't have the ability to have faith in God? I argue that it doesn't because there are those in Israel who are blinded (common use) who later are provoked by envy and saved (rm 11:14).
I hope that helps, but feel free to follow up with comments or questions about that here.