The LORD’s example of the “Last Supper” (which the church communion service attempts to mimic) was a common typical “meal” of food – not unlike saying grace around the dinner table. Note: the LORD did NOT perform the Last Supper in a synagogue worship hall with priests and so-called “laity” in a public display of pomp and circumstance. Not at all! (Luke 22: 10-13). It was an extremely private affair.
Where in Luke 22 or 1 Cor. 11 does it teach that we are to practice what is typically performed as a “communion service” in the typical church? It does not. In fact, does 1 Cor. 11: 20 strongly suggest that the communion service should NOT take place in church at all?
The typical church version of the communion service is largely a throwback to ROME. It has little or no resemblance at all to the Last Supper example provided by our LORD. Please re-read the Last Supper text and explain to me HOW this resembles the church service (it does not).
The church communion service has long been a public performance at best (unlike the Last Supper) to imbue the idea that somehow, the “priest” (i.e. pastor) has some special mystical power. How untrue that is.
The 1 Cor. 11: 28 directive to “examine yourself” speaks not merely about ones self-judgment concerning their worthiness (we are ALL unworthy), but also that we examine the worthiness of our participation in the service PRACTICE itself. When was the last time you examined this? Admit it! You NEVER have.
When you partake of “church style” communion, aren’t you just puffing yourself up a little? Are you watching to see who is watching you partake? (even a little?). Are YOU watching to see which others are partaking? Do you notice the “pastor” putting on an air of pomp and self glory as he conducts the service? I do! I can’t be alone in seeing all of these things. EXAMINE YOURSELF on this very question. Be honest! Tell the truth, at least to yourself. What is your answer?
Eating food or substance can NEVER make anyone “Spiritually whole.” The LORD himself made this VERY clear - what you eat in your belly comes out in the draught (Matt. 15: 16-18). Spiritual wholeness comes through YOUR heart, when GOD Himself touches you and SAVES you. I prefer to be Saved by Grace (Eph. 2: 8), not by the works of men.
In a sense, we perform the “remembrance” command of the LORD when we STUDY the Bible. This is a COMMUNION of remembrance of his words (Luke 24: 8). The LORD himself IS the Word (John 1: 14).