Hello Me4Him.
I had no opinions on scripture because I had no questions before I found the answers. I didn't know the questions nor that any questions were around, all that had happened to me was I met Christ.
As to the call it is made to many not for the reprobate or to give him a chance but to crush them more fiercly in His righteous wrath.
But you have no way round it. If God's gifts are abused then the abuser will have an account to settle with God. God knows those who will not be grateful yet He still gives to them knowing it increases their weight of sin and guilt. Those prepared for destruction are prepared.
RO 2:12 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law.
Those who did not hear the gospel will not suffer to the same degree as those who do. What that means is a cooler spot in Hell will be found by those who did not hear the gospel. It also proves not all hear the gospel. PS 147:19 He has revealed his word to Jacob, his laws and decrees to Israel. 20 He has done this for no other nation; they do not know his laws.
All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law What was you saying about education?
But your bible doesn't say that? I use the NIV what's yours? I reccommend it as a worthy replacement for the one you use now.
And I will educate Him, 1CO 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails.
That's the boldness I have in approaching my Father. You would have God's love fail? Yet I know He keeps no record of my wrongs. I trust Him with my soul because love always protects. Love never fails and He said He loved me when He met with me and I believed Him. It's not an opinion nor a conviction but a fact to me. I know Him and He knows me and He told me I am His Bride, the Apple of His Eye. The possibility does not exist that God's love would fail. Your opinion is like the noise in the playground. You have not understood love if you think love allows it's object to suffer and not only to suffer but to suffer at the Hands of the Lover? What kind of perversion is that? That God should die for me yet, let me die in the end is to misunderstand love. Love never fails or scripture does which is it?
You have a strange sense of justice. When a crime is paid for the charge is void. The sentence was discharged on Jesus. The Patsy who took the heat for me. The scapegoat that took my blame. You say He did not but this is the essence of Christianity. You say He did not take my heat by saying that I can go to Hell after the Lord shed His Blood for me?
My faith by the way consists of one thing, one principle. It is trust. I trust Christ died for my sins that's all. My belief is the same as my faith and my faith and belief is that Christ died for my sins. That's my faith what faith, what trust have you in Christ's sacrifice when you must trust your faith? None because although you say He died for all all might have still gone to Hell therefore you must trust yourself and you know what that is called. A big mistake. Beyond any doctrinal stand is my simple trust in Christ's sacrifice for me. I believe He died for me and that belief is a certainty to me and is rigid and unchanging. I don't care about anything else. 1 John 4:There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
And it's the reason why there are "faults doctrine", the spirit would correct them "IF" they had ears/heart to hear.
posted 08 February, 2006 05:22 page 3
Is that not a direct attack to say that I have not the Spirit? Not that I mind because I am certain Christ died for my sins and that is all it takes to be saved. I know I am saved without a doubt as a doubt would be a lack of faith yet I am full of it. He has been extremely kind to me. Jesus died for my sins did He die for yours? He did appease God's wrath to me you can see He did not appease God for many in the world.
As I'm sure you will be the first to agree with but I am what I am by the grace of God, 1 Cor 15:10.
You see I am credited with the works Christ works through me For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Eph 2:10.
He prepared me in advance for glory (Rom 9:23) He prepared all my works in advance (Eph 2:10) as He prepared for destruction those being destroyed (Rom 9:23) His Sovereign choice.
How do we create ourselves in Christ Jesus?
As for me what is is part of God's plan and Satan cannot interfer with that. Where's the scripture that Satan can control souls? Are you denying what you so worship, man's free will?
He taught Paul didn't He?Will God attempt to teach a "know it all"??
Depends on what you mean by 'know'. I hold a set of principles, a sort of condensed bible, certain points that if contradicted instantly alerts me of a person who is wrong. The alarm bells are all over your posts. When I hear the noise I check it up in the manual to see which bell ringeth. So in a way I do know it all. I have a systematic theology that likes to talk about it and likes to answer questions. Demolishing strongholds is fun.No body knows all the scriptures...
Ideas as false impressions fade in the light of the word and opinions I have none. God is Sovereign. As I changed and learnt I went deeper into the truth I had. I did not learn by changing my belief but by growing in it....ideas/opinions change as you learn...
Point noted....that called "Education",...
No pupil is greater than his master. That's scripture. Who's the Professor? God? God can't? Will God attempt to teach a "know it all"?? Are you kidding me? He taught Paul didn't He?...but the "Professor" can't teach a "Student" who "thinks" he knows as much/more than the Professor.
As to the call it is made to many not for the reprobate or to give him a chance but to crush them more fiercly in His righteous wrath.
"It don't say that in my bible." ? HAHa! Have you emasculated Romans completely?Is that what the scripture say, not in my Bible??
But you have no way round it. If God's gifts are abused then the abuser will have an account to settle with God. God knows those who will not be grateful yet He still gives to them knowing it increases their weight of sin and guilt. Those prepared for destruction are prepared.
RO 2:12 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law.
Those who did not hear the gospel will not suffer to the same degree as those who do. What that means is a cooler spot in Hell will be found by those who did not hear the gospel. It also proves not all hear the gospel. PS 147:19 He has revealed his word to Jacob, his laws and decrees to Israel. 20 He has done this for no other nation; they do not know his laws.
All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law What was you saying about education?
But your bible doesn't say that? I use the NIV what's yours? I reccommend it as a worthy replacement for the one you use now.
No but you have to stop first.Do I have to repeat that God loved/didn't condem the world...
God is Sovereign who else condemned it?Do I have to repeat that God loved/didn't condem the world...
If any of those who God so loved ever find themselves in Hell then God is out of scripture and I rebuke Him.Do I have to repeat that God loved/didn't condem the world...
That's the boldness I have in approaching my Father. You would have God's love fail? Yet I know He keeps no record of my wrongs. I trust Him with my soul because love always protects. Love never fails and He said He loved me when He met with me and I believed Him. It's not an opinion nor a conviction but a fact to me. I know Him and He knows me and He told me I am His Bride, the Apple of His Eye. The possibility does not exist that God's love would fail. Your opinion is like the noise in the playground. You have not understood love if you think love allows it's object to suffer and not only to suffer but to suffer at the Hands of the Lover? What kind of perversion is that? That God should die for me yet, let me die in the end is to misunderstand love. Love never fails or scripture does which is it?
It'll be coming round to cutnpaste time soon.Jesus died for all sins so the world "MIGHT BE" saved, because God wasn't willing for any to perish??
"reading comprehension" What does comprehension mean again? My teacher taught me to go and check the things he said to see if they were in accord with scripture, they were. I am noble he was right. I am also humble and I know I do pretty good for a peon.Calvin's doctrine has got you "blinded" to what the scripture actually teach, the "reading comprehension" problem.
God knows that? Better never to have been born than face a lavish God in your sins. What do you mean He knows that? I must say your opinion of my comprehension could well be right after all as I haven't the foggiest what you say.God knows that, that's why he offers salvation to "Everyone", hell was only create for angels, but evidently Calvin didn't.
Then the scripture is wrong? But to this day the LORD has not given you a mind that understands or eyes that see or ears that hear. Dt 29:4 says to this day the LORD has not given you are you saying He had given them eyes that see and ears that hear and they were failing to use them? I see you as saying love fails and scriptures errs am I right? Do I comprehend you correctly?"WHY" didn't God open their eyes, because God didn't close them, THEY DID.
JN 3:3 In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. " God says otherwise."FAITH" comes before "SEEING", if you don't "Believe", you'll never "SEE".
My faith by the way consists of one thing, one principle. It is trust. I trust Christ died for my sins that's all. My belief is the same as my faith and my faith and belief is that Christ died for my sins. That's my faith what faith, what trust have you in Christ's sacrifice when you must trust your faith? None because although you say He died for all all might have still gone to Hell therefore you must trust yourself and you know what that is called. A big mistake. Beyond any doctrinal stand is my simple trust in Christ's sacrifice for me. I believe He died for me and that belief is a certainty to me and is rigid and unchanging. I don't care about anything else. 1 John 4:There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
I don't know why you are denying questioning my salvation as I had said nothing about you doing so did I but looking back this is in fact the very thing you were doing?I'm not questions your salvation...
And it's the reason why there are "faults doctrine", the spirit would correct them "IF" they had ears/heart to hear.
posted 08 February, 2006 05:22 page 3
Is that not a direct attack to say that I have not the Spirit? Not that I mind because I am certain Christ died for my sins and that is all it takes to be saved. I know I am saved without a doubt as a doubt would be a lack of faith yet I am full of it. He has been extremely kind to me. Jesus died for my sins did He die for yours? He did appease God's wrath to me you can see He did not appease God for many in the world.
My works are a matter between me and my Lover but I will admit to owning none....only your "works"...
You see I am credited with the works Christ works through me For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Eph 2:10.
He prepared me in advance for glory (Rom 9:23) He prepared all my works in advance (Eph 2:10) as He prepared for destruction those being destroyed (Rom 9:23) His Sovereign choice.
How do we create ourselves in Christ Jesus?
Are you speaking from personal experience?...once you're saved, satan can't touch the soul, but he can sure hinder your "works", and your "witness",
Without the Spirit my words cannot be understood. I thought the tinkling cymbal were alarm bells!the spirit won't bear witness to the statement that God didn't love the whole world and predestine some to hell, and without the spirit, your words are worth no more than "sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal."
He loves me more than He loves Himself anything less and it is not love. Love has no choices. Transformed into the image of God denies your assertion you are created in His image, we are nothing like Him that is why we need transforming. Your preening is out of place man.Being made in "God's Image", you're under no more obligation to "love God" than God is obligated to "love you".
I don't know anything about spirit bears man are you an American Indian by any chance? Sounds a bit occultish if you ask me. No my comprehension forbids it.Can you get the spirit bear witness to the above statement???