Hello Me4Him.
As it would have been presumptuous of David if he had picked up one small stone to fell a giant.
David picked up five small stones to attack Goliath with.
And that means God created people for Hell and sin was intrinsic to the plan of God? Yes or no? He has to have done this regardless of doctrine unless we say God did not know. Some do believe He is not omniscient for this very reason. This has nothing to do with doctrine but a simple logical deduction. Since God knew those who would not escape yet He still creates them then one can say they were created for Hell. Better to believe He knows what He is about and accept the overwhelming scriptural evidence presented by many.
It's all quite extrodinary. The idea that God creates people who He knows are going to an Hell He created is a thing one must come to terms with because it is an undeniable fact.
He commands belief not understanding. He commands us to take Him at His word or be in rebellion.
But that opinion was only from a wretched fallen sinner. I do not judge God He does as He pleases and He will whatever. I do know this, Jesus Christ suffered more than any sinner ever will.
Scriptures like: Eph 1:11 In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will...
The world is how it is meant to be or that scripture is in error.
Would it be necessary... That is not your concern but believe is your duty. He does harden. I take it you mean, 'Why does God have to harden anyones heart'? Is that right? Since a man cannot obey God anyway why harden when it is hard already. But man does as he sees fit in regard to self-interest. Common sense prevails and Pharaoh needed hardening otherwise he would have used it, under God's control.
The lie above says that the objects of His wrath were prepared in advance as the elect were and those going to Hell are going to Hell for our benefit. to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy He wants us to understand what we have missed. His patience is that He does not stop everything now but waits for the rest of the elect to be born and born again.
Did Jesus command you to be perfect? Did He command Israel to obey the law or not?
Isaiah 28:13 So then, the word of the LORD to them will become: Do and do, do and do, rule on rule, rule on rule; a little here, a little there--so that they will go and fall backward, be injured and snared and captured.
Because it would be presumptuous of me not to and a certain way to get a flat.Why do you carry a "spare tire" in your car...
I do not hope I pray that I have a safe journey and if I get a flat I am prepared for it. I call Green Flag....or do you hope it doesn't happen but nevertheless, you're prepared "IF" it does.
David picked up five small stones to attack Goliath with.
Why do you not answer my questions? He did it this way because there was no other. MT 26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."Why would a "Sovereign God" to have to create "TWO" perfect worlds in order to get "ONE"?
Jesus was "ordained" (to come) "BEFORE" the foundation of the world.It doesn't make "ANY SENSE" to create this world and condemn some people to torment for eternity...
And that means God created people for Hell and sin was intrinsic to the plan of God? Yes or no? He has to have done this regardless of doctrine unless we say God did not know. Some do believe He is not omniscient for this very reason. This has nothing to do with doctrine but a simple logical deduction. Since God knew those who would not escape yet He still creates them then one can say they were created for Hell. Better to believe He knows what He is about and accept the overwhelming scriptural evidence presented by many.
Those in Hell will be on view forever as we will be by them I think. Lk 16:19-31. They will not be forgotten as their punishment is our rejoicing in God's justice. If we ever forget about His justice He might have to do it again....people who will be "forgotten" after this world, then create "ANOTHER" perfect world where "NNE" can sin,
What does?It doesn't make "ANY SENSE"...
He commands belief not understanding. He commands us to take Him at His word or be in rebellion.
I'm not asking Him such things ask Him yourself. If you get an answer let me know what He says I could do with a laugh."WHY" didn't God...
Still twisting the lingo? No 'Total' is necessary next to Sovereignty because Sovereignty is all encompassing. Total Sovereignty would be a tautology."TOTAL SOVEREIGNTY" places God in a very "Mean, Cruel, Vindictive" light, and relieves man of any/all responsibility for his actions or sin.
Like to buy that horse?? Like to? I did."TOTAL SOVEREIGNTY" places God in a very "Mean, Cruel, Vindictive" light, and relieves man of any/all responsibility for his actions or sin.
God should have joined a motoring organisation and then He would not have had to hope would He?...and Jesus is the "spare tire"...
Scripture please.The fact that an imperfect world exist "PROVES" God isn't excercising "Total Sovereignty", else it would be "perfect".
The world is how it is meant to be or that scripture is in error.
Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.Would it be necessary for God to harden "ANY HEART" if everyone obey God???
Would it be necessary... That is not your concern but believe is your duty. He does harden. I take it you mean, 'Why does God have to harden anyones heart'? Is that right? Since a man cannot obey God anyway why harden when it is hard already. But man does as he sees fit in regard to self-interest. Common sense prevails and Pharaoh needed hardening otherwise he would have used it, under God's control.
No one has said He does have they?God has no pleasure in punishing the Disobedient, or destroying them...
RO 9:22 What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath--prepared for destruction? 23 What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory--...to say they were created for God to "shew his wrath" and destroy is a "LIE", We reap what we sow.
The lie above says that the objects of His wrath were prepared in advance as the elect were and those going to Hell are going to Hell for our benefit. to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy He wants us to understand what we have missed. His patience is that He does not stop everything now but waits for the rest of the elect to be born and born again.
Because they were man's not God's. The passage is talking about teachers who have the wrong message. I would say that all of an Arminians teachings are straw and will be burnt up. Arminian's teach that because God causes them to believe that.How do you explain "some mens" works being "burned", if God prepared them??
I am not a servant I'm a Child of God, a Royal Priest and a Pearl of great price. My Brother died for me. Jesus said, "If you love me you will obey me."Lu 12:47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.
This is where you go wrong. What is is. There is no escape for you 'God who creates souls for no other purpose than to condemn/destroy' because He must do. Is it love to create a person that is destined to Hell? No it cannot be in love that He does such. If He does it to show us what we have missed and to reveal His wrath to us to show us what we have missed what's that to you? You talk back to Him.One of the problems with calvinist view...
"MAJOR CONTRADICTIONS" is another tautology because any contradiction would be major if in scripture.This of course presents "MAJOR CONTRADICTIONS" to "MAJOR COMPONENTS" of the plan of salvation...
Did Jesus command you to be perfect? Did He command Israel to obey the law or not?
Isaiah 28:13 So then, the word of the LORD to them will become: Do and do, do and do, rule on rule, rule on rule; a little here, a little there--so that they will go and fall backward, be injured and snared and captured.