Acts 4:28 They did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen.
They had no choice but to crucify Christ. Was it a sin to crucify Christ? Whose sin was it?
1 Tim 2:2 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Scripture must harmonise. If we take the statement at face value then we see God is not willing that any perish.
If this is so then one must wonder what He meant when He said, But to this day the LORD has not given you a mind that understands or eyes that see or ears that hear. Dt 29:4. Since all of those who were not given understanding fell in the wilderness, all but two from the Exodus, then I would wonder, if I believed God was not willing that any perish, why He didn't give them ears to hear with if He did not want any to perish? Would anyone like to address this point?
Again one wonders if God is really up to the job? After all He claims to know everything to come yet we find a God who is willing to create some people for Hell, if He knows what their choice will be then He must be willing that some go to Hell, regardless of first cause, otherwise He would not have created them. I mean if many will not repent and God knew this before He created them then He must have been willing that many perish otherwise He would not have created them to perish would He? Fine thing for Him to come along later and give us this blarney about not willing.
Who's He trying to kid?
Another mysterious paradox to make the impossble possible? God is not willing but He is.
They had no choice but to crucify Christ. Was it a sin to crucify Christ? Whose sin was it?
1 Tim 2:2 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Scripture must harmonise. If we take the statement at face value then we see God is not willing that any perish.
If this is so then one must wonder what He meant when He said, But to this day the LORD has not given you a mind that understands or eyes that see or ears that hear. Dt 29:4. Since all of those who were not given understanding fell in the wilderness, all but two from the Exodus, then I would wonder, if I believed God was not willing that any perish, why He didn't give them ears to hear with if He did not want any to perish? Would anyone like to address this point?
Again one wonders if God is really up to the job? After all He claims to know everything to come yet we find a God who is willing to create some people for Hell, if He knows what their choice will be then He must be willing that some go to Hell, regardless of first cause, otherwise He would not have created them. I mean if many will not repent and God knew this before He created them then He must have been willing that many perish otherwise He would not have created them to perish would He? Fine thing for Him to come along later and give us this blarney about not willing.
Another mysterious paradox to make the impossble possible? God is not willing but He is.