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Just a cheap shot forgive me old chap.I am sorry for not making clear which doctrine.
Is it customary in Bradley to bury the living along with the dead?I believe that both ought to be buried.
And I think you have a nerve telling the Body of Christ what She should be doing. It's the Head that tells the Body not the Body. Where the Church is is where the Head of it wants it to be. He's Sovereign.It is high time for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ to get back to the Bible and see what God has written and therefore said.
Do you know what he taught? He taught me to prove all things from scripture. Sola scripture is on our banner just under God is Sovereign. Where do we worship man? Is it that we are noble enough to listen to others and noble enough to check it against scripture?It ought to be what He says that governs our belief and doctrine not some man made theology...
Yer learning....that was began by a new believer (I am speaking of Calvinism there)!
John had this to say on another thread.Originally posted by Scott J:
You act as if the requirement for faith in salvation is somehow in dispute or denied by calvinism... it isn't. What is denied is that this faith ultimately comes from your goodnes, your good decision making, your good will, or your righteousness.
You say man has "No goodness" yet John says man possess sufficent "goodness" no blood is required to remit his sins.EZE 18:21 "But if a wicked man turns away from all the sins he has committed and keeps all my decrees and does what is just and right, he will surely live; he will not die. 22 None of the offenses he has committed will be remembered against him. Because of the righteous things he has done, he will live.
Because of the righteous things he has done, he will live. His sins will be forgotten by God because he does right. No blood is necessary, this is also part of the law.
There are variations of explanations and differences on minor points in calvinism just like there is in arminianism, premillinialism, dispensationalism, or any other attempt to present an organized interpretation of a scriptural truth. I doubt John would claim infallibility... and know I wouldn't.Originally posted by Me4Him:
Beliefs are based on "Fundamentals" of scripture which are "Absolute", but with Calvin, nothing is "Absolute".
What in the world was this incoherent rambling supposed to mean?Jesus isn't the only way to heaven, God didn't really means his will was for none to perish,
This is clear evidence that you're not very well acquainted with the "ABSOLUTE GOD" who will condemn for even "ONE SIN".
Are you claiming perfection now? Might as well. You have already claimed that you have goodness independent of God.Mt 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
Wait a minute. Just yesterday you were claiming that you receive truthes directly from a spirit that are not the same as the text of scripture. Of course these truths are obviously things that can change because you feelings on the matter might change."Knowledge" is based on "fundamentals" which don't change, and neither do they "Contradict" other scripture, but then I suppose you would have to understand the scriptures to recognize a contradiction.
I said no such thing. Rom 3:10 ..."There is no one righteous, not even one; 11 there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. 12 All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one." 13 "Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit." "The poison of vipers is on their lips." 14 "Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness." 15 "Their feet are swift to shed blood; 16 ruin and misery mark their ways, 17 and the way of peace they do not know." 18 "There is no fear of God before their eyes."You say man has "No goodness" yet John says man possess sufficent "goodness" no blood is required to remit his sins.
For instance? What's Calvin got to do with anything? I haven't seen nor heard of him yet. All I've heard is scripture being taught to you not Calvin's words. Another damp squid.Beliefs are based on "Fundamentals" of scripture which are "Absolute", but with Calvin, nothing is "Absolute".
One infraction of the law was enough to condemn the entire race of man this is not in dispute is it? What happened to free will then? That doesn't sound like He allows free will if a punishment is the result of disobedience. Do you believe in the orthodox Hell?This is clear evidence that you're not very well acquainted with the "ABSOLUTE GOD" who will condemn for even "ONE SIN".
Calvinism and Arminianism. And so you have and that is all, I have seen no any explanation as yet. If it is hard for you to use the computer then your longer than normal post and the speed of it's arrival must have caught you at a convienient time. You could have used the time to answer the question that you posed such a long time ago. Words do need backing up. Questions that have no answer could be seen as a laugh by some and is where, if I were a gambling man, I would put me money....I have offered more than once that they are, in fact, no different.
Saying Calvin is hilarious is not poking fun? During an exchange between the two sides? Is rbell's post not making fun? Might be rbell was not but just thought it was a good idea to juxtapose the two for a laugh. Would I have replied if the stuffed tiger was called Arminius?That is not 'poking fun' but I have yet to expand on why this is so.
used derisively to indicate that something just stated is all too obvious or self-evidentDuh!
You just said you were not poking fun now you say that is your style?Well, yeah- Duh! That is my style.
Expand at your leisure old chap.That is not 'poking fun' but I have yet to expand on why this is so.
Is he anything like Homer? Some things Homer teaches are worth thinking on as well.'Think on these things.'
Cool!I do not know who "our enemies" are, and who you are referring to.
That's my wife's opinion of me to.(by any thoughtful individual, anyway)
Well, yeah- Duh! My point I think.Have I ever 'attacked' any member, here?
What, like you are doing?...NOT sit around and shred fellow Christians to bits.
Keep taking His Name in vain and it might be you that lightens up.LIGHTEN UP!
It seemed to clash with your other statements.Let me apologize for using what you understood to be the name of Jesus used as an oath.
Your post itself was one of ripping us apart wasn't it? You were having a go at all of us and our discussion, that we were humourless and sitting around (doing nothing?) and that a mild laxative would be in order (when in fact that would be like pouring petrol onto the fire). What do you mean you couldn't find any evidence?I was unable to gather any evidence of my "shredding fellow Christians."