The Lord explained the situation very precisely. Between the point of the announcement of pending nuptials, and the actual consummation, there is the time in which a divorce is allowed (hence that point "except fornication"). However, after, "what God has joined together..." there is no Scriptural divorce.
It is so very unfortunate that the vast majority of folks think of the husband and wife relationship as a contract between them. That is not true. The vows are not taken as an oath to each other, but before God, in the presence of witness. God takes such vows most seriously. Also, looking at the typical vows, the statements do no allow for divorce even in the matter when adultery is found.
Such also follows why Paul was also very specific concerning the spouse that left and that no permission to remarry was extended to either person. Because of Paul's own history, he would have also been married. Either his wife had died, or she had left him when he converted. In either case, he remain unmarried. My personal opinion is that she left him when he was converted. There is no Scripture nor any records of history to take into account other then the members of the Sanhedrin (pharisees) had to be married. Paul was a member of the Sanhedrin.
The Scriptures are just as clear about intoxicants. Of course, the modern church wants to give way on this issue, but the Scriptures do not state that wine is a mocker if you allow yourself to be intoxicated. Wine is a mocker - intoxication or not. Strong drink is raging - no matter the state of inebriation.
Some point to the Christ as having partaken. But such thinking again is just totally wrong. He did not. "NEW wine" was not an intoxicant. And "old wine" was a bitter vinegar used for cleansing of wounds, purification of water, massaging ointment. There is more to this issue, but the thread isn't about intoxicants. Except one other point. The Scriptures do approve of when one is to be given an intoxicant. It is to be given to the person that has no hope. That would be one who perhaps is in great pain with no hope of relief, no other medical assistance to mediate the pain and suffering. Also, along that line is that very small amount that was to be taken as a medicine suggested by Paul. Such would be in our modern time that in a cough medicine. But, ultimately, there is not permission given in the Scriptures for the consumption of intoxicants being approved, nor did the Lord Jesus Christ consume intoxicants.