You want some books to read about Evangelism?
Here are a few. The Soul Winner by Spurgeon and The Soul Winner's Fire by John R. Rice have already been mentioned. Both are by men who have stood the test of time and have seen thousands of souls come to Christ.
By Robert Sumner
Moody Monthly described this manual on soul winning as “convincing and conviction, compassionate and compelling.” Dr. Lee Roberson, pastor of the historic Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga for over 40 years and founder of Tennessee Temple University and Tennessee Temple Theological Seminary, who gave it his “full commendation,” enthused in the Introduction: “In a day of weak convictions, lukewarm compassion, and almost negative consecration, it is refreshing to read a book that says something!” This book will have its place in the pastor’s study, in the layman’s home, in the classroom.
By Robert Sumner
"I was amazed at the many aspects of evangelism he covers ... right out of the Scriptures themselves that I have not seen covered in any other book -- and I have read many, as I taught Evangelism in several Christian colleges and seminaries ... You won't be the same person when you finish this book. Its teaching and truths are transforming." -- Dr. C. Sumner Wemp, former Chairman of Evangelism, Pastoral Theology and Director of Practical Christian Work, Moody Bible Institute; President, Southeastern Bible College; Vice-President, Spiritual Affairs, Liberty University.
By Robert Sumner
Dr. Adrian Rogers, 3-time president of the Southern Baptist Convention, long pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in the Memphis area, international radio and television speaker, said: “In my estimation, it is one of the most valuable volumes for a minister with an evangelistic heart that I have every read. It has a wealth of good illustrations. It is practical and inspirational at the same time. I highly recommend it… .” Originally presented as “Lectures on Evangelism” at the Grand Rapids Baptist College and Seminary. An Illinois minister, Rev. Thomas H. Olney, testified: “… outside of the Bible, this is the most challenging book I have ever read. I mean that with all my heart.”