And here is what I actually said, "Thus, whoever is “in the corporate sphere” of His choice is chosen, and therefore anyone who enters that sphere becomes chosen or elect.
Next I said, "The concept does not include a specific way to enter that sphere, so it is consistent with the Arminian idea that when a person sincerely puts their trust in Christ, they enter that sphere and become “elect” but corporate election does not preclude denial of human choice as the means of entry."
So I did not say "when a person sincerely puts their trust in Christ, they enter that sphere and become elect." I said that was the Arminian idea, but entry into the corporate sphere may be precluded based on human choice.
Here is the summary of what I said, "In summary, when God chose Christ to be His Redeemer, that was an individual election that resulted in a corporate election, everyone subsequently redeemed was corporately chosen in Him, as the target group of His redemption plan, thus He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world,
but we enter that corporate sphere when God individually credits our faith as righteousness and places us spiritually in Christ, thus the sanctification by the Spirit,
2 Thessalonians 2:13 being our individually set apart in Christ is our individual election to salvation.
To claim I said entry was based on sincere trust in Christ is disinformation.