appear not to realize that, fundamentally, we are insisting on debating the "existence" of an abstraction right?
A "choice" is an abstraction just as the number 7 is:
Does the number 7 "
Exist" in the sense of a concrete noun?....does a "
What are the number 7's properties? What properties does a "choice" posses?
An inflatable rubber composition?
A choice is merely an idea, Luke. It possesses no properties, it doesn't likely have temporal becoming of any sort, and it does not
cease to exist either. It does not in some real sense....
EXIST at all!
All things have as their source God and God alone. NOTHING...including logical truths, mathematical values, or even similar abstractions such as "choices" have any meaning outside of or apart from God. None of it "exists"
a-se...........They don't really...."exist" either.
A "choice" a noun which merely describes the idea of
taking an action.
It "exists" in the same sense that my going on a "hike" or a "walk" exists.
It's an abstract idea that merely refers to an action which has been taken.
I am one week away from taking a "vacation". (Yay for me! :godisgood
Does my vacation then "exist"?
Did my walk?
Just because those are nouns doesn't mean that it is proper to debate whether they are contingent or necessary.....Only my person (which very much "exists") which
takes said action exists either contingently or necessarily.
And, it so happens that God has created me with the capacity and ability to take these walks and hikes and vacations.
I exist also do my choices "exist" contingently. Thus, it is not proper to debate whether they are either
a-se or not! Of course they are not! They depend (at minimum) upon
ME for them to have any meaning or frame of reference at all.
I have entertained this line of questioning so far, and am not unwilling to continue to do so, but it is fundamentally based upon a category mistake....the same category mistake I mentioned in another thread that a "choice" is a "thing" that exemplifies what properly can be defined as "existence".....
It's a category mistake I've seen some certain Calvinists argue (I tend to theorize that it all came from the same singular source and most compatibilists never questioned it's veracity because they thought it sounded cool) but it is essentially
fundamentally flawed to begin with.
I am more than willing to continue this conversation...but, I think we should consider that this is, indeed becoming the equivalent of debating the number of angels who can fit on the tip of a needle...... (453 b.t.w.).:thumbsup:
You are not merely insisting that Compatibilism is true, and L.F.W. are submitting that it is
incoherent. That's a rather sweeping claim.
I'd like for you to consider this if you would like to continue this line of debate.