You miss my point, or I am missing yours. My point is, this argument is totally invalid. If we say, "The air we breathe has just the perfect amount of nitrogen, so that proves that God created us", then all an evolutionist has to say is, "No, we evolved to need the level of nitrogen that was provided to us in our atmosphere." If we say, "The earth has just the right amount of <insert absolutely anything>" then all they have to say is, "No, we evolved to accomodate that." So, the argument using that the earth is perfect for us (and I am not arguing that it isn't) is completely invalid, and actually hurts our case.
This is why the evolutionists will take a blow if we find no life on Mars. It will help prove that life can't just evolve to it's surroundings. It won't completely disprove evolution by itself, but it will at least get them to admit that certain circumstances have to be present in order for it to happen.
Most people have done only a cursory study into the argument of creation and evolution, or have simply heard an argument for creation that sounded good, and so parrot the argument back. What we need is for people to actually study it scientifically and present the facts, or quit discussing it, so as to not hurt our cause.
As for the mathematical improbabilities, it is more likely that a monkey, sitting at a typewriter with 26 letters plus a spacebar would type out the Bible exactly than it is for evolution. However, the mathematical improbabilities do not keep people from believing in evolution. So, no amount of math will keep them from believing it. In fact, they kind of have a point. If evolution were possible (although we know it isn't), then in an eternity even the smallest chance would eventually happen.