You have, however, made the statement that they are false, which is impossible to know and is driven purely by your political bias. The same political bias you rail against when the other side does it.
You just don't get it, do you? You're a late comer and it's doubtful you know my true feelings about Donald Trump. and you probably never will. Your own agenda gets in the way.
But yes, I am politically biased. I make no secret of it and am not ashamed of it. You are biased as well.. Yet you pretend not to be.. But you are obviously biased against Trump, not necessarily his politics, just like all the rest of the never Trumpers. So, forget it. Your act is not working. No one here but the other never Trumpers is buying it.
As for the democrats and other assorted left wingers, I also expect them to be politically biased. The only group one could reasonably expect not to be biased is the press, yet they overwhelmingly are.
If you want to stay in denial, go ahead. I've watched one never Trumper after another do it here. It's hardly new. All of us here are politically biased in one way or another, but only never Trumpers like yourself are personally biased against Trump.
Bottom line, your pretentious claim to be unbiased is falling on deaf ears and no one believes it but you.