No you just assumed guilt for the guy that died
as if it’s his fault he’s dead. If he was guilty for counterfeit bills there’s a punishment for that and it isn’t
supposed to be a public street execution.
Now, this might be hard for you to understand - but keep your shorts on
1) if Floyd had not passed the fake bills none of this would have happened.
(granted - legally it is allegedly fake bills)
However Floyd does have a prison record and a good size rap sheet.
Including robbery with a deadly weapon, He also spent 3 years in an AZ jail for assault
So had he not resisted - and went thur proper arrest procedure then went to trial
he apparently would have been convicted- but with no apparent record in Minn,
he probably would have been given probation. But we will never know.
Should the punishment for such a crime be death- of course not
But according to the officers he did resist arrest. - again the punishment should not be death.
As I have stated death should not have happen - yet people are demanding the LEO is
guilty of murder one! -- or should we say - ALLEGED MURDER -
From the beginning - I have basically said I want to see all three sides. Is it possible that one of the
other three officers have a body cam. Is there something that we who did not witness the entire ALLEGED
crime - happen that we are not aware of?
So, UT, I ask you this - should the Officer in question - be given a fair trial - which now would have to be outside the
city of Minneapolis? Should we consider him presumed innocent until proven guilty? Are you willing to listen to his
side of the story?
I shall be very interested in watching this trial -
Now, if he is found guilty, then he should pay for the crime.
Can I make myself any more clear?