If one hasn't learned "how to study, giving (one) a special set of skills to approach (the) calling, ..." seminary isn't the place to learn such.
Glorifying Christ in a persons life and "preaching God's Word" is not learned in the classroom.
If such were, then the seminary experience would not have cranked out decades of failure.
One should ALREADY be glorifying Christ in their live, should already have been "preaching" through their home church's outreach programs (nursing homes, Sunday school, youth meetings...).
I remember reading the testimony of Ed Nelson (pastor of South Sheridan Baptist Church - now long retired) and how God lead him from the moment of conversion though selection of schooling and on to the pastorate.
Dr. Ed Nelson On The Ministry In His Own Words
He was already sold out to Christ, already striving to serve the Lord, and the schooling was a manner of further service, not preparation to serve.
Not a single student to seminary should be accepted without a clear documented history of having that relationship with Christ and already busy doing the calling of God.