Well, first off, if you've been to a fair like that (it's in a village - so it's on all the streets in the town), then you know what it's like. There is NO place to go where it's "private" other than those gross porta-potties which I'd never take my own food into - no less think that I should nurse my baby there. I was very discreet - fully covered - and therefore not immodest at all. He just gets eeked out by the idea of nursing (well, used to - he's now married and has had a breastfed son and is expecting his second). I had already been nursing (sorry - mistyped - I meant to say that after 10 minutes of nursing, I stopped to burp the baby - too late to fix it...) and he sat down at the corner table with me. I went to the corner, facing away from everyone so that I could be a bit more discreet and he came to sit with me. It wasn't MY fault. LOL
Actually, they no longer allow alcohol at the festival and it's a very family friendly one. They have lots of stuff for the kids to do and I knew my then 2 year old would have loved the sights and sounds.
Well, I think that it is not necessarily an intimate act and it's just in the last 70 years or so since formula became big that women have no longer been nursing in public. I've seen pictures of women from back at the turn of the century who had to unbutton their blouse to nurse - thus exposing their whole chest. That was the norm back then. It's just more recently that breasts have been changed to sexual toys rather than food for babies.
Well, that would be rather indiscreet to announce to everyone that I was nursing. I laughed because he had NO clue and was fine - until he realized (after the fact) what I was doing.

He laughed about it too (and he learned from me that nursing is not eeky but a perfectly normal, proper thing to do with babies.
I was always discreet with my nursing and always would go someplace else to feed the baby if I had the opportunity without being disruptive. But there were times where it was best to just nurse the baby right there and that's what I did. So I've nursed pretty much everywhere. As I said, no one would see a thing and my baby would be happy.

I think if more women nursed in public, it would become more normal for everyone to see and it would not be so much of an issue.