Well-Known Member
Simplistic thinking. One guy gets a free meal, he goes back to the river or the camp and says, "I got free food at Cracker Barrel!" Then they have a hundred homeless at the front counter wanting a handout. All their customers leave.
And perhaps this in contrast is overthinking. Your example is far fetched and just doesn't happen nearly as often as people who give that same example like to want to make people think it does.
I know C4K said we shouldn't turn in "gig" posts, but why is it the liberals are the ones that never have a clue, simply expecting "big corporations" to throw away their profits and take care of everyone?
And why is it that the people of God often seem more apt to make excuses for not helping someone than they are for looking for reasons and ways to help?
They have employees, vendors, suppliers and stockholders to whom they are responsible, but you guys never, ever manage to think of them and their need to keep a paycheck coming in. If companies gave away everything, they wouldn't be in business very long.
He wasn't giving away everything. He gave the guy a muffin. You're blowing things to that proportion to justify not helping someone. It's probably that kind of foolishness that the old man didn't really see a need to get involved in just to help someone.
Corporations, unlike your idealistic, simplistic, unrealistic view, do not have vaults full of money, nor a license to print it. They have to make a living just like you and I.
I don't think CTB said otherwise. But the unsaved world seems to be more willing to listen to folks who are willing to genuinely help them than it is to listen to folks who are always griping about "this is my money and I'm not gonna help you because if I help you , you'll tell all your friends and they'll all show up at my dor and then I won't have anything".