So what you call those who are smartyer than the ones you rely on and have just as many earned degrees, but are against theistic Evolution?
I do not want to derail this thread.
You have made a bunch of assertions here that I will answer in short order, and then I want you to stop trying to derail what is being discussed here.
Because of the way you have written this, I am going to rephrase your question a number of different ways to get at all of the assertions:
So what you call those who ,,, are against theistic Evolution?
"Persons with whom I disagree." I don't feel a need to do any name-calling or assume inferior intelligence or motives of those persons. Only insecure people do that.
So what you call those [who are against theistic evolution] who are smarter than the ones you rely on...
(1) Truth has no necessary connection to the intelligence of the person who advocates it. Unintelligent people can be right and smart people can be wrong.
(2) You have implied that "smarter" people are against theistic evolution. You have not provided any evidence that your assertion is true. I do not think that atheistic evolutionists or six-day creationists have a corner on intelligence.
]So what you call those [who are against theistic evolution] who are smarter than the ones you rely on...
On the theology side, I have carefully studied the relevant scriptural passages in the original languages, and have given them decades of consideration. I came to my conclusion that the Genesis narratives were not intended to be literal more than 25 years ago, and that was more than 20 years before I began to consider theist evolution to be a potentially viable solution to the claimed disparity between science and scripture.
On the science side, I have spoken to a number of biologists (all of them professing Christians), an astrophysicist (she is also a Sunday School teacher at my church), and a geologist (who taught at my Christian college) about these issues numerous times. I have gone into the field with the geologist and examined fossilized coral reefs and collected fossils. I have studied genetics and have an introductory knowledge of the human genome (I have also had genetic testing done on myself from two different companies -- double-blind testing). I have given more than 30 years of serious thought and investigation into these issues and sorted through the literature.
I am not just 'relying on' the opinions of others, but I have looked at broad evidence from many different sources -- a fair amount of it first-hand. I have also done a fair amount of reading, both for and against my views. I don't merely go to a website that advocates for "my side" and parrot what is written there to others. I first visited the Biologos site about a week ago when I stumbled across it looking for something else.
So your insinuation that I am simply relying on the assertions of persons who are less smarter than those you rely upon is laughably false.
So what you call those [who are against theistic evolution] ... have just as many earned degrees...
A degree is a piece of paper and a certification. It does not give authority for that person to speak outside of the area of their particular knowledge (that happens a lot among Christians and atheists alike), nor does it necessarily mean that they are speaking truth.
Now stick with the topic of this thread or start a new one!