Active Member
Modern science really doesn't say that, but they wish they could.
Order never arises out of chaos.
If I were to take my watch, smash it against the wall so that it falls into hundreds of little pieces; how long would I have to stand over that mess of little watch pieces before they all came together and made a perfectly working watch again?
Would it ever happen?
But that is what the Big Bang "theory" teaches.
Out of this chaotic bang we suddenly have perfectly ordered solar systems, galaxies, etc., all moving in precise positions. It is impossible that a chaotic bang would produce that. How did the earth get so green with a perfect atmosphere for life to exist on it--the exact distance away from the sun to be the right temperature, rotating at the right speed, and revolves around the sun at just the right speed. Everything was "created" just perfect. Order doesn't come from chaos.
I am not sure you really understand the 2nd law of thermodynamics and entropy. The reality of the big bang was, from the perspective of the atheist oriented science unfortunate, because the discovery of a beginning then gave rise to (in their eyes) the necessity of a beginner. Since the solid reasoning of the BB, the hard core agenda driven cosmologists have for decades been working on mathematical and physical models incorporating the BB, but without the need for a beginner. At this point, I am grateful for the great and accomplished christian philosophical thinkers like William Lane Craig.
The "2nd law" can be locally and temporally averted by the introduction of energy into a system....but by physical laws this does create entropy elsewhere, such as in the production of heat.