Originally posted by Matt Black:
And what are those Christian principles? Take a look around you on this board - we Christians here cannot even agree as to whether the death penalty is morally right let alone anything else. Whose Christian principles would you seek to impose on others and on what basis their Christian principles be more justifiable than others'.
And I say again - if you are to criminalise homosexual behaviour, then you'd better get on and criminalise all sex outside of marriage, along with lust, evil thoughts, greed, gluttony etc. There would be more consistency to your argument if you were just as vociferously calling for a law to outlaw rich greedy company executives earning more than $150000pa
Nonsense. Here you go again with the idea that we cannot draw the line. Sodomy causes physical decay and disease. Therefore it should not be legalized. It is only natural to turn your back upon the reprobate mind but it is not Christian to wish them ill, as you do willy nilly by your refusal to show legal disapproval for the imposition upon the victim, not to mention the expense forced upon innocent people for the necessary medical treatment of a dysfunctional lifestyle.
As for the disagreements among Christians, that is hardly a point for abolishing the legal code or any part of it. Disagreements are part of Christianity:
1 Corinthians 11:18 (KJV) For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it.
19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.
It is the religious left with their money and empty churches that weeps over murders like Barabbas and Stalin and says that they should not be executed.
As for what another man earns, that is not my concern if it is done without crime. My Father takes care of me, not the government.
As for the notion that it is proper for the US Supreme Court to impose the agenda of the religious left on the American people by destroying the sovereignty of the state of Indiana, that is too immoral for words.
Indiana should have the right to decide what to do without people from other states calling for the Supreme Court to violate the US Constitution to interfere and diminish Indiana's sovereignty.
Indiana never voted to legalize sodomy.
As for John MacArthur, I agree that the evangelization of the lost is more important than controlling the political agenda. However, once we have evangelized a person, we need to teach doctrine and apologetics so we know what Christianity stands for. And it is clear that Christianity does not stand for the sodomization of certain throw-away persons in the society.
Furthermore, it is clear that Christianity stands for a just society. MacArthur's point says that the Christian agenda is not comprehensive. I would reply to him that we have a list of priorities and first things first and then we will go on building the Christian society as best we can from a minority position in the world. Having listened to MacArthur for years, I am sure that he agrees that his criticism is narrow. Government is a natural function of man and good government that protects the weak among other things is necessary. American government has become predatory in its refusal to punish crime and in its attacks upon the lower class with lotteries, etc.
The Archbishop of Canterbury presides over a decayed church with empty buildings and yet millions in the bank. Having embraced a neo-orthodox theology, the Archbishop of Canterbury wonders why no one believes the teachings of the Church of England or bothers to attend it.
If we are talking about justice from a Christian perspective, then we can say that the command of the king as law of the land is rotten if the king bases the law upon his personal whims and the traditions of the people of the land. Man does not know good from evil unless man receives that knowledge from The Holy Bible.
Natural law, which the British destroyed, was not nonsense on stilts. It said that the Creator had placed a knowledge of right and wrong in every person. That is true but sin mutes that knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary for the survival of people that all law be based upon Christianity and the teachings of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.