1) Adam received a curse for breaking covenant with God.
Where in the Bible is that taught????
The Bible is clear, the serpent was cursed
The ground was cursed.
Adam was never cursed.
Also, Adam made no Covenant with God, but that really isn't important.
God gave Adam a rule and Adam broke it.
You have it wrong. Jesus never experienced Adam's fate.
That is precisely what Jesus experienced.
Adam was told that the price for sin was death.
Jesus DIED for sins.
The wages of sin is DEATH.
If he had, he would not have been able to redeem sinners.
On the contrary, if he did not suffer Adam's fate, he would be unable to redeem sinners.
He took upon himself the fate meted out because of the fall........death.
This "curse" you keep hearkening to is found absolutely nowhere in Scripture.
2) Jesus chose his fate, which was an obedient act of penal sacrifice upon the cross to redeem all those whom the Father gave him to redeem. He willingly died and endured the cross. He had all authority to choose otherwise.
Yes, that is Christianity 101.
3) You seem to openly deny the deity of Christ Jesus, making him just another man like Adam.
I affirm the deity of Jesus Christ.
He is the second member of the Trinity and a member of the Godhead.
However, I believe he incarnated as a man.
He absolutely
He was as absolutely human as anyone. He was in fact, the "second Adam". Docetism is also heresy. He was human in every sense that Adam was human, and in every sense that you and I are human.
4) The penal substitution is the paid in full sacrifice for all whom the Father has given. The resurrection is proof that Jesus is who he always claimed, God incarnate.
Again, that is Christianity 101.
HoS, your theology has been historically condemned,
So has yours.
Gnostic Neo-Platonism is pagan and also historically condemned.
Docetism is also historically condemned.
from your Pelagian position
I don't care about your boogey-man word "Pelagian".
It means nothing coming from the mouth of those who know nothing about Pelagius.
I consider your Theology Gnostic heresy.
I consider your Theology Docetic.
But, the labels don't help Austin.
What matters is the content of what one believes and whether it aligns with God's word.
What we should be debating is what is taught in the text, and what that means.
Calling people names and affixing labels is not helpful.
to your teaching on the deity of Christ,
I affirm the deity of Jesus Christ.
to your rejection of penal substitution.
I affirm Penal Substitution.
The wages of sin was death.
Jesus died for sins.
I doubt, very much, that you have anything to do with a Baptist Church.
Much to your dismay, I am very in the thick of Baptist Church life.
I could link you to numerous of my sermons on Youtube.
They are perfectly Orthodox, and driven entirely by the text itself.
I was going to say, "I hate to dissapoint"....but, that would be untrue.