Did you read the link, as pretty clear NOT teaching and holding to sound doctrines!not true. partial truths are complete lies.
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Did you read the link, as pretty clear NOT teaching and holding to sound doctrines!not true. partial truths are complete lies.
The Word of Faith church doctrine. This is the doctrine of the people I worked with.....
We believe in one God manifested as: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the first begotten Son of God, was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary; was crucified and died; was buried and resurrected; ascended into heaven and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father.
We believe the Bible in its entirety to be the inspired Word of God.
We believe in the eternal happiness of the saved, and the eternal punishment of the lost.
We believe in the personal salvation of believers through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
We believe in sanctification through the Word of God and by the Holy Spirit.
We believe in divine healing through faith in the Name of Jesus Christ.
We believe in water baptism and the baptism of the Holy Spirit as distinct from the New Birth.
We believe in the Christian’s hope; the soon-coming, personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Nothing you quoted here!
Word of faith = positive thinking to the point you lie to yourself. Nothing more.I am white, with tough luck going in, of Scottish descent, and at one time a very negative guy.
1. Born on a Marine Corp Base
2. From town to town and never a popular guy in school
3. Was convinced I was stupid and made poor grades - Barely graduated high school
4. Would attend Baptist churches and participated in the retreats
5. Regrettably fell in with the world and the party scene
6. Renewed at 17 in a Pentecostal Holiness church
7. Depressed as my generation did not possess the same spirit as the older and more disciplined generation.
In the 1990's our factory hired several VT football players who were all black and of Word of Faith doctrine. In all my years of knowing these guys I have never once heard the first negative word out of their mouth, everything they spoke was faith. They called me, "McCwowt" and would say things like...
"Do you know what over comes fear McCwowt? Action! Action overcomes fear!"
"I'm getting out of here McCwowt!" And then lay out some plan of escape. They would also come to me asking...
"What are you believing God for McCwowt?" And expect some great plan that would bring joy to their hearts.
They were also very schooled in the Word of Faith. If you had any pains at all they would offer to pray for you right then and there. They also broke me of my negative talk and for that I am eternally grateful.
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. - 1 John 5:4
I recommend that new Christians cut their teeth on the Word of Faith. Moving on once the faith is in place. Faith.... You are not going anywhere Christian wise without it!
Since fellowshipping with those guys I got a couple of Associate degrees Magna Cum Laude with the Who's Who Award. And I was also at a University level programming contest and won first place. I also moved up into the Lab as a Lab Technician at my factory. The Word of Faith... I wish I would have learned it earlier!
Sanctification... People have went overboard on this one, with some calling out a rigid dress code. Thoughtful points though, thank you.Just because some doctrinal views are wrong, does not mean the lost cannot come to faith, or strengthen their faith in those fellowships. Some fellowships seem to come closer to scriptural truth than others, but I suspect most hold some flawed views.
Areas in the above that may be flawed:
1) the first begotten Son of God. If this means the foremost and unique Son of God, then fine.
2) We believe in sanctification through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. This is too vague.
3) We believe in divine healing through faith in the name of Jesus. Too vague
4) We believe in water baptism and the baptism of the Holy Spirit as distinct from the New Birth. Too vague
Other than the above lack of clarity, I thought the statement was spot on.
Had I learned faith earlier I sure would have done better.Word of faith = positive thinking to the point you lie to yourself. Nothing more.
I am white, with tough luck going in, of Scottish descent, and at one time a very negative guy.
1. Born on a Marine Corp Base
2. From town to town and never a popular guy in school
3. Was convinced I was stupid and made poor grades - Barely graduated high school
4. Would attend Baptist churches and participated in the retreats
5. Regrettably fell in with the world and the party scene
6. Renewed at 17 in a Pentecostal Holiness church
7. Depressed as my generation did not possess the same spirit as the older and more disciplined generation.
In the 1990's our factory hired several VT football players who were all black and of Word of Faith doctrine. In all my years of knowing these guys I have never once heard the first negative word out of their mouth, everything they spoke was faith. They called me, "McCwowt" and would say things like...
"Do you know what over comes fear McCwowt? Action! Action overcomes fear!"
"I'm getting out of here McCwowt!" And then lay out some plan of escape. They would also come to me asking...
"What are you believing God for McCwowt?" And expect some great plan that would bring joy to their hearts.
They were also very schooled in the Word of Faith. If you had any pains at all they would offer to pray for you right then and there. They also broke me of my negative talk and for that I am eternally grateful.
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. - 1 John 5:4
I recommend that new Christians cut their teeth on the Word of Faith. Moving on once the faith is in place. Faith.... You are not going anywhere Christian wise without it!
Since fellowshipping with those guys I got a couple of Associate degrees Magna Cum Laude with the Who's Who Award. And I was also at a University level programming contest and won first place. I also moved up into the Lab as a Lab Technician at my factory. The Word of Faith... I wish I would have learned it earlier!
My testimony is exactly like George Clark Rankin's ( George Clark Rankin. The Story of My Life Or More Than a Half Century As I Have Lived It and Seen It Lived Written by Myself at My Own Suggestion and That of Many Others Who Have Known and Loved Me) 100 years before me... "Grandfather was kind to me and considerate of me, yet he was strict with me. I worked along with him in the field when the weather was agreeable and when it was inclement I helped him in his hatter's shop, for the Civil War was in progress and he had returned at odd times to hatmaking. It was my business in the shop to stretch foxskins and coonskins across a wood-horse and with a knife, made for that purpose, pluck the hair from the fur. I despise the odor of foxskins and coonskins to this good day. He had me to walk two miles every Sunday to Dandridge to Church service and Sunday-school, rain or shine, wet or dry, cold or hot; yet he had fat horses standing in his stable. But he was such a blue-stocking Presbyterian that he never allowed a bridle to go on a horse's head on Sunday. The beasts had to have a day of rest. Old Doctor Minnis was the pastor, and he was the dryest and most interminable preacher I ever heard in my life. He would stand motionless and read his sermons from manuscript for one hour and a half at a time and sometimes longer. Grandfather would sit and never take his eyes off of him, except to glance at me to keep me quiet. It was torture to me." - George Clark RankinPlease share, with some detail, when, where, age, etc., your born-again experience occurred.
Or as they say'God begats little gods, so God Himself is bound by Laws of faith, so make sure to boss Him around"Word of faith = positive thinking to the point you lie to yourself. Nothing more.
NOT the fsith as wof teaches, as that would be more akin to witchcraft!Had I learned faith earlier I sure would have done better.
My testimony is exactly like George Clark Rankin's ( George Clark Rankin. The Story of My Life Or More Than a Half Century As I Have Lived It and Seen It Lived Written by Myself at My Own Suggestion and That of Many Others Who Have Known and Loved Me) 100 years before me... "Grandfather was kind to me and considerate of me, yet he was strict with me. I worked along with him in the field when the weather was agreeable and when it was inclement I helped him in his hatter's shop, for the Civil War was in progress and he had returned at odd times to hatmaking. It was my business in the shop to stretch foxskins and coonskins across a wood-horse and with a knife, made for that purpose, pluck the hair from the fur. I despise the odor of foxskins and coonskins to this good day. He had me to walk two miles every Sunday to Dandridge to Church service and Sunday-school, rain or shine, wet or dry, cold or hot; yet he had fat horses standing in his stable. But he was such a blue-stocking Presbyterian that he never allowed a bridle to go on a horse's head on Sunday. The beasts had to have a day of rest. Old Doctor Minnis was the pastor, and he was the dryest and most interminable preacher I ever heard in my life. He would stand motionless and read his sermons from manuscript for one hour and a half at a time and sometimes longer. Grandfather would sit and never take his eyes off of him, except to glance at me to keep me quiet. It was torture to me." - George Clark Rankin
George Clark Rankin was then sent to Georgia after his grandfather could no longer care for him. With his belongings in a satchel he had a Colt's navy pistol of a large make. It was an old weapon, and what under the sun I wanted with it is a mystery to me to this good day. I reached the station in time to catch the eleven-o' clock train. I purchased my ticket and boarded the car for the first time in my life. I had one lone lorn fifty-cent piece left in my depleted purse, and that was the sum and substance of my finances for the rest of the trip. As the train whizzed along I looked first at the people and then through the window at the country and thought over my journey and what was to come of it. At nine o'clock we reached Dalton and disembarked. I had never been in a hotel. I saw one not far from the depot and went to it. I asked the clerk what he would charge me for a room that night and he said fifty cents. That was exactly my pile! I called for the accommodation, but before retiring I told him I wanted to leave very early the next morning for Spring Place and that I would pay him then, for no one would be up when I would leave. He smiled and took the silver half dollar. I went to my room, and solitude is no name for the room I occupied that night. After a while I fell into a sound sleep and awoke bright and early the next morning. It was not good daylight. I arose and hastened downstairs, and there sat the same clerk whom I had the night before it had never dawned on me that a hotel clerk sat up all night. I thanked him for his kindness and bade him good-bye in regular old country style.
It was not long until I was in the road and making tracks across the country to where my uncle lived. It was in 1866 and the marks of Sherman's march to the sea were everywhere visible. The country was very much out of repair and all around Dalton the earth was marked with breastworks. Every hill showed signs of war. Much of the fencing had not been restored and here and there I could see blackened chimneys still standing. After I had gotten out a few miles I stopped and took that old pistol with its belt and scabbard out of my satchel and buckled the war paraphernalia around my person on the outside of my coat. Just why I did this I cannot explain. I must have looked a caution in my homespun suit and rural air trudging along that highway with that old army pistol fastened around me. In going down a hill toward a ravine from which there was another hill in front of me I met two men horseback. They spoke to me and eyed me very curiously, but, strange to say, I could not tell why. Why would not men eye such a looking war arsenal as that? There were two others riding down the hill in front of me, and as the first two passed me they stopped and looked back at the others and shouted: "Lookout, boys, he is loaded!"
"Do you accept him as your Savior?"
"I certainly do, and have always done so."
"Can you think of any sin that is between you and the Savior?"
"No, sir; for I have never committed any bad sins."
My daily prayer goes something like this.... My Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. By kingdom come thy will be done as in earth as it is in heaven. Give me today my daily bread and forgive me my debts as I forgive my debtors. Lead me not into sin but deliver me from evil for thine is the power! And the light! And the energy! Forever more! And Father I pray healing and protection for all who call on thy name, whether it be virus or any ailment we may possess. Also praying deliverance and protection from this Corona virus. For I ask these things in Jesus name! Amen!I have searched all of your post for any indication of the Holy Spirit convicting you of your sins, bad(?) or otherwise.
Perhaps I missed it.
This testimony gives me additional concern about your salvation. Only you and God know with certainty.
Biblical salvation noting the reference to the Word of Faith...I have searched all of your post for any indication of the Holy Spirit convicting you of your sins, bad(?) or otherwise.
Perhaps I missed it.
This testimony gives me additional concern about your salvation. Only you and God know with certainty.
WoF also teaches that jesus died as a sinner, needed to get born again, as first of many, as all of the saved will be as Him, gods!Biblical salvation noting the reference to the Word of Faith...
Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. - Acts 16:30-31
The word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. - Romans 10:8-9
This turns the fruit of the Holy Spirit into the works of the flesh. Nothing more false than this interpretation.Biblical salvation noting the reference to the Word of Faith...
Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. - Acts 16:30-31
The word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. - Romans 10:8-9
I have never heard this taught and don't know what you are talking about.WoF also teaches that jesus died as a sinner, needed to get born again, as first of many, as all of the saved will be as Him, gods!