Concerning gluttony, I have to take issue with you. Heart disease and diabetes are two of the leading killers in America (heart disease is #1), and they are nearly always brought on by gluttony.
Not true. Most heart disease is hereditary. Diet doesn't help someone who is genetically predisposed, but cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and high cholesterol are almost exclusively hereditary.
Heritability studies were enabled by data MCG is collecting on 500 pairs of twins – blacks and whites, identical and fraternal – to determine whether environmental stress is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Identical twins have identical genes and fraternal twins share about 50 percent of their genes, much like normal siblings.
“Any differences between identical twins must be due to the environment,” says Dr. Harold Snieder, genetic epidemiologist. “So you can quantify the part that is due to genetics,” he says, noting that heritability provides an aggregate look at the effect of genes, many of which may still be unknown.
Across both races they found that lipid levels, which include so-called good cholesterol, HDL, and bad cholesterol, LDL, as well as triglycerides, are 60 percent to 80 percent determined by genetics.
A separate study found heart rate variability – the heart’s ability to respond to changing demands – was heritable and equally so, about 70 percent, among young blacks and whites, Dr. Snieder says.
The number of gambling addicts pales compared to the number of heart patients and diabetics.
Also not true. According to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the number of non-institutionalized adults with diagnosed heart disease: 26.5 million, or 11.5% of the population. According to the
National Institutes for Health, the number of diabetics in the U.S. is 25.8 million, or about 10.5% of the population of the U.S. Three in four of diabetics come from a strong family history of diabetes, according the
American Diabetes Assocation. And the number of diabetics who suffer from heart disease is about 16.75 million, according to
The American Heart Association. The
National Gambling Impact Study Commission, found that between 15 and 20 million, or about five to seven percent of the U.S. population, exhibits evidence of problem, or disordered, gambling. That's hardly a number that "pales in comparison" to the number diagnosed with heart disease or diabetes. Keep in mind, these are numbers of
diagnosed cases, in all arenas. The numbers for all these afflictions are therefore likely higher.
You gave us some of your history and it's very touching, and I am glad that God brought you out of the bondage you were in. Now, here is mine. All my life I have avoided eating healthy foods, preferring to load up on fats, sugars and salty foods. I was never obese but my body was being punished. Now I have had a coronary (cost $110,000), continuing hypertension and borderline diabetes. I have a greatly reduced life expectancy. And my doctor's office is full of patients just like me or worse.
I'm sorry you're having to bear the weight of these burdens. I will pray for you, and I'm serious when I say that. Obviously you know that diet and exercise are extremely important to your well-being. But as you said, you were never obese, yet you have developed these diseases nonetheless. Now let me ask you, did your parents suffer from either of these afflictions?
So don't tell me that gambling is as bad as gluttony.
OK. I'll let the statistics tell you that. Not equally as bad, from a population standpoint, but it isn't a small problem either.
Problem gamblers are relatively rare.
Five to seven percent of Americans isn't a number for a "rare" affliction, and among our veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, the number of men and women suffering from disordered gambling is closer to ten percent, almost all of them also exhibiting qualifying symptoms for a diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. If the flu had hit that high a number of infections, the CDC would be closing down air travel and declaring a national state of emergency.
However, there are millions of people just like me all over this country, with major medical issues that they have due to their gluttony.
Sorry, but it is more of an heredity issue, as the numbers bear out.
Lest you misunderstand, I'm not downplaying problem gambling. When it occurs the damage is enormous. However, it doesn't occur often enough to come anywhere close to the damage done by gluttony, which is almost universal.
I must apologize in advance here, but like most Americans, you do not know how serious the disordered gambling problem in this country has become, and it is getting worse.