I realize you have decided I am your enemy, but I want to point out something that I see from what you tell us about your life:
You have very strong convictions until a woman is involved. Then it seems that all bets are off and you lose every conviction you have previously claimed to justify whatever relationship you want to enter into or want to get out of.
The scriptures show us this tremendous weakness of men, over and over, to think with their urges and not with their minds.
Women are not inherently tempters, but men should not compromise who they are just to be with them. You are making yourself a fraud before God, the woman, and the world when you cast aside what you have claimed to be the essence and character of your faith.
At the same time, I would be delighted if you changed some of your theology, thinking and attitudes, so I am not against you rethinking the big issues, but don't do that in the context of trying to get together with a woman. If it even "works", both of you will be unhappy and you with have betrayed your testimony.
I would recommend you conduct yourself by not moving forward. evangelist6589, I don't know you or your personal situation, but from some things you and others have posted here, you have a wife from who you are divorced and that you are both professing Christians. Is that correct? If so, the Bible teaching from I Corinthians 7:10-11 is to remain unmarried in hopes of reconciliation.
She has refused to reconcile and does not respond to any of my messages. Nothing I can do about that.