"Godly tone"?
Was it a "godly tone" when Jesus called the pharisees "vipers and hypocrites"? Or when He referred to a woman as a dog? (a serious slur in Middle Eastern countries)
Or when Paul rebuked Peter?
Sometimes the rebukes are harsh; but they're always godly. You just have to decide if your skin is thick enough to accept them, or if you want momma to pat you on the head and let you cry on her shoulder.
Was it a "godly tone" when Jesus called the pharisees "vipers and hypocrites"? Or when He referred to a woman as a dog? (a serious slur in Middle Eastern countries)
Or when Paul rebuked Peter?
Sometimes the rebukes are harsh; but they're always godly. You just have to decide if your skin is thick enough to accept them, or if you want momma to pat you on the head and let you cry on her shoulder.