CTB - I'm not understanding how your question about doctors or insurance employees apply to the woman's situation. Please explain.
From the article CTB provided:
Still, Sundby may need to find a different health care provider, since her doctor at UC San Diego is only participating in one plan offered by Anthem Blue Cross in the exchange, but the same policy is not accepted at Stanford. (“Stanford takes a different Blue Cross plan, one that uses a broader preferred provider network of doctors, but that plan is not available in San Diego.”) If Sundby continues to see the non-participating doctors, she will incur additional out-of-pocket health care costs.
See, here's the problem with saying that she would pay less:
She can't get the same policy.
So the statement that she would pay less --
can't be accurately measured until you compare it with her being able to keep her doctor
and be seen at the hospital where her care has occurred *under the ACA*. What we're really saying is: "You can get it cheaper, but you can't have your doctor or your hospital that you're comfortable with, and who have been responsible for keeping you alive to this point"....